The tyrant’s attack shattered half of Anilu’s body.

Flesh and blood and bones shattered into countless fragments in an instant.

Anilu’s terrified eyes were also fixed at this moment.

A guy who claims to be a god, Anilu, who has the strongest natural devil fruit——


The bursting Chiyan exploded with a bang, completely destroying the body, and in the roar of the explosion, the body directly turned into ashes and quietly dissipated in this world.

Anilu died.

After only two moves, he was killed by Lorne.

Not even using the Thor form yet… There is no chance to perform the strongest move: Lei Ying.

The failure can be described as extremely humiliating.

But this is also the strength gap between him and Lorne.

Anilu tightly grasped the domineering of sight… The physical skills are completely rubbish, not to mention that Lorne not only uses three Devil Fruit abilities, especially the Devil Fruit ability has evolved and is even stronger. Even open the bully in the final hit.

It can only be said that Anilu died unjustly.

Originally, Lorne planned to recruit the ship on the Ani Road, ask for his strength, and obtain the power of the Thunder Fruit.

But when he saw Robin and Nami’s appearance, he couldn’t suppress the anger in his heart.

Strike in anger and kill strongly.

As for the Thunder Fruit… Is it more important than Robin and Nami?

Solving Anilu, the killing intent in Lorne’s eyes slowly retreated, the terrifying momentum on his body retreated, and the dark gold devouring sand and bursting red flame converged.

The figure that returned to normal fell to the ground.

Lorne breathed a long sigh of relief, regained his calm mood, and when he looked at everyone, he found that everyone was staring at him with the eyes of a monster


Lorne clapped his palms and quipped

“I know I’m handsome, but you don’t look at me like that.” In fact, handsome guys are also shy…”

Ace: !!

As soon as he spoke, the familiar Lorne returned!

Solon and Yamaji patted the door of their heads in unison: Sure enough, it was handsome for a minute.

But to be honest, they still prefer the smiling Lorne.

Lorne in that state just now made them all feel palpitations.

“The way Lorne looks angry is horrible!” said Usopp as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Lorne’s move subverted the image they perceived in their hearts.

“It’s too strong, the power of the combination of the Devil Fruit’s ability is so terrifying, especially the ability of the Flower Fruit with two natural systems, there is no way to resist it.” Ace said with trepidation.

The confidence in his heart to defeat Lorne and win the position of captain plummeted in an instant.

If the last time he tried with Lorne, he still saw the hope of hard work, but this time after seeing his full strength, he saw the huge gap.

It turned out that Lorne was usually hiding.

It’s just that Ace doesn’t know, Lorne still hasn’t used his full strength… Because he didn’t use Luffy’s Devil Fruit ability.

At this moment, a huge sandstorm blew in the forest… Immediately afterwards, Klockdar, who was rushing to the flames, appeared in front of everyone.

“What’s going on here? Is everyone okay?”

Klockdar condensed his figure from the sandstorm, and the sandstorm slowly dissipated, and several figures fell from it.

“It’s nothing, why are you here?” said Lorne with a smile.

Klockdar pointed to the cigar, “Do yourself a favor, it’s scared to death.” Just now I felt your erupting breath, thinking that something had happened, Lao Tzu rushed over desperately, and the cigars were all extinguished. ”

Lorne shook his head with a smile, then stretched out his finger, lit a cigar for Klockdar, and explained casually: “It’s just to solve an enemy, don’t make a fuss.” ”

Ace then came over and described it in detail to Klockdar.

Klockdar’s eyes widened after hearing this, and he said in amazement: “Directly killed the ability of the Thunder Fruit!

Oh my God, he seemed to have missed something, and he knew that he had rushed with everyone.

“That guy’s thunder is indeed very strong, even ordinary armed colors may not be able to withstand the violent thunder and lightning, and I feel that Lorne shot too fiercely, causing that guy to not exert his full strength…” Ace said thoughtfully, silently measuring the power of the Thunder Fruit and the Burning Fruit in his heart.

If the previous burnt fruit must not be an opponent.

But the current burning fruit has evolved into a bursting red flame, and the terrifying high temperature coupled with the extremely strong bursting ability will not be weaker than the thunder fruit in terms of power.

“It’s really confusing, even if copying fruits can copy the power of others, but Lorne has never practiced usually, how can he use it so skillfully?” Klockdar felt confused and said suspiciously: “Could it be that he cultivates himself every day while we sleep??”

“Don’t say it, it’s really possible. Ace nodded in panic.

Don’t speculate there, am I the kind of sinister and wretched person!” Lorne couldn’t help but retort when he heard this, pulling down the black line on his forehead.

