However, Ye Bai did not have the heart to watch the painful groans of these players at this time, and he had to continue to study this game system.

Several other sectors have been figured out, only the final trading section and the crew section have not yet been seen.

First of all, the trading section was opened, but it was empty, there was nothing, it was normal to think about it, now everyone has just entered the world of exploration, many people have not even figured out the situation, where can things be traded.

Unlike the open mall section of the system, this trading section is used for private transactions between players, but it is not known whether this transaction can be participated by all players or players on the same planet, which is not known for the time being.

Among the several major plates, the last crew plate is what Ye Bai is most looking forward to, and you can see at the name that this should be a place where Ye Bai can recruit crews, which is the most important function for a dry duck like Ye Bai.

Driving a boat, he can't, cannon, as an adult man, unorthodox nature will, serious he really can't.

In this case, if there is no crew to help, he can't even drive the ship away, not to mention if he drives the patrol boat under his feet to fight with those alien players, not to send death, so in order to be able to live better, Ye Bai urgently needs the help of professional crew.

As soon as the crew section was opened, many character icons appeared on the transparent panel, Ye Bai looked over one by one, and saw that these character icons were divided into navigators, lookouts, engine soldiers, drivers, artillery crew members, damage management members, ordinary sailors, etc., etc., including almost all the personnel of all positions on a warship.

Ye Bai guessed correctly, this crew section is indeed for players to recruit crews, but as a player, you can only choose a certain type of crew, and then randomly recruited by the system, as for whether the recruit is a novice or a veteran, it depends on the player's luck.

Can't help but rub his hands a little excitedly, Ye Bai was about to recruit a few crew members first and start the patrol boat, but the prompt from the game system made his face completely black in an instant.

This fucking mother, this crew plate is the same as the previous mall plate, it belongs to something that can be seen and touched, if you want to recruit a crew, it also costs money, Ye Bai is now poor, where is the money to recruit the crew.

Feeling bored, he closed the system plate, and Ye Bai did not continue to stop at the bridge, and went down the stairs to the horizontal deck again, standing at the bow of the ship, looking at the slightly undulating sea, and his heart could be described as a hundred flavors.

The current situation is very bad, without money, it is impossible to recruit crews, and without the help of professional crews, Ye Bai simply cannot guarantee that he can survive in such a large seafaring world.

And not only him, there must be many players like him today, after all, the players who can steer the boat by themselves are always only a few, and most players do not know how to drive the boat at all.

Ye Bai shook his head a little helplessly, he didn't believe that the mysterious existence behind it would give all players such a mortal start, there must be something he overlooked.

At this moment, Ye Bai's originally somewhat empty eyes instantly froze, stepped forward two steps to the edge of the patrol boat, and frowned and looked at the sea in front of him.

I saw the originally empty sea surface, and I don't know when a square wooden box suddenly appeared, which was undulating on the sea.

Ye Bai was very sure that just now, this wooden box still did not exist, as if it was suddenly refreshed, such a strange scene made Ye Bai subconsciously think that this wooden box may not be so simple.

Seeing that the wooden box was still some distance away from the patrol boat, Ye Bai's heart moved, and he quickly looked around the deck for suitable tools, ready to fish up the wooden box to see, there may be a solution to his current dilemma inside.

But there were not many things on the patrol boat, and there were even fewer tools that could be used to pick up wooden boxes in the seawater, and after looking for a long time, Ye Bai only found a harpoon that could be used as a tool.

However, at this time, the wooden box, which was still some distance away from the patrol boat, had unknowingly approached the edge of the patrol boat and was about to hit the side of the boat.

At this time, Ye Bai couldn't help but look for other tools, so he used the harpoon in his hand and finally fished up the wooden box in the sea. (Don't be real, it's just a process anyway, the author himself doesn't know if you can get the wooden box with a harpoon, so you can do it all)

Putting the wooden box on the front deck, Ye Bai, who had consumed a lot of strength, sat down on the deck and rested for a while before he regained his spirits and prepared to open the wooden box to see what was inside.

As soon as the wooden box was opened, several things appeared on the deck, but the box disappeared, and at the same time the system's prompt sound sounded in Ye Bai's ears:

[Congratulations to the player for successfully opening the material treasure chest and getting 1KG of whole wheat bread, 2000ml of purified water, and 300 yuan of money].

Ye Bai glanced at the things on the deck with some surprise, and sure enough, as stated in the system prompt, a large bag of bread, a large bottle of pure water, and three banknotes with a denomination of 100 yuan, presumably the universal currency in the world of navigation.

Seeing such a thing, Ye Bai's heart was finally relieved, sure enough, the system will not give players a dead start, but will still give certain newbie benefits, but these newbie benefits are not directly distributed to all players, but through the way of wooden boxes drifting on the sea, players need to rely on their own ability to fish.

But anyway, with these materials, at least it can meet Ye Bai's food and drinking needs for a day, at least there is no need to worry about starvation, as for the greater use of money, whether it is buying materials in the mall section, or recruiting professional crew, it is inseparable from money.

With the first harvest, Ye Bai now felt that he was full of strength, got up from the deck again, walked to the bow position again, looked around, and stared closely at the situation on the sea, ready to look for the next wooden box.

When checking the crew section before, Ye Bai had noticed that most of the crew members needed 500 yuan for the recruitment price, and he was currently only 300 yuan, which was still some distance from recruiting the crew, and he urgently needed to get more wooden boxes.

I don't know if it's the setting of the system, or the special rules of the great navigation world, the wooden boxes on the sea surface are not endless, and after picking up the first wooden box, it took a full hour before Ye Bai saw the shadow of the second wooden box again.

After picking up the second wooden box and opening it, I found that the contents were similar to the first wooden box, only basic food, pure water and 300 yuan, and there were very few things.

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