Mount Colpo.

The doorstep of the Da Dan family.

Ace knocked on the door with a smile on his face.

“Here it comes, who?”

The door opened, and a tall, bearded man with a head came out.

But after he saw the face in front of him clearly, the whole person was agitated, as if he was awake in an instant, staring at Ace dumbfounded.

“Magura, why is there no movement? Who’s coming? A grumpy female voice came out.

It was Dadan.

Inside the house, after Da Dan heard no movement, his first reaction was that Karp was coming!

Magura roared excitedly, “Boss! Come out and see who’s back! ”

“What a yell! The old lady is here! Dadan’s voice came from far and near.

Not only that, the bandits of the thief family were all attracted over.

“Huh?! Ace! Why are you here!! When Da Dan saw Ace, he was also extremely shocked, and the smoke in his mouth flew out.

Ace obviously went to sea, and Da Dan was still crying at that time, why did he come back in a blink of an eye? ?

“Dadan, Magura, long time no see. I’ll drop by and take a look. Ace smiled and waved hello.

It feels so good to be home.

“By the way, these are my pirate companions – Lorne, Solon, Nami, and Usopp.”

Ace did not forget to introduce.

“Pirate buddy?” Da Dan’s brows instantly furrowed, and he said angrily: “A group of hairy boys know Hu Lai!” You have to run to the sea and be some kind of broken pirate! Sooner or later, let Karp arrest you all! ”

“Magura! Dogula! What are you still stunned for! Don’t cook yet! Can these brats eat enough on the sea! ”

“Huh? Yes, yes, yes…”

Under Dadan’s roar, the entire pirate house was busy.

Solon and the others were also relieved.

I originally thought that Da Dan did not welcome them, but I didn’t expect it to be a knife-mouthed tofu heart.

“Come in. The old lady can tell you in advance, this is the house of the thief, you all give me the honest! Da Dan waved at Ace and motioned for him to lead everyone inside.

Da Dan is hard-mouthed, Ace is too late to be happy when she comes back, especially Ace’s partner, she will naturally treat her well.

“Dadan, let everyone stop busy, we just finished eating at Marcino’s Tavern. By the way, isn’t Luffy there? Did he go to the mountains again? Ace did not move, but scratched his head and explained.

Upon hearing this, Da Dan was directly ignited with anger, “Go to the mountains for the old lady!” You pirates stay away from us pirates! ”

Ace came back and went to the Marcino Tavern first?

Da Dan was instantly jealous.

Ace only smiled bitterly, explained with a smile, turned his head and said to Lorne: “Lorne, go to the mountains to find Luffy, I want to wait for him to come back and estimate that it will be dark.” ”

“Good.” Lorne nodded, and then said very politely to Dadan: “Ms. Dadan, goodbye.” ”

Several people left in a hurry.

Da Dan looked at the backs of these people, and finally his eyes fell on Lorne’s body, his face was full of worry, and he muttered in his mouth: “What are these brats doing looking for Luffy?” The one named Lorne seems to be older than Ace… Will it bully Ace? It’s really a disturbing fellow, and when the old lady comes back in the evening, she will interrogate them well! ”


Soon after, Ace found Luffy.

The mountains are the world of their brothers, and what is familiar cannot be familiar.

“Aha?! Ace – hahahaha…”

The moment Luffy saw Ace, his eyes lit up, and he rushed up with a laugh, directly on Ace’s head, causing Ace to take several steps back, and his head hit a tree directly.

“Hey, Luffy, come down, out of breath… Ahem. Ace hurriedly dragged Luffy down.

“Ace!! Hahahaha! Why did you come back? I’m so bored when you’re not there these days. Luffy smiled and put on a bitter melon face, as if he had been wronged.

Ace helplessly, and then introduced: “These are my partners, Lorne, Solon, Nami, and Usopp. ”

“Huh? Partner? That’s cool! Ace has a partner! Hi everyone, I’m Monchi D. Luffy! The man who wants to become One Piece! ”

Luffy grinned and said the most classic self-introduction.

Lorne kept looking at Luffy, red short-sleeved blue pants, a pair of slippers walking around, at this time smiled and greeted: “Hello, I’m Lorne, Ace’s captain.” ”

Ace’s expression paused, and he couldn’t wait to rush up and duel with Lorne.

As for the fact that it will be explained as soon as they meet?

Does he not want face in front of his younger brother?

“Huh?” A big doubt flashed on Luffy’s little face, and he looked at Ace in puzzlement, and said suspiciously: “Ace, aren’t you going to form your own pirate group?” How is he a captain? ”

Luffy said he couldn’t understand.

Ace sighed helplessly and explained: “Speaking of which, I made a pact with him, he will only be the captain for a month, and after a month, I will defeat him and regain the position of captain.” ”

“So… Sounds like a hassle! Luffy scratched his nose, still puzzled.

Lorne spoke at this time: “Ace exchanged the position of captain for a message from me… Your brother, Saab, is still alive. ”

Luffy ticked his nose, and the whole person was stunned.

Saab…… Still alive??

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