“I think Lorne has a point, I very much agree with Ace’s deputy captain!” Usopp was the first to agree.

Obediently, he didn’t want to face the admiral’s personal arrest.

“Now it seems that this is the best solution. Solon put down the cutlery and approved.

Then he got up and walked out, “I’m full and go to training.” ”

As soon as Ace heard the two words of training, it was like beating chicken blood, and after eating the windswept clouds, a puff of smoke rushed out.

“I’ll go train too!”

“Don’t forget your position and mission, my dear co-captain!” Lorne did not forget to remind.

“Got it!” came Ace’s angry voice.

The sun rises high and a new day begins.

Not long after the Pirates of Spades set out, they arrived in Rogue Town.

The ten coolies who were originally recruited still worked as coolies in the captain, leaving eight people to watch the ship, and two pirates went with Yamaji to purchase ingredients.

Luffy and Nami were also ready to go around Rogue Town, but Ace was very resistant, but he couldn’t resist Luffy pulling hard, and he also got off the boat.

Lorne led Solon to buy a knife.

The plan is very reasonable.

It’s just that no one knows that there is a terrifying old guy waiting for them in Rogue Town!

The town of Rogue is a very important line of defense.

The navy here is the busiest, and the pirates arrested are pirates who want to enter the new world, and today it just so happened that Captain Smog went out to arrest pirates, not in Rogue Town.

Smogg left so relieved, mainly because of Karp’s arrival!

Hero Karp is here, and Rogue Town will be extremely safe!


Everyone splits up in Roguetown, and Lorne takes Solon to find the weapon shop where he is destined to go, and subdue three generations of Oni in a vigorous way, as well as get the snow away.

And shortly after Lorne and Solon left the weapons shop, the entire town of Rogue was in chaos.

“Quick, there are pirates in the square!”

“Get out of the way! Get out of the way!”


On the street, groups of navies rushed and gathered towards the square.

Lorne saw this scene and had a bad premonition.

It can’t be Luffy and they’re in trouble, is it?” muttered Solon as he slung three knives.

Lorne slapped his head helplessly and vowed, “If it doesn’t have anything to do with Luffy, I won’t do it Captain!”

After speaking, he immediately dragged Solon towards the square.

However, as soon as he arrived at the square, Lorne regretted it.

The moment the two figures saw him, they rushed towards him.

“Lorne, run!” yelled Ace anxiously.

“Oh, yes! It hurts! It hurts! Lorne, help us! It hurts… Grandpa, don’t fight!” Luffy scrambled with his head, a large bulge on his head.

And the person chasing Ace and Luffy is an old man with a burly figure, short hair and beard, and wearing a naval justice gun.

“Luffy’s grandfather?” Solon was shocked to see Luffy’s miserable look.


Lorne’s heart was dead.

The heart roared: Don’t come here!

That’s the hero Karp!

The devil knows why Karp is here?

Lorne was a little confused.

However, when Karp saw him, like a wolf seeing a little sheep, he laughed: “So you are Lorne!

Karp directly passed Ace and Luffy and slammed into Lorne with an iron fist.

Maja Fake !!

Lorne was vicious in his heart and called fuck.

The speed was directly unleashed to the maximum and dodged a punch.


The entire square collapsed into a huge crater.

That was the result of Karp’s fist.

Lorne stood on the edge of the pit, swallowing saliva with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

If this punch had fallen on him just now… If it is not wasted, it must be disabled.

Lorne was completely stunned!

Why is Karp here!!

Ace and Luffy braked suddenly, and they were stopped at the edge of the giant pit, their eyes widened, their mouths wide open, and their faces full of shock.

“Old man, is this really moving??” Ace had two big heads and a confused expression.

He thought it was a coincidence that he met Karp, but now it seems that it is not.

Luffy grinned, afraid that the fist was falling on him.

“Dodged?” said Karp’s figure as he landed to the side, surprised.

Then I saw him roll up his sleeves and laugh even more heartily: “Hahahaha, it looks much stronger than Ace’s two smelly boys, the old man happens to have itchy hands, don’t beat you without beating!”

The words fell, and Karp slowly walked towards Lorne.

After dodging just now, Lorne had rushed to Ace and Luffy’s side, looking at Karp who was walking step by step, and the three of them looked confused at the same time.

Why is your grandfather here!” roared excitedly.

“It seems to be because of Luffy… He had come to find Luffy. Ace swallowed, thinking about how to get beaten lighter.

“What can I do this time? Grandpa is so terrible.” Luffy said collapsed.

Karp was a complete shadow in his heart.

Lorne kept a calm face and thought of a solution.

Ace and Luffy specified that the lesson would be over, but not necessarily for him… Arrested? Executed?

It’s hard to say!

Therefore, the most urgent thing is how to save yourself!

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Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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