Battle Captain never shoots!

The retreat captain rushed to the first place!

Ace said that Lao Tzu was really speechless.

Although Lorne has the strength of not weaker than the vice admiral, if it completely breaks out, it is possible to kill Mobi Sanya in front of him.

But he didn’t want to expose his strength.

The navy knew that he was a miscellaneous pirate, but it still sent the combat power of the vice admiral of the navy headquarters to hunt him down!

If he knew that he had the strength of a lieutenant general, would the general be dispatched?

That’s not good.

Therefore, Lorne is still based on Gou!

When the fifth gear opens, the four emperors are all younger brothers!

Not in a hurry.

This is a pain for Ace, when he stopped Mobi Sanya, he had to find a way to retreat….

“Rubber rubber ~ machine gun!”

Luffy charged his strength and fired a burst of machine guns to help Ace share the pressure.

Ace took this opportunity to burst out.

“Yan Shanggang!”

Ferocious flames surged out, forming a large area of flames in front of Ace, isolating him from Mobi Sanya.

Mobi Sanya’s face was gloomy, staring at the raging sea of fire in front of him, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes: it was a shame to be solved by a naval colonel in front of him by a few imps.

Thinking of this, a sharp and huge slash slowly formed in his hand, wanting to split the sea of fire that blocked the way.

Yet the next second.

The situation suddenly went unexpected.

“Three Blade Flow, One Hundred Eight Troubles Wind!”

Solon saw the opportunity to make a move, directly set off Ace’s flames, the flames took advantage of this wind, suddenly expanded several times, and even many navies were engulfed by the sea of fire, the body was contaminated with flames, the flames along the surrounding buildings, about to surround the navy inside, Mobi Sanya gritted his teeth, and could only bite the bullet and order a retreat.

Escape this sea of fire for a while.

“Hey! Ace! Luffy! Let’s go! ”

Solon slowly collected the knife and greeted from a distance.

“Hahaha, that’s great, Solon!” Luffy laughs and praises Solon and retreats side by side with Ace.

Several people returned to the pirate ship and immediately drove the pirate ship away.

Vice Admiral, if you can avoid it, avoid it.

Mobi Sanya then came to the coast, looked at the ships that gradually disappeared from view, and dialed the phone worm.

“Bru Bru Bru Blu ~~”

“Lieutenant General Karp! The arrest of Lorne failed. They defeated the Dragon Pirates, killed Colonel Mouse, and should pass through Rogue Town next. Mobi Sanya reported respectfully.

“Hahahaha… The old man is waiting for them in Rogue Town! Karp’s unbridled laughter came from the phone worm.

He had already made up his mind that he must teach those brats a good lesson!


After the Pirates of Spades left, the next route was indeed Rogue Town.

However, everyone did not know that they were about to be greeted by a terrifying old fellow!

In the practice of the members of the Pirates of Spades, two days passed in a flash.

In the middle of the night, just after midnight, Ace woke up Lorne in high spirits.

“Lorne! The time of a month has come! It’s time for me to return the captain’s position. Ace had a confident smile on his face.

That night, they found an island, docked their boats, and hunted game for dinner.

And now, everyone is resting around the campfire, Ace is so troublesome, not only Lorne wakes up, but even Luffy and Solon wake up.

The main thing is to watch the lively mentality.

Luffy muttered, “If I defeat the captain and become the captain, can I defeat Lorne and become the captain of this ship?” ”

A novel thought suddenly came to his head.

Originally thinking of gathering his partners, but getting along with these people was inexplicably comfortable, Luffy couldn’t help but have the idea of swallowing the Pirates of Spades in his heart.

Bang Bang.

After hearing this, Ace directly knocked Luffy’s head twice, “Luffy, the future captain will be me, you kid wants to challenge me, you can think clearly about the consequences.” ”

“Hey~ I will definitely defeat you!” Luffy said confidently.

“Wait.” Lorne rubbed his eyes, sobered up, and stopped Ace: “Who said that the captain’s position is yours?” Did you beat me? ”

Ace patted Lorne’s shoulder and said in a low voice: “Lorne, it’s almost done, it’s been a captain for a month, you should have enough addiction, right?” Or return the captain’s position to me, the province still has to compete, and it is you who will be beaten. ”

A mysterious smile appeared at the corner of Lorne’s mouth, and he spoke: “Ace, everything must come according to the rules, if you really want to be a captain, you can only challenge me.” ”

“However, you can think about it, don’t blame me for not reminding you, it hurts to beat people up.”

Hearing Lorne’s arrogant words, Ace was also angry and said directly: “I should say this!” It hurts more for me to beat people! Then let’s try it! ”

Since Lorne refused to abdicate honestly, Ace could only use force.

“It’s really going to be done… Who do you guess will win? ”

Usopp looked at Lorne and Ace who were in a stunned position, and asked Luffy and the others.

PS: Ask for flowers, evaluation votes ~~~ kneel!

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