Anilu was stunned and was directly beaten to break the defense.

Ace’s eyes widened, staring at the erupting Lorne in disbelief, and muttered to himself: “What a terrifying strength… This is Lorne in full state! His ability to replicate is terrifying!”

Originally he thought that the ability to copy… That’s it.

However, Lorne used three Devil Fruit abilities at the same time, and the explosion of fruit power and the cooperation between the fruits, the destruction and decay combat power made Ace deeply reflect, is it really that simple to copy the fruit?

If Lorne were allowed to copy a few more Devil Fruit abilities, wouldn’t he be even more perverted?

Luffy stared blankly at the golden Chiyan crushing thunder and lightning in the sky, his small face tangled, “Lorne’s strength is so strong, when will I be able to surpass him.” ”

Even Luffy’s optimistic attitude felt great pressure.

With such perverts around, how can there be no pressure?

“The captain’s strength is strong again, the cooperation between the demon fruits has greatly increased the power of the fruit!” Solon clenched the hilt of the knife, his eyes solemn.

Burnt fruit and sand fruit are both natural abilities, and flower fruits are superhuman … Lorne directly used the ability of the flower fruit to summon arms on Anilu.

If it is only flowers and fruits, then it can only be a direct attack.

However, Lorne also has the abilities of the other two natural systems!

Through the arms generated by the flower fruit, unleash other Devil Fruit abilities… This kind of attack method is almost impossible to prevent!

Solon was also blown away by this way of fighting.

Sanji frowned, his eyes full of confusion: “Copy fruit, copy fruit… There is no record of this fruit on the Devil Fruit Guide!!”

He roared like a groundhog inside, completely obsessed with Lorne’s weird and powerful abilities.

“It’s terrifying, I’ve never seen such a terrifying Lorne, he really wants to kill someone…” Usopp muttered dumbfounded, shocked.

Qioba’s action of bandaging Robin was because of this shocking scene, and he couldn’t help but stop, and his eyes were hooked to look at the figure releasing a violent momentum in the sky.

“Lorne…” the tears in Robin’s eyes couldn’t stop dripping.

She deeply felt the change in Lorne’s mood.

When Lorne first arrived, he came with anger and looked at Robin after defeating the Thunderbird… Robin saw from Lorne’s eyes, and the moment Lorne saw her, the anger and worry in those eyes instantly transformed into a substantial killing intent towards Anilu.

So…… Robin felt deeply that Lorne cared about him.

In the past few days on the boat, Lorne has been smiling.

Even when he defeated Klockdar, he maintained that laid-back image.

And today’s violent side is completely for Robin and Nami to be released.

“So someone will protect me too…”

The sense of belonging that had dissipated since childhood reappeared in Robin’s heart at this moment, and she once again found a sense of home.

She recognized everyone, recognized these partners.

Son of the Devil?

If it’s for you, I’m willing to become a real demon!”

Nami wiped the tears from her face, her emotions stabilized, but the shock in her beautiful eyes could no longer be eliminated, and Bei Tooth bit her red lips and muttered, “Lorne…”

From the beginning of knowing Lorne, I always felt that the other party was somewhat unreliable, did things in a disorderly manner, and seemed very arbitrary.

But now, Lorne’s image is completely subverted in Nami’s heart.

Lorne is an absolutely reliable guy, reliable and reassuring.

“Everyone is a monster. Joba stared blankly at Lorne’s figure, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Boss Lorne…”

“Wait for us… Huh?!”

Mr3 rushed out of the woods panting, and swallowed the words that came to his lips directly.

All three of them noticed this unusual scene and felt a different atmosphere.

Boss Lorne… As if killing?


The armed colored arms firmly clamped Anilu’s legs, making him completely immobile, and in front of him was Lorne’s fierce attack.

He was completely panicked.

An arm that can still move frantically condenses the surrounding thunder and lightning around him to protect himself.

However, everything was in vain.

Lorne swung his fist, driving the golden burst red flame around… However, the fist under the flame has quietly wrapped a layer of overlord-colored domineering!

Domineering on!

Countless tiny dark red phones quietly emerged, which were not as good as the azure thunder summoned by Anilu.

A strong, destructive punch was aimed at Anilu and slammed down.

The thunder and lightning that blocked in front of him were dispersed by an irresistible impact before it touched that fist.

“Don’t! Don’t kill me! I’m God! I can give you everything you want! Don’t kill me—”

Anilu raised his head and met Lorne’s indifferent eyes, and saw the strong killing intent and firm determination contained in it.

Did he really want to kill me?

Anilu had no other thoughts in his mind, and began to beg for mercy without looking at the image, and he couldn’t wait to kneel down and beg for a chance to live.

However, Lorne no longer gave Anilu time to react, and his fist pierced through the thunder and lightning and suddenly fell.


With the fall of the overbearing punch, the endless bursting Chiyan also found its target, like a flood that broke the embankment, swallowing the body mercilessly, and bursting out with a strong roar.

[Yanzu who reads books, move the little hands that make a fortune, and vote for some flowers to evaluate ~~].

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