[Only S-class crew members can receive a reward, and their strength must meet the standard of rear admiral].

The systematic answer in his mind made Lorne breathe a sigh of relief.

After a long day, it turned out to be like this.

Almost misunderstood Robin.

Seeing the Klockdar Fruit ability evolution, Ace’s heart was full of fire, but unfortunately, his cultivation indicators today had been exhausted.

Not only Ace, but everyone from the original Spades Pirates was used up.

Lorne then asked the three of Mr1 to take turns in training.

Anyway, idle is idle, it is better to use it.

The current strength of these three people has not even reached the point of feedback to Lorne, which shows that they are not only weak in strength, but also have insufficient potential.

But at least he can play a role in Klockdar’s side, because after entering the new world, Lorne intends to let Klockdar go out alone to develop, and there must be trustworthy people around him.

At the same time, Lorne’s panel quietly changed.

[Host: Lorne].

[Pirate Group: Pirates of Spades].

[Crew: Gore D. Ace, Monchi S. D. Luffy, Roronoa Solon, Usopp, Nami, Yamaji, Tori (Giant), Brocky (Giant), Robin, Klockdar].


【Nature Burnt Fruit】

[Renren Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, Nika Form (Unawakened)].

[Nature System, Sand Fruit, Dark Gold Sand Eater].

【Superman Flowers and Fruits】

[Overlord Color Domineering (LV7)].

[Armed Color Domineering (LV8)].

[See and smell domineering (LV6)].

【Physical Surgery (LV9)].

[Sword Art (LV6)].

[Enhanced Six Style (LV6)].

[Kicking skills… Sniping… Cooking…… Nautical Arts…].

[Strength: General].

The most conspicuous change is the rustling fruit!

The state has become Dark Gold Sand Devouring Sand!

Compared with the original sand fruit, it is more powerful and perverted.

Moreover, the standard for issuing the reward function is the standard of strength reaching the general level, even if it is a major general.

Klockdar’s strength clearly meets the requirements.

And now Klockdar’s panel strength is the strength of the general candidate!

Even so, after the strength was summed, it still failed to make Lorne’s strength break through further.

This is Lorne’s pity point.

His current strength, if he wants to break through to the monster level, it is necessary for his physical skills to reach Lv10, and at the same time, the overlord color domineering must also have a greater improvement!

He is only a preliminary bully now, and it is far from enough.

However, only Luffy and Ace have room to improve if they can give him overlord-colored domineering feedback, and it will be difficult for Dongli and Brocky to improve if they do not use the universal cultivation warehouse.

Secondly, the color of arming, the color of seeing and smelling, etc. all need to be improved.

The rubber fruit has not awakened yet….

There is still a long way to go.

It is worth mentioning that even after Klockdar’s strength skyrocketed, there was no dissent.

He was completely impressed by Lorne’s methods.

A monster that can even evolve with a demon fruit, he can’t afford to provoke!

Be a little brother is a little brother, anyway, the other party has a mouthful of “old sand”, which sounds quite smooth.

Lorne calculated by himself: “The strength of Lao Sha and Ace in the whole ship meets the reward requirements, it depends on what blind box Ace can open tomorrow…”


With the voyage, the day passed quickly.

Wait until the next day, when normal training begins.

Because the limit for entering the cultivation warehouse is 24 hours, it is not calculated according to time, that is, this time to enter at 9 o’clock, the next time must be after 9 o’clock the next day

The first people to enter the cultivation warehouse were Usopp and Solon….

An hour later, the two walked out disappointed, no different from normal training.

Luffy, Nami…

It’s still the same.

Looking at their unsatisfied looks, Lorne couldn’t help but say: “Don’t be too whimsical, the universal cultivation warehouse can accelerate cultivation is already something that many people dream of?

“The Universal Cultivation Warehouse is to let you increase your strength and be down-to-earth!

“You can’t be strong with this mentality


“Everyone, the use of the cultivation warehouse will be suspended tomorrow!”

Lorne was completely stimulated by their attitude and reprimanded fiercely.

The Universal Cultivation Cang, which really changed their mentality.

The big guys who were severely reprimanded all lowered their heads in shame.

Klockdar looked at Lorne, and then at the Universal Cultivation Warehouse, with a helpless expression.

The fire at the city gate killed the pond fish!

Lao Tzu has only been using it for one day, and it will be deactivated?

“We know it’s wrong. ”

Nami, they all honestly admit their mistakes.

“You reflect well. Ace, Sanji, you go in, and today’s cultivation continues. Lorne said with a cold face.

Ace will not be rewarded unsurprisingly, and Lorne still allows today’s practice to continue.

But tomorrow, Lorne will never open the cultivation warehouse!

Everyone, you have to knock it out.

Moreover, the voyage was too smooth without a single setback… It’s not a good thing.

Ace and Sanji enter.

An hour later.

Sanji walked out first, training as usual, and nothing changed.

After that, Ace rushed out, rushed to Lorne, hugged Lorne, and laughed excitedly: “Lorne!

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Ask for flowers! Ask for flowers! Ask for flowers

Ask for flowers! Ask for flowers! Ask for flowers

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