“Hey, how nice it would be if I could directly annex a group of pirates of the Four Emperors.”

Lorne sighed inwardly, and then discarded those unrealistic thoughts.

You still have to start from the bottom of your feet.

He turned his head to see Ace in a daze, and said loudly: “Ace, do you want to become One Piece?” ”

The sudden roar made Ace a stirring spirit, muttering: “Scared me, of course I want to become One Piece!” Live freely and freely on the sea! ”

Lorne stood up, patted the grass clippings on his butt, revealed a mysterious smile, stretched out his arm, and the light at his wrist lit up, and a stream of light flashed.

Ace only felt that as soon as he saw a flower in front of him, there was an extra huge thing in front of him.

A huge blue hut with a radius of ten meters appeared in the open space in front of the two, two deep purple doors opened in the opposite directions on the left and right, the hut was about 5 meters high, there was a row of buttons on the side of the door, and even had the function of enlarging the portal, and the above of the house was oval; The rest of the exterior is unadorned and looks very ordinary.

“Hey! What are you doing! ”

Ace’s eyes widened, hard to believe that such a huge thing suddenly appeared in front of him.

This is…… Magic?

A thought instantly appeared in Ace’s mind, and he was surprised: “Lorne, are you also a Devil Fruit Ability?” ”

Except for the Devil Fruit ability, what happened in front of him could not be explained at all.

Lorne smiled confidently and explained, “I’m not a Devil Fruit Ability. As for what you see, you can understand it as… Science. ”

“Science?” Acefox’s suspicious gaze looked Lorne up and down, becoming more and more puzzled.

Lorne smiled, “I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but since I was discovered by you, then I will have a showdown!” ”


Lorne’s smile became more and more mysterious

“I’m a great scientist!”



Ace suddenly lost interest and said seriously: “Lorne, I feel more and more that you are deceiving me. ”


Little brother still doubts me?

Lorne suddenly stopped dry, put out a pose with a fork, and introduced: “This is called the universal cultivation warehouse, which can help people cultivate, and the specific role … That is, the flow of time is 360 times that of the outside world, and one hour is equivalent to fifteen days. ”

As if hearing the fantasy, Ace’s face became stunned, and he said incredulously: “360 times the speed of time flow? One hour is equivalent to fifteen days? What are you kidding! ”

He didn’t even realize that the decibels of his speech had increased several levels because of shock.

Lorne rubbed his ears and pointed to the cultivation warehouse with confidence, “You can feel it for yourself, and then come and doubt me.” ”

Ace glanced at Lorne and then turned to look at the cultivation warehouse, curiosity still prompted him to open the door and walk in.

[Welcome to the Universal Cultivation Warehouse… Please select the cultivation content——].

As soon as Ace stepped into the cultivation warehouse, he heard an unfamiliar mechanical sound in the space.

Since a portal could only restrict access to one person, Lorne just waited silently outside.

[Armed color domineering, seeing and smelling color domineering, overlord color domineering, burning fruit ability, physical skills, cooking skills, foreign languages…].

List a whole bunch of options… Or a variety of skills, you name it.

Ace looked at the huge space inside, and was stunned: “How can there be such a large space… Could it be that what Lorne said was true? ”

From the outside, this is just the size of a house, but after walking in, there is a boundless feeling, and the sky above is like no restrictions… It’s like a separate space!

Soon, though, Ace’s attention fell on those options.

“Armed color domineering? What is it? He muttered a little puzzled.

Immediately afterwards, the space sounded with the narration and teaching of the domineering armed color, which made Ace listen to it fascinated and cultivate according to the instructions.


Lorne waited boredly, and an hour later, the door of the cultivation warehouse was pushed open, and an excited-looking Ace walked out.

“Lorne! How the hell did you do it! How could this cultivation warehouse be so amazing! ”

The irrepressible excitement on Ace’s face.

He could obviously feel that he had spent a long time in the cultivation warehouse, and there was definitely more than ten days!

But the strange thing is that he is doing high-intensity training inside, and his body does not feel any fatigue!

This made him have to believe that what Lorne said was true!

Moreover, after coming out, the bonfire that burned just now had not been extinguished, and even the largest tree had not changed significantly, which made Ace completely believe what Lorne said, the Universal Cultivation Warehouse can accelerate the passage of time!

It’s amazing too!

Ace was extremely shocked, his face was full of incredulity, his freckles were more obvious in the reflection of the firelight, and his eyes widened unconsciously.

“What’s even more amazing is that it accelerates the passage of time, but it does not accelerate the loss of life. Therefore, it is possible to exchange one hour for the fifteen days of cultivation results of others! Lorne hugged his arms and introduced with great pride: “Little brother, do you know how powerful your brother is this time?” ”

“How the hell is this done? Lorne, what exactly are you capable of? Ace frowned, suddenly feeling that he couldn’t see through Lorne.

It was clear that he was a guy who could easily defeat before, but now he suddenly became mysterious.

Lorne raised his head and waved his hand and said, “It’s just a small means, it can be regarded as a benefit for the crew, and you can make good use of the Universal Cultivation Warehouse cultivation in the future.” ”

The more ruthless you cultivate, the stronger I become.

“You said I will be able to use this cultivation warehouse to cultivate in the future?” Ace was shocked again.

Lorne turned out to be so selfless?

Ace was a little unhappy at this time: Lorne was not as powerful as himself, but now that he has a cultivation artifact, he still gives it to himself?

Lorne nodded, and said in a natural tone: “Of course, since you are now my crew, of course I will give you the greatest help.” ”

Ace’s eyes lit up, and he said unkindly: “I became the captain after that month, do you still let me use the cultivation warehouse?” ”

Ace’s heart moved, and he guessed that Lorne wanted to use the cultivation warehouse to negotiate terms with him.

But then Lorne’s words made Ace completely admire this man.

“Of course, after the cultivation warehouse, it will be owned by our pirate group!” It doesn’t matter to anyone being a captain! “Lorne said righteous words, great public selflessness.

At this moment, Ace recognized Lorne from the bottom of his heart.

He silently vowed that even if he became captain a month later, he would take extra care of Lorne.

Lorne is his first partner!

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lorne’s mouth, and he didn’t know in his heart that Yin and Yang had been recognized by Ace.

He just thought: Ace can’t do the captain’s position anyway….



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