Ace sat on the ground with his butt, his thoughts very confused.

Although he learned the news of Saab, it was still in the clouds, which made him not know what to do for a while.

Lorne turned his head to glance at Ace, who was confused, and comforted: “Don’t worry, at least Saab is safe.” When you become One Piece, the whole sea knows your name, and at that time, maybe Saab will recover his memory and take the initiative to find you. ”

Ace’s eyes lit up, and he said of course: “That’s right!” I want to become One Piece soon! ”

His admission that Saab is still alive is also a sustenance for himself, a reason to become stronger.

But this inexplicable confidence put Lorne in order… Brother, do you know that you still have three years to live?

Become One Piece?

It’s better to go directly to your dead ghost daddy, he is also One Piece, and see if One Piece is hereditary.

These words, just spit out two sentences in the heart, you must not say it.

Lorne withdrew his gaze from Ace, his gaze flickered, and he habitually narrowed his eyes, thinking in his heart: “Ace’s life is indeed short, but fortunately he met me.” As the most handsome, zealous and kindest captain in the world, how can I watch my beloved crew die? ”

He swore that it was definitely not because of the summation system that he could not bear Ace’s “labor”.

Ace lowered his head, as if thinking about something, and the atmosphere of the fierce quarrel just now became quiet, with a quiet night sky overhead, surrounded by the “chirping” of insects.

Lorne was also not talking, sitting casually on the lawn, savoring the feeling of strength.

“By the way, I still have a big gift package that has not been activated!”

Lorne was an agitated spirit and couldn’t wait to summon the golden system panel that was only visible to himself:

[Host: Lorne].

[Pirate Group: Pirates of Spades].

[Crew: Gore D. Ace].


【Burnt fruit】

【Physical Surgery (LV3)].

[Overlord Color Domineering (LV1)].

[Activate a gift pack, to be opened].

【Bonus function unlock progress: 1/10】

(Note: the grade is LV1~LV10).

Lorne pressed his excitement and said silently in his heart: “Open the gift bag.” ”

【Ding! Open the gift package——】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the prop: Universal Cultivation Warehouse. ] 】

[Universal Cultivation Warehouse: Similar to the Time and Spirit House next door. One hour inside the cultivation warehouse is equivalent to 15 days outside. Limited to 1 hour per person per day, two people can enter at the same time. The cultivation warehouse can simulate any cultivation scene, and there is an automatic master system to guide the entrant to cultivate! Tricolor domineering, devil fruit abilities, skill moves, and more!

The cultivation warehouse will speed up time, but for those who enter, it will fix the state at the time of entry, and will not accelerate the passage of life!

(Note: Want to get stronger?) What are you waiting for? Get your crew rolled up! )】

Universal cultivation warehouse?

It’s a good thing!

Not only can it speed up time, but it also ensures that entrants will not consume excess life due to accelerated time!

This is the plug-in!

Lorne’s eyes suddenly brightened, with the cultivation warehouse, it would be more convenient for him to recruit the crew, and he would be more confident!

Let me ask: Who wouldn’t want an hour for fifteen days of penance?

One hour a day is equivalent to fifteen days, that is, as long as you use twenty-five hours in the cultivation warehouse, you can match the previous year’s cultivation results!

Cultivating in the cultivation warehouse for 25 hours, plus the CD effect, is less than a month!

It’s just a tool for opening and cheating!

Even if it’s a pig… A pig is a bit exaggerated, but if it has a little potential, it will become a strong person who dominates the sea!

With the Universal Cultivation Warehouse, after recruiting the crew, you can accelerate the growth of the crew… Lorne said: It doesn’t matter if he becomes strong, the main thing is to be helpful, after all, he likes selfless dedication.

In the next second, a blue bracelet-shaped tattoo appeared on Lorne’s wrist, which allowed him to summon the training chamber at any time, and could also be withdrawn at any time, making it easy to carry.

He sincerely sighed, the system is really humane.

“System, what does the reward feature mean?” Lorne wondered in his heart.

When he activated the system just now, he heard this prompt tone, but he didn’t bother to explore it in detail, and now he just had a good understanding.

[Recruit ten S-Class crew members to unlock bonus features!] Bonus function: It will allow S-class crew members who enter the universal cultivation warehouse to receive super rewards: abilities, weapons, etc., which can greatly improve the crew’s ability! 】

[S-Class Crew: Must be a person with great potential/strength to be eligible to be rated S-class! ] 】

Hearing the introduction of the system in his mind, Lorne’s pupils contracted violently, and he was shocked in his heart: “I didn’t expect that the cultivation warehouse could not only speed up time, but also have such a powerful reward function!” But…… Recruit ten S-Class crew members to unlock it, which is really harsh enough! ”

Ten S-class crew members made Lorne’s enthusiasm dissipate a lot.

The current Ace belongs to the former (great potential), but how many people have great potential like Ace?

If he is strong, Lorne’s current strength is not enough to recruit guys who are strong enough to be rated S.

What to do about this?

Thinking of this, Lorne couldn’t help but start thinking about the next plan.

The first question: to live.

Stay alive in the Navy’s pursuit.

This issue is not about justice, only about life and death.

How to survive?

Gain strength.

How to gain strength?

Recruit the crew.

Perfect process.

The point is… How to recruit the crew is a big problem.

The current strength of Lorne and Ace, it is absolutely impossible to directly recruit sea thieves, Whitebeard, Kaido and everything are delusional, then you can only start with guys with potential, weak now, strong in the future… And the supernova of the same era as Ace, except for him, is a Cavendish sh.

Lorne gave up decisively.

Cavendish Xu, later turned out to be Luffy’s younger brother, what about the senior’s cards?

“Since you have a cultivation warehouse, it means that you can accelerate the growth process… In this way, it is more effective to start with the supernova of Luffy’s era, anyway, the universal cultivation warehouse is enough for them to grow, and when I am strong, I can recruit some powerful guys. ”

“Especially Luffy’s crew, the potential will not be low… In this way, I had to reluctantly cut off Luffy. ”

Lorne swears with the personality of Draco, he is definitely for the future combat power of Solon and Sanji, and he is definitely not the covetous Nami who is rolling waves, and Robin who is white-skinned and beautiful, cough cough…

“And Luffy that kid, definitely S-class! O sun god… How to fool him into the boat? Lorne murmured in his heart, his thoughts flowing.

According to Luffy’s personality, it seems unlikely that he wants him to be a crew member for others.

But Lorne couldn’t bear to let go of the Helios ability.

How can this be good?

Lorne was in trouble for a while.



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