“Nami, I didn’t expect you to come prepared.” Aaron’s eyes flashed with a vicious light, and he stared at Nami faintly, like a chilling viper.

It seems that after solving these guys who don’t know if they are dead or alive, they have to punish the disobedient Nami, Aaron thought silently, and the smile at the corners of his mouth became more wanton, as if he thought of some fun way to punish Nami.

Nami’s body trembled and she was under extreme pressure.

Suddenly, a figure stood in front of Nami, it was Lorne.

He glanced at Along and said coldly: “To be honest, if it weren’t for giving my crew a chance to perform, I would have personally hammered you to death.” ”

Ace shook his head helplessly, thinking that Lorne was amplifying the words.

Lorne’s strength, doesn’t he know yet?

Nami’s body was shocked, and she seemed to feel the seriousness in that sentence, and a touch of extraordinary reassurance arose in her heart.

“Even if it’s overlord-colored domineering! Lao Tzu is the pirate with the highest bounty in the East China Sea! You ants have to die!” Mankind…… All damn it! ”

Aaron roared and took the initiative to attack.

Ace turned his head and exchanged a look with Luffy, Solon, and Sanji, which meant to say: “Leave this guy to me, and the rest is yours to feel free.”

Then, the fire fist burst out!

You don’t care if the fire fist is worth anything, you must start every time.

The heavenly flames turned into a huge fist, and the roaring flames scorched the surrounding air.

After the flames, there is the figure of Ace.

Before the fire fist, it was Aaron’s panicked expression.

The natural Devil Fruit ability was almost an insoluble existence before entering the new world.

Now, only the word strong can describe Ace.

Luffy and Solon were not idle and shot one after another.

Luffy originally wanted to challenge Aaron, but every time he snatched Ace, he could only pick one cadre to shoot.

Sanji opened the first stage of the demon wind feet, armed color domineering coverage, all indestructible!

Solon only uses the word Kazudo, and single-knife flow fights eight-knife flow!

Lorne protected Nami behind him, very leisurely.

Usopp was also behind him, with a slingshot on guard.


Aaron dodged at full speed and dodged Ace’s fire fist.

However, the power of the fire fist did not decrease in the slightest, and it shot straight out!


A loud noise came from behind Aaron, and the fire mercilessly extinguished everything, and the tall building collapsed.

Aaron turned his head in shock, and then looked at Ace with a monster face.

What the fuck can this monster come across in the East China Sea?

The huge building on the back floor has been destroyed, which means that Aaron’s years of business have been in vain in an instant.

“Damn humans! Lao Tzu is going to kill you! ”

Aaron was extremely angry and began to attack Ace, life and death.

However, the burning of the fruit is very repressive.

Moreover, even if he did not have the power to burn the fruit, Aaron might not be able to beat Ace.

After a fierce fight, Aaron finally found the moment.

“S. ON Tooth Carriage! ”

Aaron’s burly body spun across the flames, opening his bloody mouth, revealing sharp teeth with amazing bite force, and biting into Ace’s shoulder.

However, the image he imagined biting the other party into pieces did not appear.

He didn’t feel like biting a person, but like biting on an indestructible iron plate, even harder than his teeth!

The corners of Ace’s mouth hooked into a smile, and he said softly: “You are deceived.” ”

He deliberately lured Along closer, and then instantly covered his whole body with armed color domineering, resisted Along’s attack, and then punched out.

A terrifying wave of air bombarded Aaron’s arm.


Burnt fruit – burst!

The power of the explosion directly knocked Along away, and tore the flesh and blood on his arm, emitting a burnt smell.

By the time he stood still, the attacked arm was weakly pulled, and charred bones were still visible at the wound.

The pain made Aaron sweat profusely, almost losing his mind, and rushed towards Ace as if he were dead.

But no one noticed the sly glint in Aaron’s eyes.

Ace felt that Aaron’s strength was not enough, and he was careless for a while, and when he was about to strike, Aaron suddenly increased his speed and crashed into Ace.

Then the two flew backwards together.

“Not good!”

When Ace noticed the pond behind him, he was shocked in his heart, and instantly understood Aaron’s thoughts, and the other party wanted to use the weakness of the Devil Fruit to solve him.

By the time the thought flashed through his mind, Ace and Aaron had already fallen into the huge swimming pool.


The waves caught Lorne’s attention, and he shook his head and sighed, “It seems that I have to make a move.” ”

The moment Ace came into contact with the seawater, his body became weak and it was difficult to breathe.

He didn’t expect Along to be so cunning, and his heart was full of anger, but the restrained effect of the Devil Fruit made him unable to resist at all.

Aaron smirked and rushed up, hitting Ace with a water bomb, knocking him down.

“In the water… is Lao Tzu’s world! ”

Aaron glanced at his injured arm, and a dive was about to end Ace’s life.

But at this critical moment, a fist fell on Along’s face from the side, almost knocking his face crooked, and Aaron screamed and rolled to the side.

He looked back at the person who made the move, and said with a surprised expression: “It turned out to be you?!” ”

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