“As far as I know… Our captain doesn’t seem to have the strength, right? Solon hugged Kazudo and said helplessly.

Sanji slowly shook his head, “I’m not optimistic about the captain either.” ”

“Hey! Have you all forgotten who solved Aaron? It’s the captain! Usopp loudly defended, seemingly canvassing for Lorne.

“But… The captain also said it was a coincidence. Nami said with a hint of concern.

Lorne explained what happened underwater that day, when he jumped to save Ace, he happened to hit Aaron, and then came a punch… And that’s how it turned out.

“Usopp, are you optimistic about the captain?” Sanji took a puff of his cigarette and asked incredulously.

Usopp said reasonably: “How is it possible, Ace blocked the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, I am very optimistic about him!” ”

Solon, Yamaji, Nami: …

The three were speechless.

I thought Usopp was a faithful follower of Lorne.

Engaged in this lively atmosphere for half a day.

“Luffy, what about you?” Solon looked at Luffy and asked seriously.

“Luffy should be optimistic about Ace, that’s his brother.” Nami said as she looked at Luffy.

Luffy scratched his head with a dumbfounded look and said seriously, “I think Lorne will win.” ”

Solon, Yamaji, Usopp, and Namezi fell together.

“Isn’t it Luffy, you can see such an obvious result? How could Captain Lorne have beaten Ace? Usopp retorted helplessly.

In the distance, Lorne and Ace, who were in a fight, clearly heard Luffy and several people talking.

“Lorne, they don’t think highly of you.” Ace had a relaxed smile on his face and a cheerful feeling that he was about to regain the captain’s position.

Lorne turned to look at Luffy and praised, “Ace, you are really not as good as Luffy, but he sees a great future.” ”

To Lorne’s words, Ace lazy retorted.

What does you see as an incredible future?

Luffy’s domineering look is not as strong as him, what future can he see.

Suppressing the messy thoughts in his heart, Ace bent his legs slightly, and suddenly rushed towards Lorne, like a predatory beast, swinging his fist and heading straight for Lorne.

There was still a faint smile on the corner of Lorne’s mouth, and he looked like he was smiling, unmoved.

But at the moment when Ace’s fist fell, the whole person instantly disappeared in place, leaving only the afterimage of the Dao.

The moment Ace’s fist fell, a great surprise appeared in his heart: Dodged?

How can it be!

Although he didn’t use his full strength, with Lorne’s strength, it should be impossible to dodge?

Ace was a little dumbfounded, just stunned, his arm was firmly grasped by a pair of big hands, and I don’t know when Lorne appeared in front of Ace again, and his back was to Ace.

Brush ——

An over-the-shoulder fall directly threw Ace out.


Ace was even more shocked in his heart!

Is this still Lorne?

Is it the Lorne who has been abused countless times by him?

Actually shot him out?

Although Ace was shocked, his body instinctively turned into flames, and quickly stabilized his figure and fell to the ground.

Usopp was stunned and his eyes widened, “Lorne threw Ace out? ”

“I didn’t see the speed clearly just now!” Solon’s expression became solemn.

Sanji took the palm of the cigarette and said in disbelief: “Is Lorne really strong? ”

“Lorne! Have you been hiding strength? Ace said incredulously.

The speed just now was by no means Lorne’s normal speed.

There is also the strength of the shot, so that he cannot resist!

“Hidden strength? I haven’t hidden my strength, I’ve always said I’m strong, but you don’t believe it. Lorne spread his hands, his face full of helplessness.

Lao Tzu throws the truth in your face every day, but you turn a deaf ear.

Ace flicked his arm and said seriously: “Whether you hide your strength or not, the position of captain must be mine!” Lorne, be careful, I’m going to be serious. ”

When the words fell, a line of fire burned behind Ace, spreading rapidly along his arms, and two palms full of flames wanted to grab Lorne.

At the same time, a rapid flame burst out from under Ace’s feet, slicing a circular flame enchantment from the ground, trapping Lorne inside.


Then restrain you with flames!

“Lorne, if you can’t hide, admit defeat.” Ace’s voice sounded in Lorne’s ears, and the flame-filled Ace had arrived in front of him.

Lorne narrowed his eyes, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and the naturally falling palm was silently covered with a layer of deep lustrous substance.

Armed color domineering, covered!

Ace, who originally thought that the victory was in hand, was suddenly stunned.

Because of his arm transformed into flames, he was caught!

Ace’s pupils contracted, and he looked down in disbelief and saw the palm that passed through the flames.

Cover the domineering palm of armed color!


“When did you master domineering!”

Ace’s face was shocked, and his mouth was open, and he was about to stuff three big goose eggs!

The armed domineering nature displayed by Lorne completely shocked Ace!

Obviously, he has not entered the cultivation warehouse once!

And when did you master the domineering?

Ace’s CPU is spinning wildly, and the brain circuit is about to be exploded!

Where does Lorne’s strength come from?

PS: Is there anyone else? Is there anyone else? Is there anyone else?

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