If this is to dismantle a main battery turret, in a frontal artillery battle, the destroyer’s firepower can be weakened, whether it is worth it, Ye Bai is still a little hesitant, after all, so far, he has not encountered a submarine.

This is not to say that there are no submarines in the indigenous forces or pirate forces, but he has not encountered it, after all, the attack ability of submarines that use torpedoes as the main attack weapon is indeed powerful, but speed is a big problem.

Take the type VIIIC submarine that Ye Bai just obtained as an example, the maximum speed on the surface is only 18 knots, and the maximum underwater speed is even lower, only about 8 knots, such a speed is too slow, if not hidden underwater, haunted, I am afraid that it will be eliminated.

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Bai finally canceled this plan, instead of dismantling a main battery turret, it was better to wait for the engineers and experts of the shipyard to thoroughly study the construction drawings of the Benson-class destroyer, determine a modification plan, make a slight adjustment to the superstructure of the battleship, and free up some space at the stern for the installation of depth charge projectiles.

With the construction drawings of the more advanced Fletcher-class destroyer in hand, I think this problem should be difficult for the experts, not to mention that it is really impossible to get it, and the group of scientists in the scientific research center to help.

Having spent such a big price to make the scientific research center operate, it is not for them to eat dry food and not work for nothing.

However, as a Fletcher-class destroyer, the Changning can be modified, anyway, there is enough hull length to be modified, according to the depth charge projectile.

With the help of the system panel that had not yet been closed, an operation was carried out on the battleship modification interface, two depth charges were dropped on the track, and six K-type depth charge launchers were placed in place, which could throw depth charges 160 meters away, enough to carry 56 depth charges.

With anti-submarine weapons, the detection equipment that can find submarines is naturally not less, C sonar detection is installed on the Changning, so that the Changning has transformed itself, with extremely powerful anti-submarine capabilities, really to encounter with the submarine, it is difficult to avoid the detection of the Changning.

As for the Benson-class destroyer, which is destined to be eliminated sooner or later, Ye Bai is not ready to transform for the time being, so it remains unchanged, anyway, before the system mall changes again, it can be transformed at any time through the power of the system, there is no need to rush.

Ye Bai is busy, and the others are not idle, in the small space of the logistics cabin, Lin Yongsheng and Huang Jianxun have taken their subordinates to board the Jiutai and Zhen’an, and have been initially familiar with the performance and various subsystems of the battleship, and then started the battleship, teleported to the outside world through the teleportation platform on the sea, and joined the formation navigation.

With the addition of these two warships, the strength of the entire Huaxia fleet has instantly improved, in addition to the flagship Yanhuang, it also has 2 light cruisers and 4 destroyers, and one Zhiyuan continues to undergo transformation, and when the transformation is complete, the destroyers in the fleet will reach the scale of 5.

Such a powerful fleet also belongs to Ye Bai alone, it can be said that it has surpassed all players, even those players who have also obtained the fleet order and formed a formal fleet recognized by the system will not be Ye Bai’s opponent.

Unless a large number of players form a huge fleet to besiege him, but if that is the case, with the long-distance reconnaissance of the carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft, Ye Bai can completely detect the movements of the players in advance, so as to quickly evade them.

With the small space of the logistics cabin, which has been initially formed, Ye Bai does not need to dock on any island to obtain corresponding supplies, and in the vast sea, it is simply a fool’s dream to find the Huaxia fleet.

During the fleet’s voyage, the pilots of the carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft responsible for reconnaissance of the surrounding waters would report the discovered targets to the Yanhuang through the airborne radio from time to time, but most of them were player warships of three or three, not to mention the small number, and they were basically players of the Blue Star camp.

This situation is naturally not worth Ye Bai’s attention, occasionally there have been found alien player battleships, as well as a small number of pirate warships, for this kind of hostile forces, if the distance is too far, if the distance is closer, Ye Bai will let the light cruisers under his command take the initiative with destroyers.

This small number of warships, there is no need to send a carrier-based aircraft group for long-range bombing, or let cruisers and destroyers train their hands, the rules of the system have changed, the officers and crew recruited by the player from the system although the ability is different, but not static, with continuous combat and sea navigation, the ability will also be improved.

Although Ye Bai has always been very lucky when recruiting personnel, and the ability level of most of the crew members recruited is not low, but if he can continue to improve his ability, Ye Bai will not refuse.

Now that the size of the fleet has expanded and its strength has increased, this kind of scattered two or three enemy force warships does not need to be dispatched by the whole army, and some warships can be done with sorties, and they can also be trained by the way.

