“Lorne, is what you said really true?” Ace scratched his hair in distress, feeling a little irritable in his heart.

If it’s true, then he has to fight hard to become stronger and protect Luffy!

“True or false, you already have the answer in your heart.” Lorne said lightly: “Recruit Lu Fei to the ship, let him use the universal cultivation warehouse to grow up quickly, at least have the ability to protect himself before his identity is exposed.” ”

“And, is age a problem? Solon and they are not necessarily much bigger than Luffy, but how much do you think Luffy is between them now? Usopp is about the same age as Luffy, how long do you think it will take him to close the gap with Luffy? ”

“Besides, haven’t you been exposed to domineering before going to sea? Do you know armed color domineering? See the domineering? Even if you awaken the overlord color domineering, you don’t know what’s going on yourself! ”

“In the East China Sea, it’s useless, it’s just a waste of time.”

Lorne was output again.

Ace frowned and remained silent.

What Lorne said, he was powerless to refute it.

Because it makes perfect sense.

The universal cultivation warehouse is definitely a cultivation cheat, I don’t know where Lorne got this perverted thing, it is undeniable that it is an opportunity for everyone to become stronger!

If Luffy can seize this opportunity…

Ace’s eyes gradually brightened, and he made a decision in his heart.

Instead of hesitating, let Luffy make his own decisions!

“Good! I’ll take you to the Kingdom of Goya to find Luffy… However, Luffy’s dream has always been to build his own pirate group, and even if he knew everything, according to his personality, I am afraid that he would not join my pirate group. After Ace’s hesitation, he definitely let Lorne and Luffy meet.

However, he knows Luffy’s character and dream, which is to be his own captain and form his own pirate group!

Therefore, he is not optimistic that Luffy can join the Pirates of Spades.

“Stop! Now the captain of the Pirates of Spades is me. If Luffy doesn’t join your pirate group, who says he won’t join my pirate group? Lorne smiled confidently and then stood up from his chair.

Ace grinned, waved his fist and said, “In half a month, I will take back the position of captain!” ”

For this, Ace has always been full of confidence.

He didn’t know that Lorne was already stronger than him.

Lorne asked Ace and Nami to determine the route, and then waved his hand and ordered, “Go!” Kingdom of Goya! ”

In fact, Lorne is also aware of Luffy’s personality, Ace is completely right, Luffy is a guy who will not give in to everything.

But Lorne couldn’t let go of the power of the sun god.

So…… How to fool Luffy onto the ship became a question he had to think about.


Marcino Tavern.

Marcino, who was busy, suddenly heard a shout of a familiar voice.


Marcino paused in her hand and looked up in surprise.

I saw five figures standing at the door.

Lorne, Ace, Solon, Usopp, Nami.

However, Marcino only knew Ace, and her gaze was immediately locked on Ace, and her tone was pleasantly surprised: “Ace? Didn’t you go to sea? How did you come back so soon? ”

“Are these your partners? Stop standing, come in and sit, and I’ll prepare food for you. ”

After seeing Ace, Marcino was very happy, warmly beckoned several people into the tavern to sit down, and prepared delicious food for them, and Solon asked for two barrels of wine.

Lorne ate delicious food and couldn’t help but sigh that life was too rough these days!


The next target is Yamaji!

A group of pirates without a good cook is not a good group of pirates!

Ace and Marcino introduced a few people, and Marcino also sincerely troubled everyone to take care of Ace, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After everyone had eaten, Ace did not forget about business, said goodbye to Marcino and left.

“Then we’ll go find Luffy.” Ace waved, smiling heartily.

Marcino joked and said, “Go ahead, Luffy has been nagging you since you left, and he has no appetite when he comes here to eat.” ”

“Hahaha, I don’t believe there is anything that can affect Luffy’s appetite.” Ace laughed, and then shouted at the back of the tavern: “Village chief, I’m fine outside, you don’t have to worry.” I’ll come back to see you later when I have time. ”

Before leaving, Ace did not forget to say goodbye to the village chief.

A few people gradually left and rushed to the Da Dan family in Mount Colpo, while Luffy was still in the den of thieves.

Marcino watched the backs disappear from sight before returning to the tavern, and at a glance saw Upu Schlabh blowing his beard and glaring.

“Ace, that smelly boy didn’t say anything about being a pirate, and brought the pirate back, it’s really unsettling.” Upp Schlabh said viciously, looking very unwelcome.

Marcino hid her smile and said, “I know you’re worried about Ace, but the companions around him seem to be reliable, so you don’t have to worry.” ”

“Who worries about him? I thought of them running to the tavern to eat and drink, and they didn’t get angry! Upp Schlabb said hard.

When Marcino cleaned up the table, she found a bag on the chair in the corner, and when she opened it, it turned out to be a pile of treasure.

Marcino raised her head, let the village chief see the pile of treasures, and said seriously: “Ace has really made a group of good friends.” ”

Upu Schlabb was startled, and a look of relief appeared on his face.

With such a style, it will definitely not be the kind of pirate who acts arbitrarily.

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