Three days later.

Lorne and Ace were on a small sailboat looking for directions to Frost Moon Village.

“Hey, Lorne, why are you going back?”

Ace muttered dissatisfiedly.

Due to the cultivation warehouse and the identity of the captain, he still gave Lorne some face.

Well, this is the captain of the current sailing ship….

“Go find someone.” Lorne smiled mysteriously.

The future number one swordsman, how can Lorne let it go?

Ace pouted, leaned on the side of the ship, and suddenly said: “The navy has been chasing us for so long, why don’t you let me take action to kill them?” Pirates fight the navy, isn’t it natural? ”

Lorne rolled his eyes.

Pirates fight the navy righteously?

If that old guy from Karp is here, Xiangdu will call you out.

“It’s not time yet.” Lorne said lightly, not wanting to explain more.

That’s the navy chasing him!

How can it be a small fight?

In case there is a vice admiral on the ship, he and Ace attack it, and it turns out to be a self-throwing net, Ace should be protected by Karp, anyway, no one knows Ace’s true identity now, and Ace is not a sea thief.

What about Lorne?

Naturally, it is a dead ending.

He has no background in Ace.

Maybe Karp knows that he is Ace’s captain, and may even do it himself.

Thinking of Karp rolling up his sleeves and approaching him step by step, he laughed excitedly at the same time: “You are the guy who kidnapped Ace as a pirate, and finally fell into the hands of the old man!” Hahahaha! ”

Lorne felt terrible when he thought about it, and secretly vowed: Those who step on the horse must hold on!

There was no resurrection armor when something happened!

After all, he can almost be said to be able to grow without limit, so why fight for a moment?

Originally, Lorne planned to recruit tens of thousands of ordinary pirates as junior brothers in the East China Sea first, and slowly pile up his strength.

However, it was ruthlessly extinguished by the system to extinguish its own plans:

[Not all garbage strength can be summed! ] 】

The implication is that you don’t want to tarnish the great functionality of the system with some garbage.

Yes, a road was blocked again.

If the garbage in the East China Sea does not work, then go to the Great Route. If the garbage of the Great Voyage can’t work, then go to the New World, you can’t always be pirates in the New World, or garbage, right?

Manatees in the new world can master domineering!

Anyway, as long as you can feedback a little strength, it is enough, and after the number of people increases, what will be brought to Lorne will be a qualitative change.

It’s just that if you want to go to the new world, Lorne still has a long way to go.

So Lorne honestly began to ponder the matter of recruiting a strong crew.

“Okay, now you’re the captain.”

For Lorne’s perfunctory attitude, Ace huffed and muttered, and secretly made up his mind that when the one-month deadline came, he must let Lorne know why the flowers were so red!

Lorne seemed to see through Ace’s thoughts, the smile at the corner of his mouth spread, the little brother still wants to be a captain? Hurry up and wash and prepare to work for Uncle Ben.

In the past three days, Ace has been cultivating to the upper limit of time in the cultivation warehouse every day, which can be said to have passed a month and a half in the blink of an eye, and Ace’s strength has also improved slightly.

What the? What do you say you can do in a month and a half?

Luffy went to sea for three months to participate in the top war, what do you say can be done in a month and a half!

Ace polished his physique for a month and a half, not only successfully mastered the armed color domineering, but also awakened the color of seeing and hearing, and was able to release the release of the overlord color domineering. Of course, he can’t control the overlord color domineering, just find the switch.

The use of physical skills and burning fruits has been greatly improved.

The role of the universal cultivation warehouse is reflected, and the training guidance inside will improve Ace’s strength every time!

The possible guidance effect is second only to Mr. Kai’s kind of stick guidance!

[Host: Lorne].

[Pirate Group: Pirates of Spades].

[Crew: Gore D. Ace].


【Burnt fruit】

[Overlord Color Domineering (LV1)].

[Armed Color Domineering (LV1)].

[See the domineering color (LV1)].

【Physical Surgery (LV4)].

[Strength: Colonel].

As for why Lorne knew Ace’s strength so clearly, of course, because he himself and Ace were completely half a pound and eight taels.

“What are you doing there? Hurry up and row. Lorne couldn’t help but laugh out loud and pretended to order.

Ace gritted his teeth angrily and swore viciously: “Lorne! You wait a month before I become captain again!” ”

Then reluctantly rocking the oars.

For the agreement between the two at that time, Ace still strictly adhered to, after all, he was a person with a bottom line.

As for Lorne… What’s the bottom line?

He only knows the hairline….

The hairline can be moved back, I don’t know if the bottom line can be moved?

However, the total rowing is not a thing, the process of finding French must be quickly raised, and when the time comes, it is necessary to build a peerless ship, preferably the kind that can go to heaven and earth!

Lorne thought silently.

Although Franky guy is not very serious, he is undeniably a genius in shipbuilding, and maybe he is still an S-class crew.



Seymour Chiki Village. (aka Frost Moon Village).

Isshin Dojo.

Click, click.

There was a knock on the door.

A dojo staff member pushed open the door, and although he saw that it was two imps who knocked on the door, he said very politely: “Sorry, our dojo is temporarily closed to apprentices, please leave.” I’m sorry. ”

Ace is only 17 years old and is indeed a ghost.

But Lorne is 18 years old and already an adult!

At this age, he can reasonably do some improper things… Ahem… Serious business.

Ace picked the cowboy hat, smiled dashingly, and said seriously: “Hello, we are pirates, not here to be apprentices.” ”

What an apprentice, he wants to be One Piece.

The corner of the staff member’s mouth twitched, and they were two little fart children who wanted to be pirates?

“So… You’re here to find trouble? His tone had become unkind.

“Get out of the way, don’t let people get wrong, I’m the captain.” Lorne hurriedly dragged Ace behind him and smiled kindly at the staff: “Hello, we are passing by to spend the night, I wonder if we can stay for two days?” We were so hungry. ”

The appearance shown by Lorne is very similar to the kind of down-and-out youth who went out to sea as a pirate, but was beaten by reality, a youth, not a teenager.

I have to say that Lorne has a very good attitude.

He was afraid that the dojo would not agree with each other, and sacrificed Frost Moon Koshiro

After all, there is such a saying, and those who squint are monsters.

Lorne said that he had never seen the eyes of Koshiro Frost Moon in all those years he had chased!

“In this case, I’ll go and ask the pavilion owner.” The staff saw that Lorne had a good attitude and did not deliberately make things difficult.

“Trouble.” Lorne laughed.



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