In the year 1520 of the Sea Circle Calendar, two pieces of news commissioned by the World Government swept across the entire maritime world.

One was that the World Government offered a 1 billion bounty for a scholar who could read Chinese characters, and the other was that the World Government wanted a person called the Originator of Chinese Characters for 1.5 billion.

“” Wow! A billion bounty, how much money does that cost!” Nami looked at the newspaper in her hand with shining eyes.

Chopper said from the side:”It has nothing to do with you anyway, you don’t know how to do it.”

Nami said proudly:”I don’t know how to do it, but Robin knows how to do it! He is the last scholar of O’Hara.”

Seeing that Nami suddenly brought the matter to herself, Robin retorted helplessly:”I am a historian, not a specialist in writing. Unless it is ancient writing, I really can’t do it.”

Robin refuted and took the newspaper handed over by Nami.

“What the hell?”

Robin looked at the newspaper in her hand in surprise.

She actually knew the Chinese characters on it.

Nami, who caught Robin’s handle, said excitedly:”What the hell? You said you don’t know Chinese characters!”


Robin took a serious look at the newspaper, then threw it aside.”I do recognize the words on it, but I’m wanted by the World Government now, so how can I possibly fall into their trap?”

“But why is the World Government suddenly interested in Chinese characters?”Robin wondered to herself.

There were two Chinese characters on the newspaper, which were”Fuck”…

She remembered her mother saying that Chinese characters were their family language, and the number of people who knew Chinese characters on the sea could be counted on one hand.


Whitebeard looked at the newspaper in his hand and said to himself in confusion:”What the hell is the World Government doing? Chinese characters… Why do these square characters look so familiar?”

Whitebeard always felt that he had seen this kind of characters somewhere, but he couldn’t remember it at the critical moment.

Big Mom Pirates


“Take it away! I hate this devilish text, take it away from me quickly!”

The aunt screamed in panic, waving her hands wildly, as if there was something extremely terrifying in the newspaper?

“Mom knows the words on it? And you are so scared?”Charlotte Katakuri frowned and looked at the terrified aunt

“Chinese characters?”

Charlotte Katakuri thought to herself. If these characters could scare her mother so much, what exactly was hidden behind them?


The Beasts Pirates.

Kaido looked at the newspaper in his hand and whispered excitedly:”Did you find out? Has the World Government finally realized the behemoth hidden under the calm sea? In other words… the legend of the Titans is true? Chinese characters… who knows Chinese characters?”

When he was in the Rocks Pirates, he heard rumors about the Titans in a certain kingdom. As an avid beast lover, Kaido has been pursuing the truth of the Titans legend over the years. He also got a record of the Titans legend, but unfortunately the text on it was too special. He searched the entire New World and couldn’t find anyone who understood this text.

I didn’t expect that the World Government would also look for people who know Chinese characters in a big way. Does that mean that the World Government is also chasing the Titans?


A wind called Chinese characters swept across the sea, and Gion came to Tajira Wolf accompanied by the agents of the World Government.

At the same time, the princess of the Kingdom of Alabasta came to the Straw Hat Pirates with a tattered diary.

After seeing Weiwei, Luffy asked happily:”Vivi, are you going to sea with me?”

Vivi shook her head, then took out a tattered notebook from her arms and explained:”I came to you because of what was reported in the newspaper today.”

Robin frowned at the tattered diary in Vivi’s hand.

Robin:”Ancient characters? Or Chinese characters?”

Vivi explained:”It’s Chinese characters. This book was left by the 9th generation king. It is said that it records the ultimate power of our Kingdom of Alabasta.” Robin frowned and asked:”Ultimate power? Are you talking about the ancient weapon Pluto?”

Crocodile has been looking for the legendary ancient weapon Pluto in the Kingdom of Alabasta, and through the previous ancient characters, it has been confirmed that the ancient weapon is not in the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Nami said excitedly:”Could it be a treasure? A treasure that is as rich as a country is also power!”

Sanji said with a lecherous look:”It could also be a beauty.……”

Vivi shook her head and explained,”The ninth king of Alabasta was Queen Setaka, who was known as the Supreme Warrior Queen. During her reign, Alabasta was at its strongest. The treasure she left behind should not be money or beauties.” Robin took the torn diary out of curiosity.

Robin knew that she had just boarded the ship and was not trusted by everyone, so she deliberately said,”I’ll help you translate it. You guys should listen to it.”

Vivi nodded and looked at Robin expectantly. Even the Straw Hat Pirates fell silent, waiting for Robin’s translation.

【After leaving the Tajira Wolf, I came to the Kingdom of Alabasta, which is Nefertiti.·D·Vivi’s country, but she is still nearly 300 years away from being born. 】

After saying this, Robin stopped, and then confronted Vivi with a look of horror.

Robin couldn’t help but ask:”Princess Vivi, are you sure that the content above is not added later?”

Vivi shook her head in confusion.

Sanji exclaimed:”How do you know Vivi, a person from 300 years ago? This is too outrageous, isn’t it?”

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