After a while, the staff returned and allowed the two to come in, “Come in, the owner agrees that you will stay temporarily.” ”

“Grateful.” Lorne and Ace politely thanked.

Entering the dojo, Lorne’s eyes kept looking, it was indeed an ordinary place that could not be in an ordinary venue.

“I wonder if Frost Moon Koshiro is a big guy? Is it possible to recruit him to the ship? Lorne thought secretly in his heart, but when he looked up, he touched the right lord.

“The owner of the pavilion is this child who wants to borrow it. This is the owner of our Ichishin Dojo. The staff introduced.

“Hehe, hello, you can call me Frost Moon Pavilion Master.” Koshiro Frost Moon, who was dressed in a samurai kimono, said with a smile.

“Frost Moon Pavilion Master, my name is Lorne and his name is Ace. Taking the liberty of visiting your door is really a hassle for you. Lorne said very politely.

Frost Moon Kozaburo looked smiling and squinted, “Lorne, Ace… What a nice name. Nothing is too much trouble, you go down and prepare some food for them. ”

He turned his head and ordered the staff, and then said to Lorne: “You guys go with him, I still have to teach the disciples swordsmanship.” ”

“Then don’t delay the owner’s time.”

Both sides nodded and left in harmony.

Lorne muttered in his heart, “Hmm! I see clearly, and I really can’t see the eyes. ”

The staff led the two to a room and it didn’t take long for the food to be ready.

Lorne and Ace disappeared at all, opened their bellies to eat, and the staff who watched were confused for a while, becoming more and more convinced that these two were bitter children who had not eaten for several days.

After eating almost the same, Lorne began to chat with the staff without a ride, and after getting acquainted with a lot, Lorne showed his true face

“That, I want to inquire about someone.”

“Who do you want to inquire about?” The staff didn’t care and asked casually.

“Roronoa Solon.”


“I tell you, in the entire dojo, no one can defeat Solon except for the Frost Moon Hall Master, but despite this, he still trains hard every day!”

“Once, other martial arts halls came to kick the gym and were chopped down by Solon with three bamboo knives! And that time, Solon…”

“Do you know how he uses the third knife? Bite in the mouth, can’t think of it! ”

Along the way, the staff led the way in front and chattered about Solon, all with a sense of pride in their words.

Roronoa Solon, the face of the dojo!

Lorne’s ears were calloused, he really wanted to make this big brother stop talking, he knew more about Solon than anyone, but for humanitarian reasons, people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and Lorne endured it.

After holding hard for a while, I finally came to a waterhole.

The waterfall pours down with a roaring sound.

By the pool, the green algae-headed figure that made Lorne somewhat familiar was holding a boulder, squatting up, sweat had wet his clothes, but he didn’t mean to stop.

Lorne nodded secretly, with a hint of appreciation in his expression, worthy of Solon, and his personality was as stable as ever.

“Solon – these two little brothers said they were looking for you.”

The staff tugged at their necks and howled violently, so loud that they almost made Lorne restart again.

He rubbed his ears and sighed silently, he couldn’t see that the people in this hall were all deeply hidden, and this Hedong lion roar could not reach this realm without twenty years of skill.

Solon didn’t respond, still exercising.

The staff led Lorne and Ace closer before Solon spoke, “8771… You guys…… Who is it. 8772…… 8773……”

Lorne showed a kind and bright smile, and said seriously: “Can’t you see this? I’m a big sunny and cheerful boy. ”


Rowan! What are you talking about!

Staff member:???

What the hell is sunny and cheerful big boy Nima?

Solon: …

His movement of holding the boulder suddenly paused, and he almost lost his strength.

“Ahem… See how hard you have cultivated, enliven the atmosphere. Lorne explained in Ace’s murderous gaze, and then explained seriously: “My name is Lorne, and he is my partner, Ace. ”

“Solon! 8776…… 8777…,” Solon responded coldly.

Well…… It’s a little tsundere.

Lorne craned his chin in thought, and did not hurry to speak, but first supported the staff, and then waited here for Solon to finish training.

I don’t know how long it took.

The sun yawned, swayed and sank, and before you knew it, half of your body was falling below the sea level, and the other half was emitting an afterglow, filling the vast sky with a brilliant sunset.

Lorne and the others were a little sleepy, and Solon finally finished training.

However, he ended training because it was time to eat, not because it was over!

Solon’s whole body was already wet with sweat, and his clothes fit snugly to his body, revealing delicate muscle lines.

Although Solon is only 16 years old, his face can still be seen immature, but his figure is really strong.

“Are you guys in trouble?” Solon picked up the word Kazudoichi and suddenly said as he passed by Lorne.

Lorne yawned, rubbed his tears, got up from the stone, and smiled at Solon: “Make a friend, you still remember my name, right?” ”

Solon was silent.

Gotta, forgot.

Lorne sighed in his heart, and then solemnly introduced again: “My name is Lorne. ”

“Remembered.” Solon said lightly, not interested in making friends.

Lorne followed Solon, chatting for a while, and walked side by side to the cafeteria.

Inside the cafeteria.

Solon was still chasing, and Lorne was still making small talk.

There is a saying: people’s feelings are talked about.

“By the way, Solon, what are your plans for the future?” Lorne stared at Solon and walked silently to the point.

Solon swallowed the food in his mouth and said lightly: “In a while, I plan to go to sea and challenge someone.” ”

“Going to sea… What are your plans? ”

“There is no plan.”

“What about eating?”

“Do whatever you want.” Solon said without caring, as if he hadn’t thought about anything else in his head other than naming the move.

Lorne opened his mouth and found that the prepared rhetoric became weak.

Well, that’s Sauron’s character.

“Or join us.”

Seeing Tu Qiong’s dagger, Locke took the initiative to open his mouth to solicit.

Solon looked back and forth at Lorne and Ace before finally shaking his head, “Not interested.” ”

The lone wolf is now Solon’s character.

Rejection is a matter of course.



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