Lorne has the strength of a well-deserved general.

The pirate world should have been at the same level as the emperor.

However, the display power of the four emperors is much stronger than that of the generals!

The battle on top, Whitebeard hammers red dogs, and bloody blackbeards!

Imperial Deputy Beckman single-handedly pointed at the yellow ape, making it dare not act rashly.

This greatly highlights the strength of the four emperors, but it seems that the general is no more than that.

However, Whitebeard is known as the strongest man in the world, and his explosive strength comes entirely from his own perversion, and has nothing to do with the Four Emperors.

It is not because he is strong because he is the four emperors, but because he is strong, he is the four emperors.

To put it bluntly, the title of the Four Emperors has no way to limit the monster-level strength of Whitebeard.

And the yellow ape’s action can only mean that it is paddling and fishing, right?

After all, the green pheasant was later revealed to have an overlord color, how could the yellow ape and the red dog not have it?

In essence, the emperor is of the same level.

However, the four emperors are all monster levels beyond normal!

This created a gap between the four emperors and the generals.

And Lorne’s current general strength can only be called normal strength, far from being monster-level.

There’s still a lot of room to grow.

Of course, the power brought by Dongli and Brocky has already satisfied Lorne.

Even more satisfied, Dongli and Brocky were also judged to be S-class crew members!

Now, Lorne’s S-class crew, eight!

Ten places away!

Only the last two!

The bonus feature is open and close at hand!

You know, it has only been more than a month since Lorne obtained the strength of a general from a miscellaneous pirate, and the spread is enough to shake the entire sea.


Fortunately, Klockdar didn’t make Lorne wait long.

When many killers sneaked into the Primeval Island from all directions, they finally formed an encirclement and approached Lorne and the others.

“Everyone, get ready to welcome guests. ”

Lorne slowly stood up and greeted Ace, Luffy and the others.

Everyone looked on guard.

The wind howls.

A quicksand suddenly appeared, and then transformed into a tall figure, holding a cigar and looking defiant.

Nanabukai, Shah Klockdar!

And behind him, Robin, Mr1, Mr2 and other cadres came out and listed beside Klockdar.

There were many killers surging around, enough to be three hundred people, surrounding the three layers of Lorne and his group, and the outer three layers.

“President, save me!” Gal Dino was locked up by a large tree in handcuffs and saw Klockdar as if he had seen a savior, and cried out.

Klockdahl glanced at him, then took a deep breath of his cigar, spat out a mouthful of smoke, and said coldly: “Little ghost, is it you behind the scenes?”

The tone was somewhat skeptical.

He looked at these little ghosts in front of him, and even wanted to laugh a little.

“It’s a big battle,” Lorne said with a smile, taking the first two steps to confront Klockdar.

“Say, where is Hades!” Klockdar’s tone suddenly became cold, and a sandstorm slowly condensed in his palm.


Hearing these two words, Robin’s body was obviously stunned for a moment before returning to normal.

I don’t know where it is, I’m just lying to you. Lorne spread his hands and said directly very scoundrelly.

In the face of Klockdar, he is still very confident.

Moreover…… There was no one around, and there was no need for him to hide his strength!

“What do you say? teasing Lao Tzu, are you looking for death!” Klockdar looked gloomy, his voice cold.

Whether it was true or not, he had to capture Lorne and say it again.

If the other party dares to use Hades as bait to lure him over, he definitely knows something!

In the next second, a sandstorm quickly enlarged in Klockdal’s hands, eventually forming yellow sand floating in the sky, and the sandstorm generally covered Lorne and the others.

Ace’s gaze froze, and he muttered, “Nature Department ability?”

Next moment!

A flame rose into the sky and shot out.

“Fire Fist-”


The monstrous flames appeared even more violent, mercilessly crashing into the sandstorm, producing a strong collision, and finally the storm slowly dissipated in the shocked eyes of everyone.

“Flame, natural ability?” Klockdar narrowed his eyes, revealing a dangerous gaze.

He didn’t expect to be able to meet a natural Devil Fruit ability.

“Actually blocked the president’s attack?” Mr1 looked shocked.

Both sides have a natural ability at the same time!

Lorne suddenly stopped Ace, who wanted to attack again, “Ace, he handed it over to me.” ”

Since he wants to subdue Klockdar, Lorne must show the strength to make the other party submit!

When Ace heard this, his expression suddenly became extremely surprised, “You want to do it?”

“Hmm. You go to solve other people. Lorne walked past Ace and walked towards Klockdar.

“Little ghost, you guys are so arrogant!”

As if he were a plaything, Klockdar was completely angry.

Lao Tzu is Klockdar!

Who do you think you are facing the enemy?

“Everyone, solve them!”

Klockdahl drank quietly and gave the order.



“Finally you can do it! Kill them!”

The killers around them roared and rushed up.

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Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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