Do you think of your great captain so dog?

“Speaking of which, it’s a pity that this Devil Fruit, if we can snatch the Thunder Fruit for our pirate group members, I believe that no matter who takes it, the strength will be greatly improved. Klockdar even sounded the name of the Thunder Fruit and lamented.

But it’s just talk, after all, after the devil fruit is taken, there is no way to separate from the user, only after the ability dies, the devil fruit will be reborn on the sea.

Hearing this, Ace instantly realized a problem: “If this is the case, it may be Lorne who has improved the most!”

At that time, Lorne will copy one by one, and the three natural Devil Fruit abilities will simply be unprecedented.

“By the way, Lorne, didn’t you copy his abilities just now?” Klockdar suddenly realized the question.

Lorne paused and waved his hand again and again to explain: “I was too impulsive just now and forgot about this.” ”

There is no way, it can only be a random prevarication in the past.

After all, he’s not really a copy!

As long as the other party does not join his pirate group, even if he eats the other party, he will not be able to obtain its ability.

“That’s a shame. Klockdar shook his head, not noticing Lorne’s unnaturalness.

As he spoke, Sanji helped Nami and everyone gathered at Robin.

“Robin, are you all right?” asked Lorne with concern, probing her wounds domineeringly.

After nothing was a big deal, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s okay, it’s good to recuperate, and I’ve experienced injuries that are more serious than this. Robin’s eyes had more radiance that he didn’t have in the past, and said freely.

But this fluttering words reveal what has happened in the past.

Lorne nodded, then looked at Qioba and praised: “With the medical skills of our Qioba Divine Doctor, I believe that it will not leave scars, right?

“Yagaya Deer, even if you don’t say so, I won’t leave Robin scarred!” said Choiba fiercely.

This look made everyone laugh.

In the midst of laughter, the solemn atmosphere just now was washed away.

“By the way, Lao Sha, what is the situation of those people?”

When everyone was about to return, Lorne remembered that when Klockdar arrived just now, several people fell out of the sandstorm.

Klockdar took a sip of his cigar, frowned and said: “When I arrived just now, a group of guys dressed as indigenous people rushed out, and I was in a hurry, and I didn’t care about them…”

Lorne tugged at the corners of his mouth, this guy’s style of acting is really unreasonable.

Not surprisingly, the group was Shandia’s warriors, and they probably heard the movement and rushed over, but they didn’t expect that they were taken by Klockdar for a ride….

Lorne let Choba look at them, and it didn’t matter much.

Klockdar was in a hurry, and did not even spare his hand to kill them, and Lorne was not a cruel person who loved to kill and let them go.

As for Anilu, it was because he had a killing intent first, and he wanted to do something to Robin and Nami, if Lorne arrived one step late, Robin would have an accident, and Lorne couldn’t restrain his anger and killed the other party.

“This is the Golden Country we’re looking for! There’s a big snake!” Luffy stretched out his hands and jumped up to overlook the place.

In the distance, the Lord of the Sky shivered and coiled, buried his head in his body, and thought to himself: Can’t see me, can’t see me…

The momentum that Lorne erupted just now completely shocked it, and the animal had an instinctive fear.

“Really, what a huge snake!” Usopp’s face was full of surprise, “this is the first time besides a giant to see such a huge creature.” ”

“Hee-hee-hee, it’s not much different from the King of the Near Sea.” Luffy held his straw hat and said with a grin.

Ace glanced around and asked, “Lorne, what’s next?”

“Find the gold, transport it to the ship and take it away, and when we get to the capital of the seven waters, we should be able to exchange for a better pirate ship.” Lorne had a plan in mind.

“Gold!!Quick!” A green light appeared in front of Nami’s eyes, and the injuries just now seemed to be gone.

Lorne saw her look of love for money, and helplessly.

Soon, Solon discovers the giant Ark Proverbs.

“Lorne, it’s a ship of gold!”

Everyone gathered around, all lamenting the luxury of this ship.

Only after Lorne checked it, he said disappointedly: “Forget it, take all the gold that can be taken away, we can’t use this ship, if there is lightning as a power source, this ship can fly, but it is not suitable for sailing at sea.” ”

Hearing such an explanation, the big guys are inevitably a little disappointed.

It’s a pity that a good golden giant ship turned out to be unable to leave.

After that, everyone looted a lot of gold, filled with a large wave of wealth, doubled the weight of the pirate ship, and the storeroom was filled with golden gold before leaving.

The way to leave was brutal.

They caught a giant octopus, acted as a parachute, and sent it directly to the dead stream!

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