Moria was hit by Luffy’s attack and retreated, pointing straight at the castle, the shadows in her stomach ran out a lot, and Luffy’s shadow also returned to Luffy’s body.

“Damn bastard!”

Moria steadied herself and cursed in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, this little devil was unexpectedly powerful, it seemed… It’s a bit of a bit of an age that doesn’t fit this age.

That weird rubber ability can be so powerful?

How is it possible?

Moriah couldn’t believe it.

But then he stared and saw Klockdar walking towards him.

“Ji Hee Hee ~ ~ Klockdar, can’t your subordinates change you again, okay Qi Wuhai don’t do it, now is it ready to go back to sea?” Moria was greatly relieved to see Luffy shrink and lose his combat power, and then ridiculed Klockdar.

Looking at the entire Seven Seas, Moria and Klockdar are the losers, cowering in the first half of the great voyage, not daring to set foot in the new world.

“Lao Tzu did fail, but now it’s different. Moria, you are already too weak in front of Lao Tzu, and they are not Lao Tzu’s subordinates, but Lao Tzu’s partners! Klockdar sprucked on his cigar, narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly flowed dark gold and sand under his feet, gradually turning the surrounding area into a desert.

“Weak? Less wild talk here!”

“As a Qiwu Sea, you actually joined other pirate groups, and still stood in front of Lao Tzu with your face?”

“Partners, these imps are the partners in the mouth? Old crocodile!

Moriah was bluntly taunted, as if he had been stepped on the tail, and roared hysterically.

“But they defeated your men. Klockdar mocked calmly.

The facts lie ahead.

Moria’s men were all defeated.

This taunt directly made Moria speechless, and his face became more and more angry: “Then kill you all!”

“You try!” Klockdar’s lower body suddenly turned into quicksand, and he rushed forward, his eyes becoming particularly fierce.

“Shadow Mage!”

Moria opened his hands, summoned a shadow exactly like him, and pounced on Klockdar.

“Shadow Gun!”

At the same time, he used his shadow to condense several shadow guns and blasted out.

What’s even more terrifying is that he also devoured a full 1,000 shadows in an instant, directly opening the strongest combat form.

One after another, Klockdar did not care.

With a wave of his palm, a stream of dark gold devouring sand that flashed with a dull light turned out, turning into a tornado-like storm that slowly entangled the shadow mage, and finally trapped it, no matter how the shadow mage struggled, he could not break free from the siege of gravel.

The shadow mage is an extremely strong means of Moria, and the shadow defense summoned is extremely strong, and Klockdar is not interested in it, he just needs to kill Moria.

In the face of several blasts of shadow guns in front of him, Klockdar did not blink his eyes, and very simply avoided the past.

“Go and die-”

Moriah roared, arms wrapped around armed color domineering, and slammed into Klockdar.

However, his huge size ignores the changes on the ground.

I don’t know when, the gravel behind him piled up, silently filling Moria’s feet, and at the moment he moved, the dark gold devouring sand wrapped around his legs with incomparable precision under the control of Klockdar, making him stagger and actually fall forward.


The huge body fell in the quicksand, and several escaping shadows filled his mouth, so frightened that Moria quickly reached out to cover it to prevent more shadows from escaping.

Seeing this, Klockdar stopped the movement in his hand, he really did not expect that after so many years, Moria’s strength had actually regressed to such an extent.

Dark gold devouring sand covered Moria layer by layer, wanting to devour him.

The reacting Moria was covered in armed colors to fight against the dark gold sand.

“Ji hee hee ~ crocodile, do you really think that Lao Tzu is a domineering little ghost who will not be armed with color?

Moriah sneered, unaware of the danger.

“Stupid. ”

Klockdar shook his head and whispered two words.

Immediately afterwards, the Dark Gold Sand Devouring Sand broke out!

A powerful engulfing effect that absorbs all the water around it!

Even if Moria is winding the armed color domineering, he can still feel the loss of water in his body, and the feeling of collapse is even stronger.

“What is this ability!”

Moria’s eyes widened, completely panicked, and there was infinite fear in his eyes.

Now, he suddenly has no way to fight back!

How could Klockdar be so strong?

What is his ability?

Moriah was full of question marks.

In a few breaths, Moria’s figure shrank severely, but fortunately, Klockdar left his hand, which did not directly turn him into a dry corpse, but only made him lose his combat effectiveness.

“Master!” exclaimed Absalom.

“Master, don’t die!” Perona was already crying.

They had never seen Moria look so miserable.

“When did you become so strong?” The arrogance in Moria’s eyes disappeared, full of shock and loneliness, staring at Klockdar in front of him.

“Because of him, Lao Tzu’s captain. ”

Klockdar took a step back.

And a young man just crossed Klockdar and appeared in Moria’s sight with a smile.

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