That’s right, the person who rescued Ace was none other than Lorne.

Ace is still too young and powerful, but he was calculated by Aaron, but… This is also the most effective way to deal with those with Devil Fruit abilities, which shows that Aaron’s combat experience is still very rich.

Unfortunately, he met Lorne.

“I said, I’m their captain. Why do you think I’m weak? Lorne shook his head helplessly, still moving freely in the water.

“So what! The water is a natural battlefield for fish people! Here Lao Tzu is invincible! Aaron roared angrily, his figure swinging, and his long jagged nose pierced Lorne.

Lorne looked wary, uncle, I like to clean up pretending criminals like you!

Armed color domineering covers hands, partially armed.

Seeing the domineering launch and capturing Along’s trajectory.

Brush ——

Lorne quickly grabbed Aaron’s nose with one hand.

In the frightened eyes of the other party, a punch was thrown.

Oh, no.

It should be a punch.

The fierce fist is like falling on a sandbag, extremely lethal and at the same time, it is particularly dense.

Halfway through Lorne’s fight, Aaron lost consciousness.

Nonsense, how strong the physique of the fish is, and you can’t use your head to hit the armed and domineering fist.

After Lorne beat Aaron to take care of himself, he threw him out of the water, and then quickly dived to salvage the unconscious Ace.

Because of the feeling of suffocation in the sea, Ace did not see the scene of Lorne’s shot.

When Ace was knocked into the sea by Aaron, Nami’s face turned extremely pale.

If Ace loses, can the rest defeat Aaron?

Just as she panicked, the man stood up and jumped into the water without saying a word.

“Huh? What is Lorne doing in there! ”

Nami’s heart mentioned her throat eyes.

Since she got on the ship, Lorne has not even shown a little strength, even the training warehouse has not entered, what strength can this kind of person have?

He…… Why go and give away people’s heads?

Nami was puzzled.

But in less than half a minute, a figure broke through the water, splashing water and wetting Nami’s hair.

She stared blankly at Aaron who fell in front of her like a dead dog, her mouth growing enough to stuff several sausages.


Her beautiful eyes showed shock.

Aaron, he was actually defeated!

Immediately afterwards, Lorne carried Ace out of the water and climbed ashore.

Without the shackles of the sea, Ace gradually woke up, and the first thing he did after waking up was to roll over and sit up to look for the enemy.

That guy dared to snuff him, he would definitely not forgive the other party!

But the next scene made him stunned.

The guy he wanted to kill lay beside him with his head broken and bleeding, his weak breathing as if he would stop at any moment.

If Lorne hadn’t left his hand just now, Aaron’s brain pulp would have been beaten out.

“He… What’s going on! Who did this to you! Ace was shocked.

Aaron’s strength is still quite strong, so he won’t be abolished so quickly, right?

Solon and the others had finished solving their opponents, and they all came to the near front, looking at Aaron’s miserable appearance, and sighed in their hearts: they were still light.

Ace glanced around and found that everyone was shaking their heads, indicating that they didn’t do it.

Finally, Ace chose to look at Nami between Lorne and Nami.

Lorne rolled his eyes on the side, and complained inwardly: “How unconfident is this to me, who would rather believe that Nami killed Aaron than think it’s me?” I, the captain, am so remiss in my duties. ”

Nami and Ace looked at each other, and finally extended their small hands and pointed carefully at Lorne.

Don’t look at me, he did it, not me.

Ace’s shocked worldview was collapsing, turned his head to look at Lorne, and almost lost his voice: “Lorne? Did you finish off this guy? ”

Lorne smiled slightly, and put his hand into his trouser pocket by the way, showing his superior demeanor, “How to speak to your lifesaver, is it okay to have more respect?” ”

“Impossible! How do you have the strength to beat him? What just happened? Ace looked around blankly, recalling what had just happened in his mind.

Unfortunately, he was already confused in the water and had no idea what was happening.

But in any case, he would not believe that Aaron was defeated by Lorne.

Lorne’s strength could not be clearer to him, and he was able to hang Lorne with almost one hand.

And Lorne has never entered the cultivation warehouse, how can his strength grow?

Ace didn’t believe it at all.

“But Lorne really jumped into the pool just now.” Luffy scratched his nose and said incomprehensibly.

“Lorne, what happened in the water just now?” Ace looked at Lorne with a puzzled expression, hoping for an answer.

However, before Lorne could speak, a group of navies rushed in from the gate.

“Come man! Surround them and don’t let any of them go! ”

A dignified admiral walked in.

Lorne immediately shrank his eyes.

That costume… Vice Admiral!

And Colonel Mouse, who colluded with Aaron, humbly followed the vice admiral.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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