The most important thing is that the system rules have not changed, and the warships damaged in naval battles can still be repaired by purchasing maintenance materials from the system mall and then repaired by the ship’s maintenance personnel, which is not expensive.

But Ye Bai knew in his heart that as time passed, the rules on the maintenance of battleships would change sooner or later, and by that time, once the battleship was damaged and wanted to repair it again, it would not be possible for the maintenance personnel on the battleship to do it, and the time and money required would not be as small as it is now.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, it is just right for the light cruisers and destroyers under him to train troops on a large scale, further improve the capabilities of the officers and men of the fleet and the cooperation between them, and save a lot of money.

I don’t know if those other players have realized this, before the system rules are changed again, it is already a benefit given by the system, and those who do not seize this opportunity will regret it.

The captain of the light cruiser Dongyang is Lieutenant Major Lin Zhuzhong, and the captain of the light cruiser Jiutai who has just joined the fleet is Lieutenant Major Lin Yongsheng, but whenever it is necessary to attack, it is Lin Yongsheng who commands the Jiutai and several destroyers, with Lin Yongsheng as the formation commander.

With the expansion of the size of the fleet, Ye Bai already had an idea in his heart, that is, to divide the warships in the fleet into different formations, for example, after the transformation of the Zhiyuan is completed, the number of destroyers in the fleet will reach 5, and a destroyer formation can be formed after completion.

As for the choice of the formation commander, Ye Bai has also already considered it, Deng Shichang, the naval lieutenant colonel, is the best choice, the dignified naval lieutenant commander can only command a destroyer, he is already a little aggrieved, and the position of a formation commander can be regarded as making up for him.

The number of light cruisers is currently only 2, which seems to be less, Ye Bai is ready not to set up a formation for the time being, but directly under the command of Lütyans, according to the development of the war, you can join the destroyer formation at any time, enhance the strength of the destroyer formation, in peacetime, stay by the Yanhuang as a guard with a knife.

After 3 sorties in a row, sinking a total of 8 alien player warships and pirate warships before and after, and harvesting several dropped treasure chests again, the officers and men of the newly joined fleet Jiutai and Zhen’an have become more tacit, and after experiencing actual combat, they are more familiar with the performance of battleships.

When the Zhiyuan had not yet completed its transformation, the candidates for the commander of the sortie formation were Lin Yongsheng and Lin Luzhong, anyway, whoever led the attack was the formation commander.

This is also Ye Bai’s other test for the two, that is, to investigate the fleet command ability of the two through actual combat, as for the examiner, it is naturally Lü Teyans, the rear admiral, anyway, this is also his strong point. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After 3 actual combat tests, in Lü Teyans’s view, Lin Yongsheng and Lin Luzhong’s military ranks are also lieutenants, and their fleet command ability is similar, but it makes Ye Bai fall into happy troubles.

If the scale of light cruisers is expanded in the future, after forming a light cruiser formation, I really don’t know who to appoint as the formation commander, after all, both have similar abilities.

With the return of the last sortie fleet, one after another carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft that had completed reconnaissance missions in the sky also landed on the flight deck of the Yanhuang, and this day passed like this.

At nightfall, the entire fleet remained as usual, moored on the sea, keeping the lights under control and minimizing its presence.

The Yanhuang is located in the most central position, and the two light cruisers Dongyang (Hao Zhao’s) and Jiutai are distributed on both sides of the Yanhuang for close protection, while the existing four destroyers are docked in the outer circle to form the first line of defense, firmly protecting the Yanhuang, which has lost all combat capability.

During the night break, Ye Bai contacted Wu Yichun again, wanting to ask him if his player organization had found the existence of resource points, after all, although it can rely on a large number of carrier-based reconnaissance aircraft for long-distance reconnaissance, but compared to the player organization with a large number of player assistance, Ye Bai is still more than one step worse in finding resource points.

In the previous [Yellow Sea Battle] copy space, because of Ye Bai’s help, Wu Yichun upgraded his ship to the level of a light cruiser, becoming the first sequence master in the player group, and naturally more valued by the high-level of his organization.

Once again improved Wu Yichun’s status in the player organization, although he still could not enter the core decision-making level of the organization, but the channels for obtaining information were much wider, and this guy knew Ye Bai’s purpose for letting him stay in the player organization, and he drew inferences from one case to another, using his identity to connect with player organizations in other Z countries and even other Blue Star countries.

Although this not very close relationship cannot allow Wu Yichun to probe the secret information and intelligence of the player organization, some ordinary information can still be collected.

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