The atmosphere instantly became tense.

“That’s right, I’m just going to knock you down!”

“I’m Monchi D. Luffy, the man who wants to be One Piece!”

Luffy said seriously.

It’s up to you, One Piece?”

Moria’s expression was full of mockery, and there was disdain in his eyes.

This year, all cats and dogs want to be One Piece.

“Over to you. ”

Moriah turned his head and said to the cadres around him.

“Don’t worry, master, we will definitely solve them and turn them into zombies who will never get out!” said Hogubak in a deep voice.

Perona, with a pink double ponytail, a crown on her head, and a burgundy umbrella in her hand, was ready to strike, “Hello ha Master, leave it to me to dispose of these impudent guys. ”

“Negative ghosts. ”

Her body split into a spirit body, floating in mid-air, and stopped in front of everyone.

And at this time, both sides began to move.

Solon had just started fighting the Ryoma zombies.

Sanji was faster than Luffy and went straight to Abu Salom, where the other party ate the devil fruit he had dreamed of!

Sanji was so angry in his heart.

However, the ghost passed through, and everything fell…

The negative ghost passed through Sanji’s body, and he fell to his knees without accident, muttering sadly and negatively, “I’m a waste… I’m a failure…”

Ace: ???

Luffy saw the ghost rushing towards him, and immediately threw his fist at him, only to be hit by the negative ghost.

“I’m really useless…”

Luffy, like Sanji, knelt on the ground and muttered.

Ace: ???

What’s going on here?

Usopp and Nami looked directly at this scene, and their hearts were shocked.

What the hell is this terrifying ability?

Seeing this, Lorne shook his head helplessly, and his heart moved.

A pair of arms suddenly grew on Perona’s shoulders, instantly pinching her neck.

Lorne then spoke, “Take back your ghost, or die!”

Perona was in a cold sweat at this time, and she didn’t see the other party make a move at all, and as a result, she had an extra arm on her shoulder

As that palm became harder and harder, Perona had to put away the ghost.

Soon, the negative effects of Sanji and Luffy are eliminated.

“What just happened??” Yamaji’s head was a little short-circuited.

Luffy didn’t say a word and rushed towards Moria.

Klockdar also wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Lorne, “It’s okay, give it to Luffy first.” ”

“But the other party is Moria after all, can the straw hat kid do it?” Klockdar Fox wondered.

“With you and Ace sitting down, give him a chance to practice. Lorne said.

At the same time, he let go of Perona and told Usopp: “Go, catch her.” ”

Usopp said to himself, “I, Lorne, you’re not kidding, Luffy and Sanji are not her opponents!”

That ghost-like thing, it’s terrible!

“You are different, believe in yourself, you can’t solve her, I will throw you all over the sea to feed the fish.” ”

Usopp shivered, there were wolves in front of him and tigers in the back, and he was forced up Liangshan.

He plucked up the courage and stepped forward to confront Perona.

On the other side, Moriah also struck.

Although he didn’t know what Klockdar’s purpose was for bringing some people, he must not have been kind to him, so he made a quick decision to let them know how good he was.

Moria had an extra scissor in his hand, and also summoned the shadows in the surrounding zombies, directly launching the shadow fruit ability against Luffy!


Countless shadows burst out from the surroundings, directly blocking Luffy in the air and firmly trapping him.

Moria’s gaze looked at Klockdar and sneered: “Tsk hee hee~ Do you think that such a little devil who doesn’t know whether he is dead or alive is Lao Tzu’s opponent? ”

Moria swung his scissors and strode towards Klockdar, the ground shaking.

At this moment, there was a change in the shadow box.

“Second gear!”


Luffy directly turned on the second gear and exploded the shadow box.

“Broke free?” Moria was slightly startled, but directly reached out and grabbed Luffy’s shadow, and the scissors swung down, cutting Luffy’s shadow.

Luffy: ???

What kind of means is this?

Ace is ready to strike, who knows if the shadow being cut will cause any damage to Luffy?

Lorne opened his mouth and reminded, “Luffy, don’t think so much, bring out your strongest attack! ”

Luffy’s pressure suddenly increased, but his eyes became more determined.

“Third gear!”

I saw him bite his thumb, take a sharp breath, and then blow all the air into his arm, and his arm was getting bigger like crazy.

Luffy has now developed the third gear!

It’s just that it’s still very reluctant to open the third gear now, but Luffy has to take it out and try it in order to test the results of his cultivation!

The scene of the arm infinitely enlarged, Moria’s eyes straightened when he saw it.

“Blow to change size? What is this ability?”

Luffy’s arm instantly became the same size as Moria’s, covered with domineering arms!

“Rubber rocket launcher!”

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