Even Akainu, who had always doubted that the Rokuku Senki did not exist, was envious.

If the Rokuku Senki really existed, and if all the navy members practiced the Rokuku Senki… that picture would be too beautiful to imagine!

Ignoring the reactions of everyone in the meeting room, Gion turned to the last photo and continued reading.

【But before I leave, I have to do something here. The slaves of the Tajira Wolf are not pirates, nor are they evil people. They are just a group of poor people who have not joined the World Government and are oppressed. Let’s ignite this corrupt World Government, starting with the Tajira Wolf. I want to leave seeds here that can burn in the future.】

“”Tekira Wolf!”

This name appeared again and instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

What did the owner of the log leave in Tekira Wolf?

The seeds of burning world government?

Was it that dangerous idea? Or was it the Six Treasury Immortal Thief?

He sighed and said:”Who would have thought that 300 years ago, a visitor from outside the world would visit our world? And what greeted him was suffering?”

“”That group of bastards just reaped the fruits of their own actions. Why didn’t he travel through time to our Marine Headquarters!” Garp also complained in frustration.

The high-ranking naval officers in the conference room knew who the bastards Garp was referring to, but they were already accustomed to it, so they chose to ignore Garp’s complaints.

Sengoku also said:”There must be more logs of the Tajira Wolf that have not been discovered. It looks like we have to send someone to the Tajira Wolf. Vice Admiral Gion, this task is left to you.”

Gion nodded and accepted the order happily. She was actually quite curious about the owner of the log.

Tsuru asked with some worry on her face:”Should this matter be reported to the World Government?”

“Even if I don’t report it, they will know it.”Zhan Guo did not shy away from the fact that there were people from the World Government in the meeting room.

The reaction of the people in the meeting room was not very dramatic. After all, the navy was the navy of the World Government. It was not normal for the vice admirals present to be loyal to the World Government.


The power of Mary Geoise on the Red Earth Continent.

After receiving the report from Sengoku, the five treasures of the World Government gathered together because of the shocking log.

“What do you think of what Zhan Guo reported?”Financial God of War Izambaron·V·Nasu Shoulang Saint asked in a low voice.

When he heard the report from Zhan Guo, he once thought that Zhan Guo had gone crazy.

There are also six thieves from outside the world. Isn’t this too ridiculous? How can there be such an outrageous thing and such an outrageous physical skill in the world?

The God of Agriculture Shepard ten Peter Saint said:”The key is that special text. It doesn’t seem like a text that can be created by one person. If it is not the text of a country on the sea, then the authenticity of the matter needs to be confirmed.” Indeed! The magical text of

Chinese characters does not seem to be created by one person. Such text must be continuously interpreted in a civilization to be born.

In other words, even if the owner of the diary is not from outside the world, he is from a civilization that they don’t know.

The God of Law and War, Topman Vochuli Saint, asked with some desire in his tone:”What about the Six Treasury Immortal Thief? After practicing, he can keep himself at his peak for a long time, and have a lifespan of at least a thousand years.”

The five of them will soon be at their peak, and they have even begun to select the next Five Elders. Compared to the Warring States, they are the ones who most desire that the Six Treasury Immortal is real.

“Zhan Guo said that the log is incomplete. I have sent agents to search the Tekira Wolf. I believe there will be results soon.”Saint Marcus Maz, the God of Environment, said.

The other four nodded, and Saint

Jaygolucia Satan, the God of Science and Defense, added:”We also need to issue a reward to find talents who can translate Chinese characters. After all, the navy’s people are not necessarily reliable.”

At this point, Saint Jaygolucia Satan couldn’t help complaining:”The group of untouchables in O’Hara are really something. They have to study blank history. Otherwise, there must be talents who can translate Chinese characters there.”

Saint Jaygolucia Satan did not regret launching a conspiracy order against O’Hara. What he complained about was why O’Hara wanted to study blank history? After all, if they didn’t study blank history, they wouldn’t launch a demon-killing order against O’Hara.

The Celestial Dragons never look for reasons in themselves!

“Let’s offer a worldwide bounty. If the bounty is high, we will find him eventually.” Saint Marcus Maz said calmly.

As long as there are people on the sea who can write Chinese characters, they will not worry about not finding him. After all, the strength of the World Government is there.

Saint Topman Vochuli, the God of Law, said meaningfully:”What I am worried about is the thoughts left by that person. We are born free, who dares to be high and mighty!”

The four people who heard this also turned cold. Talents who do not obey the World Government are the cancer of the world, and the cancer should be removed.

Saint Jaygolucia Satan said:”Do you think that guy is still alive? After all, the Six Treasury Immortal Thief can live forever.……”

Topman Vochulisheng:”If he had not died under the power of nature, he would still be alive now, hiding in the dark and watching the World Government like a poisonous snake.”

“Then let’s offer a bounty! Whether he is still alive or not, we have to find a way to force him out, or make him reveal a flaw.”Saint Jaygolusia Satan, the God of Science and Defense, made the decision.

Saint Topman Vochuli:”How much is the appropriate bounty?”

“1.5 billion Baileys”


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