“Rubber rocket launcher!”

With Luffy’s voice, the two arms stretched back, pushed abruptly, and whistled in the blink of an eye.

Moria summoned the Dao Dao Shadow, directly opened the giant mouth of the abyss, and devoured it all.

Devouring 500 shadows, his figure became even larger.

In the face of the third-gear rubber rocket launcher, he rushed up arrogantly.

At the same time, Moria’s arms were also wrapped around the armed color domineering.

This was also a surprise to him, but he didn’t expect Luffy to master the armed color domineering.


The attacks of the two collided, erupting into a strong sound, and then the two sides froze and fought each other.

The other side.

Solon and Ryoma zombies break out the final blow!

“Revolutionary Dance Dance!”

“Three Blade Flow, Beautiful Devil, Sleepless Night, Ghost Slash!”

Frost Moon Ryoma and Solon erupt at the same time!

The sword light flickered, and the figures intertwined.

The two crossed each other, and in a crisp sound, they separated their figures.

Brooke had been keeping an eye on the battle here, or rather, what he was about to strike at the beginning was preempted by Sauron, who was delighted to see the hunt.

“It’s over,” Brooke whispered, not expecting the battle to end so quickly.

Solon slowly put the knife into its sheath, turned around and said regretfully: “It’s a pity, the duel is not in the state of your full strength, which is regrettable.” ”

“There are a lot of regrettable things, but none of them matter. Frost Moon Ryoma’s hoarse voice said, “This autumn water… Don’t bury him. ”

Don’t bury the famous knife, is Ryoma’s last advice.

He immediately sensed Solon’s interest in the knife, and Solon defeated him, and he was willing to put Solon in charge of the knife.

Subsequently, he threw out the autumn water, and his whole body began to turn into flying ash, gradually dissipating.

“Thanks. Solon reached out and took it, thanking him sincerely.

At the same time, Ryoma’s shadow of Brook returned to Brooke’s body.

“Yo roar roar ~ ~ Shadow is back. “Brooke felt more relaxed than ever.

Shadow, finally back.

Ryoma, on the other hand, completely dissipated.

In this battle, Solon still did not exert his full strength!

By the time the fighting is over here, the rest of the battle is pretty much the same.

Abu Salom was beaten badly by Sanji….

As for Perona, it has collapsed.

The negative ghost cast by himself does not work at all on this long-nosed teenager!

What kind of monster is this Nima!!

The girl’s heart was left with an indelible shadow.

As for Hogubak, the strength is really poor ….

The main battle, or focus, is in Luffy and Moria’s battle.

Little ghost head, just because you are still quite a One Piece, it is better to be a zombie under Lao Tzu. “Moriah even turned on taunt mode….

Luffy, who was stimulated, gritted his teeth, and the power of his whole body surged wildly!

He burst out again!


The two huge arms suddenly used force and directly blasted Moria’s huge body out.


Moria slammed into the wall of the castle with a stunned expression, not expecting that he was not such a ghost’s opponent.

However, Luffy’s situation is not good either.

The whole body began to deflat, flying like a balloon.

Lorne stretched out his arm, grabbed Luffy and dragged him from the sky.

The backlash after the change made Luffy a reduced version of the cute villain, and he was still in a state of detachment.

“Luffy, are you all right?” Ace looked at the mini Luffy in front of him, his eyes rounded.

“Alas… I’m so tired. Miniature Luffy pulled his head, stuck his tongue out, and spoke forcefully.

Lorne comforted: “Don’t worry, the outbreak is too big, just rest for a while.” Which of you two will come next?”

Lorne turned to look at Ace, then at Klockdar.

“I’ll come!”

Ace’s arm instantly burned with golden flames.

Dare to bully his brother, he will get the field back.

Klockdar took a sip of his cigar and said in a deep voice, “Ace, I’ll come.” If I want him to join the gang, I must be more convincing. ”

Ace was startled and turned to look at Lorne, who nodded slightly.

Klockdar walked slowly towards Murray.

Lorne stared at Klockdar’s back, really surprised!

Because Klockdar actually saw that Lorne wanted to recruit Moria!

“I have to say that this guy Klockdar is definitely not a simple character, and having him by his side is definitely a big help!” Lorne thought silently in his heart: “Old Sha is more reliable than Moria, or Old Sha.” ”

“And Luffy’s problem… If Nika loses Luffy’s life every time she breaks out, this problem must be solved! The immortal surgery of the surgical fruit is not well understood, but the vampire fruit can! It seems that in the future, you have to find a way to find the vampire fruit in Sleeping Ancient Town, and find a suitable person to eat it and replenish Luffy’s vitality. ”

Lorne silently planned in his heart.

Not only to replenish Luffy’s vitality, but also to prevent himself in case and leave a back hand for himself.

As for the next battle between Klockdar and Moria, there is no suspense.

But as for how to make Moria submit, it is still a problem….

[Tomorrow on the shelves, finally ask for flowers and evaluation votes!]

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