Seeing Nami’s appearance, Lorne knew what bad water was pondering in her stomach, so he turned his head and said, “You guys go out first, I’ll talk to her properly.” ”

Ace and Solon retreated indifferently and closed the door with them.

Anyway, Nami’s strength can’t turn over any storms, so there’s nothing to care about.

Lorne originally wanted to keep outsiders present and save some face for Nami when he said the next thing, but Nami was wrong, and her originally relaxed look suddenly became nervous, and she kept curling into the corner with her hands over her chest

“I tell you, don’t mess around!”

She really sells art and does not sell her body!

Lorne pouted, what mess did he have in his dry appearance?

“Don’t think about it, I have no idea about you.” Lorne said helplessly: “I just want to remind you, don’t play your little Jiujiu in front of me, I don’t allow betrayal.” ”

“Also, I’ll help you get rid of Aaron and the group.”

Is there still a choice between Aaron and Nami?

“You said… What the! The tears that had been swirling in her eyes for fear suddenly stood still, and Nami’s whole body was stunned.

The other party said, to help her solve Aaron?

“I said, I’ll help you solve Along, you do things for me well.” Lorne repeated again.

A light of hope suddenly appeared in Nami’s eyes, if the other party could really help him solve Along, even if he did something excessive… No, how did the other party know about Aaron?

Is it really… See through a person’s destiny?

But he is so young, how can he be Aaron’s opponent!

“Nope! You don’t know how powerful Aaron is! You…” Nami tightened her small face and was a little incoherent.

Lorne walked up to him, rubbed Nami’s hair with a warm palm, and said seriously, “Little Nami.” Aaron only, trust me. After so many years, you should also be relieved. ”


Tears dripped uncontrollably, and Nami sobbed, “No! I don’t believe you, I’m going to buy back the village with money. ”

Stubborn with me?

I still have to tweak well.

After an hour of Lorne’s affectionate and bitter “tuning”, Nami was finally persuaded to join the Pirates of Spades, and Red Eyes and Lorne walked out of the storage compartment.

Ace looked at Nami’s expression and turned to look at Lorne.

If Lorne didn’t do anything… He couldn’t believe it.

After all, people are crying like that.

Solon even misunderstood Lorne, feeling that his character was not good.

Finally, Lorne looked at Nami with an embarrassed look to explain, and Solon apologized to Lorne and promised never to suspect the captain again.

Lorne thought to himself, this is also a blessing in disguise, right?

After Nami joined, there was one more core member, and it became much safer to sail on the sea.

The main thing is that Nami is also an S-class crew!

In this way, Lorne already has four S-class crew members under him!

And Lorne’s next goal is-



“What? You said you were going to the windmill village to find Luffy? No way! I disagree! He has not yet reached the age to go to sea! The sea is dangerous, so I won’t allow him to come around! After hearing Lorne’s thoughts, Ace directly broke his defense: “Lorne, you’d better dispel this idea!” ”

Luffy is his weakness.

Just such a younger brother, he must take care of it.

Lorne sat on the chair, his expression was unprecedentedly solemn, and he said in a loud voice: “Ace, I also thought about this matter for a long time before telling you, don’t rush to refuse first, I have my reasons for doing this.” ”

“This era will become more and more chaotic, the four emperors are divided, new star pirates are emerging one after another, and it is difficult for the world government and navy to suppress this era!” And some people came into being! ”

“Born of the times? What does it have to do with Luffy? Ace frowned, feeling uneasy.

Lorne said seriously, “Luffy, it’s the one chosen by fate!” ”

“Luffy ate the Devil Fruit, right? And you all thought it was a rubber fruit … In fact, it was the strongest devil fruit in the sea——

Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, Nika Form!

It is the will left by Joey Boy from the last era!

Once Luffy’s existence is discovered by the world government, even if Karp is a naval hero, he can’t keep Luffy! ”

This remark has already stunned Ace.

Didn’t Luffy eat rubber fruit?

Renren Fruit Phantom Beast Species??

Joey Boie’s will??

A mortal enemy of the world government ??

Ace was completely stunned.

It was hard for him to accept this fact.

If what Lorne said was true, wouldn’t it mean that Luffy’s situation was even more dangerous than his One Piece’s widow!

Especially Luffy’s father is still the leader of the revolutionary army!

Ace was distraught.

As for doubting what Lorne said… Ace had no doubtful thoughts.

Lorne has proven his ability to spy on fate with his actions, whether it is Solon, Usopp, or Nami, it shows it.

Lorne’s words also stunned the surrounding Solons, and they couldn’t help but be curious about the guy named Luffy.

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