“What’s wrong, old Sha?”

Lorne noticed Klockdal’s strange appearance and immediately asked with concern.

On the other side, Robin also walked out.

The Universal Cultivation Warehouse only has two portals, so the upper limit of the number of people who cultivate per day is only forty-eight… Forty-eight people, it’s scary to think about.

“It’s amazing. Robin suppressed the shock in his heart.

Only by experiencing it, can you experience the feeling of accelerating the passage of time, you are obviously getting stronger, but your own state has not changed at all.

“Didn’t you encounter anything?” asked Lorne, turning his head.

“No, it’s just different from your usual practice. Robin explained suspiciously.


Lorne looked at Klockdar and couldn’t help but ask, “What happened?

Klockdar took a deep breath of his cigar, sorted out his chaotic thoughts, and then said slowly: “After entering, I accidentally got treatment… Then the sound prompted me that the Shash Fruit’s ability had changed. ”

“Capabilities have changed? Lorne suddenly became interested.

Presumably, this is the effect of the bonus function.

But he wondered why Klockdar had changed and Robin hadn’t

Or is Robin hiding himself?

“My Devil Fruit ability seems to have an additional powerful ability… Engulf. Klockdar said with a confused expression.

He himself could not have imagined that the Devil Fruit ability could change.

The movement here attracted Ace and Luffy to them, and they all got better.

“Can the Devil Fruit change?” said Ace, not understanding.

“No, our cultivation is just to accelerate time. Sanji said in confusion.

A cloud of sand condensed in Klockdar’s hands.

The gravel at this time felt very different from before, before it was dull yellow, but now it was dark gold, shimmering with a looming luster.

“Originally, the ability of the sand fruit to absorb the water around it, and even the water in the human body… And now, that ability has increased dramatically, and it can even be said to be devouring!” Klockdar introduced with a solemn expression.

“Devour? I’ll feel it. Lorne said immediately.

There wasn’t any obvious hint on his own panel, so he was even more curious.

“You can wrap armed color domineering. Klockdahl reminded.

Hearing this, Lorne was also not polite, stretched out his arm, wrapped a layer of dark luster armed color domineering, and signaled that Klockdar could begin.

Klockdar controlled the dark golden grit wrapped around Lorne’s arm.

Lorne’s face changed suddenly.

He felt a powerful suction force devouring the moisture in his arm!

Moreover, that force, even the armed color domineering cannot resist! !

In just a few breaths, Klockdar removed the gravel.

However, the scene revealed surprised everyone!

Lorne’s arm had shrunk in a circle, and his skin became wrinkled, as if the moisture had been evaporated!

“What a strong ability!” said Lorne’s bright eyes in admiration.

The devouring ability of the gravel has become stronger, and it can be said to be pervasive!

Sharp weapon!

“How did Lorne’s arm become like this?” exclaimed Luffy.

“It looks like it has been squeezed dry, but just now Lorne was obviously covered with armed color domineering, how could it be like this?” Ace frowned, very puzzled.

Klockdar explained: “This is the ability of the gravel now, even if it is armed and domineering, it cannot stop this devouring power that draws water, so…”

That’s why Lao Tzu is so confused!

Seeing them like this, Klockdar knew that Lorne was probably experiencing this kind of thing for the first time, and he was suddenly even more helpless.

Why did it happen to me?

Without thinking, the next second Lorne comforted, “It’s okay, it’s equivalent to the evolution of fruit ability since then, it’s a good thing, don’t worry too much.” ”

Lorne’s words could not answer Klockdahl’s doubts at all, and he continued to ask: “What is this all about, what exactly is the principle of cultivation warehouse, and why can it be done like this?”



Lorne just kept a mysterious smile: “Science, it can’t be explained, you don’t understand it, just remind you, maybe after you enter, you may also suffer this little surprise.” ”

Small surprise?

This is simply a shock!

Klockdar’s face was full of helplessness.

Lorne said it was really light.

Others, though, get to the point.

Ace’s eyes lit up, “Are you saying that it is possible for us to obtain the opportunity to evolve the fruit as well?”

“Really, what will become of my rubber fruit?” Luffy became excited.

Lorne said silently: Your rubber fruit will become the sun god.

At this moment, Robin frowned and said, “But why hasn’t my fruit ability changed?”

Don’t worry too much, there will be more opportunities in the future. Lorne smiled and comforted, but muttered in his heart.

“System, why did Klockdar’s fruit abilities change and Robin’s not?”

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