A chaotic war is about to break out.

However, Ace had his arms wrapped around the flames, his eyes were cold, his pupils contracted, and a huge terrifying aura erupted from his body.

Ace directly turned on the overlord color domineering.

He deeply remembered Lorne’s words: The role of his current overlord-colored domineering has no effect except for clearing the scene and pretending.

Therefore, he is to clear the scene and release the overlord color domineering.


This terrifying momentum, like a fierce beast, is not at all what ordinary people can bear.

At the same time as the tide spread, the killers who surged around fell one after another.

Even the cadres were not spared.


Of the three hundred people Klockdar brought, only three remained standing.




You know, during the top war, Luffy unconsciously released the overlord-colored domineering that stunned Gal Dino, and Ace is now a cultivated overlord-colored domineering, which is even more terrifying.

What happened almost instantaneously made the three of Klockdar completely stunned.

Robin and Mr1 didn’t know what was happening at all, but just felt a terrifying momentum, and then everyone fell….

“What is it?” muttered Robin subconsciously covering his mouth.

Mr1’s forehead oozed cold sweat, and he couldn’t understand what means the other party had used.

Klockdar’s expression was even more gloomy, but his heart was also shocked by the scene in front of him, and then a long-lost word appeared in his mind.

“Overlord color domineering!?”

Not only a natural ability, but also an overlord-colored domineering awakener?

Who the hell is this little ghost!

Klockdar’s gaze fell on Ace, and he felt that Ace was the biggest threat.

Lorne turned his head with a confused look and looked at the domineering Ace with a confused expression.


What’s the situation?

Keep these people to test the combat power for the big guys, what do you mean by directly killing in seconds?

“Ace, it’s too hard. Lorne covered his forehead and shook his head helplessly.

Ace tugged at the corners of his mouth, looked around, and said with disdain: “How dare these guys come to us for trouble so weak??”

He himself is equally confused.

Who would have thought that a menacing enemy would be so weak?

Could it be that his overlord color domineering has become stronger?

This sentence seemed to give Klockdar a hard kick in the face, and rubbed the insole on his face.

Ace’s subconscious words were deeply humiliating to Klockdar.

The dignified Nanabukai, Klockdar, was underestimated?

Look down on Lao Tzu?

“Sand Blade!”

Klockdar waved his hand to condense the quicksand, and a sand blade jumped up from the ground, piercing Lorne’s body in the horrified eyes of everyone.

“A group of imps who don’t know the height of the sky, Laozi is not something you can compete with!”

The corners of Klockdar’s mouth smiled grimly and with awe-inspiring killing intent.

This blow is sure to kill, really very handsome.

“Lorne !!”

“Captain !!”

Ace and Solon looked shocked, completely frightened by the scene in front of them.

Lorne was pierced through the body by a sand blade raid?

Lorne !!

Just as everyone rushed to Lorne and prepared to check on him, a bright flame suddenly burned at Lorne’s wound.

“Don’t be impulsive, I’m fine. Lorne soothed.

Eston was relieved, almost forgetting that Lorne’s ability is to copy, and if you copy the burnt fruit, you can also have the ability of the natural system and be able to achieve elementalization, provided that the other party does not use domineering.

“It’s scary. Nami patted her chest and let out a long sigh of relief.

Solon, Sanji, and Luffy were afraid for a while, but they all calmed down.

“Solon, you go and finish off that bald head. Lorne said immediately.

When Solon heard this, he looked at Mr1, and the other party also felt something, looking at Solon.

After that, without much words, the two sides directly fought a lot.

“Robin, wait quietly for the battle to end, you can’t meddle in things here. Lorne looked at Robin again, and his beast-like gaze was filled with an irresistible majesty.

It was as if the emperor had given orders to his own people.

After saying these words, Lorne faced Klockdar again, and the flames on his body burned, and the whole person left the sand blade.

“Hey, I said, it was he who made the shot, and it was he who mocked you, but you attacked Lao Tzu??”

Lorne pointed at Ace Chong Klockdar and questioned.

This old boy doesn’t talk about martial virtue!

In fact, just now Lorne had already noticed what he had seen, he just didn’t understand, it was Ace who made the move, but how could it be him who was injured?

It seems that in the future, you still have to hold on, and rushing to the front is the most dangerous.

The corners of Ace’s mouth twitched, completely speechless to Lorne’s words: Is it time to say these things?

As for Klockdar, he didn’t pay attention to what Lorne said at all, just stared at Lorne with dead eyes, more precisely the flames burning on his body.

If he wasn’t blind, it was the flame ability used by the freckled imp behind him just now.

How come this guy can also use the flame ability now?

How could the same Devil Fruit ability appear in two people?

What’s going on here?

Lao Sha was really confused.

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