Looking around, hundreds of navies have already flocked here, and there are many brave and unafraid residents who are not afraid of death, and the situation is very difficult.

In the crowd, the figures of Yamaji, Nami and others also appeared and were approaching.




Quickly show Lao Tzu!

Lorne prayed in his heart.

However, to no avail.

The current Usopp has not awakened the “GOD” attribute, let alone in the face of Karp, even if the “GOD” comes, I am afraid that he will have to be punched twice.

When the situation is critical, Lorne is ready to convince people!

Military…… It’s absolutely martial!

Three inches of tongue is not rotten, find a way for yourself.

But until then, the guys around you have to clean up!

“Ace, Luffy, Overlord!”

Lorne yelled.

Ace and Luffy were startled, and then without hesitation, they mobilized the qi of their whole bodies and suddenly released!


Overlord color! Release!

The spirit that gushed out like a tide swept wantonly in an instant.

All the naval soldiers and residents who were involved rolled their eyes and fainted.

“Overlord color??”

Karp’s eyes widened for a moment.

What did these two brats do?

How did you awaken the overlord-colored domineering so quickly, and even control the release?

Karp buried doubts in his heart, but his movements kept stopping, grinning:

“The old man let you see the real overlord color domineering!”

When the words fell, Karp’s body released a terrifying aura like a desolate beast, which spread out in an instant!


Three overlord-colored domineering forces collide!


Countless dark red lightning bolts visible to the naked eye circulated around.

Swept around with even greater might.

The entire square fainted in an instant.

Only the people of the Pirates of Spades were still standing.

Oh, and there was another person, Karp’s deputy, Bogart in a gray trench coat, standing not far away, with shock written on his face.

“He is worthy of being the grandson of Lieutenant General Karp, and he has the qualifications of a king…” he whispered.

Karp’s overlord-colored domineering release, just like a giant facing a common people, directly crushed Ace and Luffy’s overlord-colored domineering and suppressed it back.

Ace and Luffy looked heavy and stressed.

Suddenly, an extra hand appeared on their shoulders, and a figure passed them and took a step forward.

Lorne shot!

Since there is no one around, then he can also release it unscrupulously.

Karp and Bogart don’t count.

Lorne’s pupils contracted suddenly, and the overlord-colored domineering aura was released!


Add an overlord-colored domineering spirit to make the collision more violent and stormy!

The entire execution table shook wildly, trying to fall down and rest.

“Overlord-colored domineering imp?” Karp startled suddenly.

He didn’t expect that Lorne had also awakened the overlord color domineering!

“That guy also awakened the overlord-colored domineering??

Ace and Luffy’s pressure plummeted.

However, even if the three work together, it is not yet the point where they can compete with Karp.

After a moment of stalemate, their overlord-colored domineering aura was squeezed in front of them and shattered.

Three figures sat on the ground in unison, even Lorne was no exception.

Ace and Luffy’s current overlord color domineering is not very strong, even if the peace is on Lorne, that is, the average degree, compared with the monster of Karp, it is a small witch.

“Hahaha… It’s getting more and more interesting. With laughter, Karp had already appeared in front of the three.

Ace and Luffy looked at the raised iron fist of love, and the corners of their mouths twitched violently.

“Stop, stop, stop, I have something to say!”

Lorne shouted at the top of his throat.

“Oh, what do you want to say?” Karp narrowed his eyes and looked at the strange imp, full of oppression.

Lorne steadied himself and stood up strongly, “Tell me about Luffy, and why I took Luffy out to sea!”

You let your husband’s grandson become a pirate, and the old man will not spare you. Karp said this, and his raised fist was already lowered.

He still wanted to hear it, and was a little curious about the guy in front of him.

Lorne tells Ace and Luffy to leave, and he wants to talk to Karp alone.

Confused, Ace and Luffy left confused.

At this time, only Lorne and Karp were left in the near future.


“Ace, Luffy, are you both all right?”

Solon, Yamaji, Nami and the others greeted Ace and Luffy, their faces full of worry.

“Who is that navy, and why is Lorne talking to him?” asked Usopp in a low voice.

“That’s our grandfather. A wry smile appeared at the corner of Ace’s mouth.

Faced with such a situation, he was really helpless.

“Ah? Your grandfather!”

Everyone was taken aback.

“Alas, now it depends on whether Lorne has any solution, otherwise, I am afraid that our pirate group will be disbanded…” Ace covered his head and said with a headache.

How did I run into the old man!


Braincase pain.

Luffy scratched his nose, and his mood couldn’t help but get anxious.

Lorne, is there really a way to deal with the situation at hand?

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