Saab…… Still alive!!

A bolt from the blue.

Ace’s whole person froze, his pupils contracted violently, and his heart was greatly shocked.

“Lorne! You don’t joke about it! Saab is my best brother! Ace’s tone suddenly became stern.

How could Saab still be alive?

It was he who saw with his own eyes being hit by shells!

Because of the shock and excitement, Ace did not hesitate to wonder how Lorne knew about Saab.

Lorne stared into Ace’s eyes and said sincerely: “It’s not a joke, Saab is really alive, but he has amnesia.” ”

Ace stood up suddenly, his eyes full of hope but anger, and his voice became hoarse and roared: “Enough! Rowan! I’m a friend of yours, don’t go too far! ”

Normal people can’t accept this fact, let alone Ace, Saab is the heaviest pain in his memory.

“That’s because you’re friends that I told you. I have an ability to see the line of human destiny… I know it sounds a bit, but it’s really true! ”

Well, although it was originally.

Ace opened his mouth, but the high quality still couldn’t let him scold.

Seeing that he still didn’t believe it, Lorne directly opened the ultimate move, “It seems that I want to say something you can believe.” Gore S. D. Ace. ”

He admitted that daring to say this name in front of Ace did have a big gambling element.

However, it turned out that the gamblers did not end well.

Ace, who heard those two words, directly lost his cool, like an angry beast rushed up and grabbed Lorne’s collar, and a flame came out of his back and spread down his arm, almost cremating Lorne in advance.

In the end, Ace tried his best to restrain himself.

Fortunately, Ace still calmly gained the upper hand.

Not much, it’s really just that slight… Lorne smelled the burnt smell coming from his hair and silently added in his heart.

Ace’s eyes were red and bloodshot, and his voice was hoarse, like the low roar of a beast

“Say! How the hell do you know! ”

The fact that he is Roger’s son is known only to Saab, Luffy and the old man!

Rowan…… It is impossible to know!

Lorne’s heartbeat seemed to be driving on a high speed, directly rushing to 200, but he still pretended to be indifferent.

He knew that since Ace did not make a move, it proved that he had half-believed.

“You and Saab and Luffy are brothers, they are very important to you, and you learn etiquette with Magino because of Saab’s death, and you have to take care of Luffy with Saab. You have been taken care of by Da Dan before, oh, it was the old man in your mouth who sent you to Da Dan House. As for who the old man is, do you still need me to say his name? He’s Luffy’s grandfather…”

“No thanks.” Ace opened his mouth to stop Lorne from continuing, there was no point in saying any more.

He believed.

Really believed.

The scar that he was most reluctant to mention was actually seen by Lorne… No, count it out.

And more things, only he knows.

Maybe…… Can Lorne really see the fate of others?

Thinking of this, the hope in Ace’s eyes jumped, and he couldn’t wait to ask: “Where is Saab?” You tell me where he is? ”

He was a little excited, but also a little scared.

If what Lorne said was false….

Seeing this scene, Lorne waved his big hand and habitually extended a middle finger… Then silently changed to his index finger and gestured: “Let me be the captain for a month, and if you want to be the captain again in a month, follow the rules and beat me.” ”

Ace nodded solemnly, “Good!” I promise! ”

Anyway, Lorne’s strength is here, don’t say a month, even if he can’t beat himself for a year, this confidence Ace still has.

In contrast, Saab’s intelligence is more important.

The smile at the corner of Lorne’s mouth was a little strange, and he whispered in his heart: “Troubled year, I can tell you very responsibly, your path is narrow.”

【Ding! 】

[Recruiting S-Class Crew: Ace].

【Summation system activation! 】 】

[Binding: Pirates of Spades].

[Captain: Host Lorne].

[Crew: Gore D. Ace. 】

[Strength feedback…].

【Ding! Feedback successful].

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability to burn fruits, overlord color domineering, basic body art. ] 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting an activation package. Please check. 】

【Ding! Recruit ten S-Class crew members to unlock bonus features! Current progress: 1/10].

A series of strange mechanical sounds sounded in his mind, ethereal and beautiful, which made Lorne very intoxicated.

A powerful warm current flowed through his body, and the strength of his whole person quietly grew.

Don’t mention the ability to burn fruits for the time being, the basic body technique can also be put away, but the overlord color domineering is really powerful!

In the pirate world, there are many domineering like dogs in the later stage, and it will not be bullied and obviously inferior.

There’s even an activation pack.

The harvest is full… Lorne felt good in his heart.

Ace saw Lorne smiling with a look of enjoyment, and a strange feeling appeared in his heart, he seemed… Didn’t do anything, did it?

“I promised you to be a captain for a month, tell me the news of Saab!”

With Ace’s vigorous shaking, Lorne woke up from the immersed joy and said truthfully: “Saab is in the revolutionary army, and he is doing well. ”

People have daughters-in-law, you look at you again, there is not even a serious pirate ship … Lorne sighed inwardly.

Ace frowned, “Revolutionary army? ”

He had only heard of the Revolutionary Army, but did not know about it, only that it was an organization that was against the world government.

Lorne pulled Ace and looked around, before he whispered reassuringly: “To tell you a secret, the leader of the revolutionary army is Luffy and his father.” ”

“Huh? Luffy’s pro… Father? Ace’s eyes widened, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

The old man is obviously a naval hero, and his son is indeed the number one criminal in the world?

Luffy’s father, does he have to call “uncle”?

Ace rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, gradually regained his composure, and spoke: “Lorne, I really hope that what you said is true.” ”

If Saab had worked under Luffy’s father, he would have had a good time… Provided that Saab is still alive.

Lorne glanced at Ace confidently and smiled brightly, “Ace, there will be a chance to verify it in the future, I believe we will be together for a long time in the future.” ”

Ace tugged at the corners of his mouth, we… They can’t be together, but the words change when they come to their lips, “Where is the revolutionary army?” ”

“Lean! The world government and the navy can’t find the headquarters of the revolutionary army in the whole world search, you ask me? Lorne spread his hands and laid them out directly.

Since becoming a worker in 996 in his previous life, Lorne only occasionally paid attention to the development of One Piece, and the blood of chasing fans when he was young has been consumed by the pie drawn by the boss, he only knows that later the headquarters of the revolutionary army was attacked by Blackbeard, as for the specific location he has no impression at all, as if what is it called?

Lorne said: Whose brother is who remembers himself, and it is not my brother.



[Summation system: sum the comprehensive strength and ability of all crew members and feed back to the host. 】

[The feedback strength is permanent, even if the crew withdraws or dies, it will not affect the strength previously fed back to the host. ] 】

[Note: The ability of the host demon fruit is not limited by the weakness of seawater and sea lou stone. 】



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