Under the violent shaking of the Yanhuang in the storm, the chair under Ye Bai's butt and the desk in front of him were as if nailed to the deck of the bridge, without the slightest movement, which was convenient for Ye Bai's action.

Opening the drawer, Ye Bai took out the one-time one-person copy order that he had stored in it before, which was the method he had just come up with, that is, to enter the copy space directly through this copy order, so that he would not have to suffer in this storm.

Ye Bai did not directly use this copy order before, but put it away, because he was too hesitant, not only reluctant to pass the reward after passing the copy, but also worried that the copy was too dangerous, and he couldn't make up his mind to take this risk.

But this sudden storm, on the contrary, made Ye Bai make up his mind, or just like the coin theory, when you are hesitant, throw the coin in your hand, no matter what the result is, in fact, at the moment the coin is shot, in fact, you already understand your mind, this storm is the coin that Ye Bai lacks.

[The system has detected that the player is using a single copy order (one-time) and is randomly selecting a single copy space, please wait...]

When Ye Bai smashed the single-person copy order in his hand, the system's prompt information followed, and some illusory system panels also appeared in front of him, and a series of prompt messages appeared on it:

[The single-player quest space has been selected, please enter the quest space through the quest teleportation portal]

[The system detects that the player has successfully established a fleet, and the player can choose to lead all the warships of the fleet into the copy space together, or select some warships from the fleet to enter the copy space]

In the wind and rain in the sky, a huge white light gate suddenly appeared on the sea in front of the Yanhuang, which was the copy transmission ~ light gate mentioned in the system prompt.

Although because of the storm, looking out from the bridge, the vision was greatly disturbed, and the visibility was not too high, but such a large teleportation light gate was still flashing with a strong white light, as long as it was not blind, it could be seen clearly.

"Staff officer Qi, maintain full speed, enter and exit the teleportation light gate."

"Yes, Captain."

Under the great power of the system, neither Qi Sicheng nor the crew on the Yanhuang were not the slightest bit surprised, but moved quickly, and the Yanhuang, which had been reduced to a few knots, suddenly began to speed up, chopped through the wind and waves, and drilled into the replica teleportation light gate not far ahead.

The distance between the Yanhuang and the replica teleportation light gate was not too far, even if the Yanhuang was in the process of constantly accelerating, it still arrived quickly in less than 1 minute, and did not hesitate to enter through the teleportation light gate.

After the entire hull of the Yanhuang passed through the huge teleportation light gate, this large white light gate gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared completely and disappeared above the sea, except for the heavy rain in the sky, the howling wind, and the churning waves, there was no trace of the Yanhuang.

After successfully passing through the copy teleportation light gate, Ye Bai could clearly feel that the outside environment had suddenly undergone a huge change, the violent wind, heavy rain, and waves had all disappeared, the sun in the sky had tilted, and the sea was even calmer.

Without the storm, the Yanhuang finally stopped shaking, which made Ye Bai breathe a sigh of relief, it seemed that his risky move was worth it, no matter what the outcome, at least he didn't have to bump on the sea.

In fact, after communicating with Kelly and the subsequent transaction was completed, Ye Bai's heart had a great sense of crisis and urgency.

With the opening of islands one after another, especially the nautical maps of the seas near the islands being sold on the islands, it is great news for players who have not long entered the world of great navigation, and players with black eyes have come.

Through the communication and trading between players, a large number of nautical maps will be completely integrated by interested players, not to mention the entire navigation map of the entire navigation world, but at least many players can figure out the general area where they are.

In this way, the official forces, civil organizations or ambitious players of Blue Star countries around the world can give full play to their heritage and use various means to organize a large number of players into a family alliance. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Don't look at the vast majority of players in the great navigation world is not very well developed, but there are many people and great power, as long as a large number of players can be gathered, through the friend transaction between Ye Bai and Kelly before, you can completely concentrate the money in the hands of most players, focus on supporting some elite players, and improve the level of the ship as soon as possible.

0 ask for flowers

In this way, it will instantly accelerate the development speed of some elite players, as long as you can successfully upgrade the ship, you can spend a lot of money in the system mall to improve the main systems and subsystems of the ship, which is much more convenient than Ye Bai.

Fortunately, if players want to successfully upgrade the ship, what they need is not money, but battleship upgrade props, which will not be sold in the system mall at all, that is, there may be in the hands of merchants on the island, but the number is not much, and the level of upgrade props is not high.

Otherwise, these players will rely on the advantage of numbers and concentrate resources for development, and will soon create a lot of elite players, surpassing Ye Bai is a matter of every second.

Such news is undoubtedly a great bad news for Ye Bai, although he was classified into the Blue Star player camp by the system, and even pretended to be a player in country Z, but a fake is a fake after all.

In the great navigation world, Ye Bai is quite insecure, there is no need to mention the enemies of pirate forces and alien players, even if Blue Star players, in Ye Bai's opinion, are not completely trustworthy.

In such an environment, Ye Bai can always believe that only himself, only by improving his strength as much as possible, he can better protect himself, even if his identity is exposed one day, he will be enemies, he has enough confidence to deal with the crisis he faces.

Therefore, after separating from Kelly, Ye Bai was thinking about how to improve his strength as soon as possible, relying only on the salvage of drifting boxes like hitting luck and encountering pirate warships, this routine operation was still not completely satisfactory for Ye Bai, so he hit the idea of a single copy order at that time.

However, at that time, he was worried about the crisis in the copy space, so he couldn't make up his mind, and this sudden storm gave him an excuse to convince himself, and finally used the single-person copy token in his hand and entered the copy space.

Now that you have entered the replica space, there is nothing to get entangled in, and the priority now is to figure out the situation in the replica space as soon as possible and deal with possible crises.

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