The group continued sailing for an hour and reached their destination——

Coco Yasi Village.

Lorne is here to solve Nami’s troubles!

A group of people marched towards Aaronland.

The leader with black hair and black eyes was none other than Lorne.

Ace, Solon, Luffy, Sanji, Usopp, and Nami all followed.

Nami was visibly nervous, and whispered: “Lorne, let’s find out the news first, just rush to the door…”

“Don’t worry, Nami. Even if you don’t believe in Ace’s fire and Solon’s knife, you have to believe in your sunny and handsome captain, right? ”

Ace twitched the corner of his mouth and silently added in his heart: “Soon you will have to return the captain’s position to me.” ”

Nami showed an ugly smile, to be honest, she really couldn’t laugh now.

“Nami-san, I will protect you well!” Sanji surrounded Nami, his eyes shining.

Seeing him like this, Nami was even less confident.

Solon said coolly, “Nami, I’ll help you cut that Aaron.” ”

Luffy was eager to try, “Finally there is a fight, just to test your strength, hee hee.” ”

Usopp is extremely tired, is this the life of a pirate?

Every day is either fighting other pirates, or on the way to fight, it’s crazy.


Aaron and his gang are enjoying life at the station.

Aaron was tall, wearing shorts and short sleeves with patterns, and he was lying leisurely on a chaise longue with his arms open.

“Captain, Nami hasn’t come back for a long time.” Croobi folded his arms and frowned.

Tweet, who was also a cadre with him, continued: “Will she run away?” ”

“Frightened hahaha… No, she is a caged bird that Lao Tzu fancy, and she is destined to draw a lifetime chart for Lao Tzu. Aaron put down his wine glass and laughed confidently.

Xiao Ba was also on the side, silent.


A scorching wave of qi poured in from outside the door.


A large hole was blasted out of the courtyard wall along the door.

The dazzling light of the fire slowly dissipated.

Along and several cadres were all stunned, and they didn’t react for a while.

This is…… Someone came to them for trouble?

Is there anyone in the East China Sea who dares to trouble them?


Then, several young figures walked in.

The eyes of Aaron and the others immediately noticed Nami, who was a little pale.

“Scared hahaha, Nami, your behavior looks like you are provoking Lao Tzu!” Aaron’s eyes flashed fiercely, and he looked up and laughed.

“You dare to destroy Aaron Paradise! You’re all going to die! Croobi said coldly.

Xiao Ba vigilantly pulled out eight knives.

The pirates in the station all rushed over, surrounding Lorne and several people in the middle.

Nami’s face grew paler.

After all, Aaron is his lingering nightmare, and when she saw Aaron, she suddenly had a sense of fear, and even some remorse, how could she unknowingly agree to Lorne, it would affect them.

Exposed these days, Nami knows that they are all good people.

But now, it’s too late to say anything.

This is no longer an arrow on a string, but an arrow all at the enemy’s doorstep!

“Aaron, huh? Give you a minute to prepare, hurry up and write a suicide note, don’t blame me for not giving you a chance if you haven’t finished writing. Lorne put his hands in his pockets and said directly.


When Lorne finished saying this, the scene turned into a needle fall.

Suddenly, laughter erupted.

“Hahaha, what is he talking about?”

“Laugh at me, doesn’t he know the name of our captain? Dare to take the initiative to come and send to death? ”

“The kid who doesn’t have even the hair grows, what nonsense do you say? Hahahaha…”

All the pirates of the Aaron Pirates laughed arrogantly.

Even Aaron leaned back with a smile.

It’s not that they laugh low, but Lorne’s words are too funny.

Lorne had a smile on his lips, and he silently counted in his heart.

“It’s time. You guys…… There is no chance. ”

“Ace, it’s over to you.”

Lorne turned his head directly.

The corners of Ace’s mouth twitched, let me come again?

“Don’t call me next time this kind of thing, I awakened to the overlord color domineering, you let me use it every time to clean up the trash fish.” Ace whispered, and then stepped forward.

Lorne didn’t seem to hear Ace’s complaint.

Nonsense, your current overlord-colored domineering can also clean up and clean up the trash fish, otherwise it is a decoration.

As long as it does not reach the level of domineering, the overlord is domineering… That’s it, it’s just nice to say and pretend to be effective.

Seeing Ace’s actions, the laughter slowly stopped, and they all wanted to see what Ace was going to do.

“If you don’t laugh, you won’t have a chance, sorry.”

Ace said softly.

The last syllable fell, and his pupils contracted suddenly.

A terrifying aura erupted from him, covering the entire audience like a tide, and everywhere he went, except for Along and the three cadre pirates, all the others turned white and fainted.

This time, Ace’s overlord-colored domineering has done so that he will not hurt his own people by mistake.

“This is … Overlord color domineering? ”

Aaron sat up abruptly, his face becoming shocked.

In the East China Sea, he actually encountered a domineering imp who awakened the overlord color?

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