
The blazing golden flame instantly melted the door and shone on everyone’s faces.

Spandam’s eyes widened in shock.

The extreme surprise appeared on Luqi’s face.

The waves under the eyes of the green pheasant Gujing Wubo flashed.

They are all particularly obvious under the sparkle of golden flames.

Under Robin’s feet, a fine layer of dark golden gravel was wrapped around at some point, like a golden bell hood, instantly covering Robin’s whole body and protecting her in it.

The power of the fire fist exploded.

Robin was tightly protected by the dark gold devouring sand, and he could not be attacked at all, and Luqi, who could not react, was savagely swept away by the explosive power contained in the golden flame.


The strong force caused it to fly backwards, and its body slammed into the wall, causing a crack as fine as a spider’s web.

Luki fell to the ground, the arm that blocked the flames was burned, and there was an extra scorched wound on his arm, and he was injured with just one face, looking slightly embarrassed.

“What man!”

Spandam’s face showed a hideous look, and he drank loudly, and the momentum of the fox fake tiger power was very full.

The green pheasant frowned, wondering in his heart: “When did it appear?”

He didn’t even notice the person outside the door, it looked like he had just suddenly appeared.

And what he did just now was because he noticed the dark golden grit quietly permeating Robin’s legs, which made him feel strange, and his palms were covered with ice cold, ready to strike at any time.

The quicksand on Robin’s body retreated, she raised her eyes, saw the familiar smile at a glance, and shouted urgently:

“Lorne, retreat quickly, General Pheasant is here!”

Pheasants are a planned variable.

After the shattered door, Dao Dao figures walked out one after another.

The first one, wearing ordinary casual clothes, hands in trouser pockets, a lazy look, a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and bright black eyes, it was Lorne.

To his left and right, Ace and Klockdar were respectively.

Ace is surrounded by Luffy, Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Perona, and Choba.

Klockdar is flanked by Solon, Brooke, French, Mr1, Mr2, and Mr3.

Pirates of Spades!

All on board!

Lorne’s gaze swept over everyone, and finally fell on the green pheasant, and a trace of surprise flashed under his eyes.

The appearance of the pheasant was indeed unexpected.

Lorne’s plan was to wipe out the CP-9.

Among the conditions he convinces Franky is that CP-9 is lurking next to the iceberg and preparing to steal the drawings of Hades, and he promises Franky to help the iceberg solve the problem, and Franky agrees to join.

Then, Lorne planned to strike at the CP-9 a night before leaving.

Unexpectedly, his group was exposed!

Lorne didn’t let Robin show up, because he wanted to deal with the trouble quietly.

However, when Robin was contacted by CP-9’s means, Lorne suddenly noticed Robin’s mood changes, and after questioning, he learned that the other party had found Robin, originally Robin still planned to sacrifice himself to save everyone, but this kind of thinking simply did not work here in Lorne.

Lorne knew that it had been exposed, but it would take time to build a ship, so he made Robin pretend to agree to all the demands of the other party, in order to temporarily stabilize Spandam.

And when the pirate ship built by Frankie can go to sea, it is time to start, which is tonight.

Another point has to be said that the pirate ship built by French is only able to go to sea, and there are many functions proposed by Lorne that need to be improved, not a state of completion.

This evening’s action has only just begun.

But in the original CP-9 team, there was an extra general pheasant!

This surprised Lorne.


It’s just an accident, and Lorne isn’t afraid.

Klockdar and Ace are enough to pester the pheasant, and the rest are more than enough to solve CP-9.

“Robin, don’t be nervous, have faith in Ace and Lao Sha. ”

Lorne smiled and comforted.

The green pheasant took a step forward, leaving a cold ice emitting cold air at the place where he landed, and he said in a deep voice: “Klockdar, why are you here?

The pheasant’s first target is still Klockdar.

As for Lorne… He didn’t take it to heart.

Intelligence shows that Lorne, war five scum.

But the pheasant wondered why Lorne was standing in the middle and being the center of these guys.

“Sahi ignores Dana… Kuzan~. Klockdar chewed on his cigar, said hello, and then said: “They are Lao Tzu’s partners, what is abnormal with them?”


Klockdar joins the Pirates of Spades?

The green pheasant’s brows furrowed slightly, and his face was unkind: “Klockdar, you choose to betray the navy?”

As a Qiwu Sea, but disappeared without saying a word to join other pirate groups?

This is not a betrayal of the Navy and the world government, what else?

Lao Tzu joined the Seven Wu Sea, but both sides held their own needs, do you think Lao Tzu is a three-year-old child who will be bound by your rules?

Klockdar replied mercilessly.

Sure enough, Klockdar’s words made the green pheasant’s face completely gloomy, the cold aura around his body became more and more dignified, and the temperature of the entire room instantly decreased, making everyone feel the cold, and crystal clear frost had appeared at the corner of his eyes, crawling half of his cheeks in the blink of an eye.

“So, I’ve officially arrested you!”

The green pheasant suddenly took a step forward, and a cold ice under its feet was like a giant python sliding on the ground, and it exploded and spread at an extremely fast speed.

“Yang Yan!”

Just as Klockdar was about to strike, Ace’s voice suddenly sounded in the room, followed by a sharp rise in the surrounding temperature, making people feel like they were in a hot furnace.

Ace’s five fingers flexed slightly, and golden flames surged in his palm, and he suddenly swung downward.

The flames condensed in the shape of a pillar of fire and hit the spreading ice on the ground.



When ice and fire met, white smoke vapor was immediately produced, and then two attacks exploded, blasting the floor out of a large hole, revealing the floor below.

“Hey, hey, Ace, you’re not particular about it. Klockdar turned his head and glanced at Ace, his face very unhappy.

That’s Lao Tzu’s opponent, don’t interfere indiscriminately.

Of course, Klockdar’s unhappy face was not dissatisfaction with Ace, nor was it a bad relationship. That was Klockdar’s usual performance, perhaps only when facing Lorne, he would put away his unhappy expression.

“Admiral? I’m really curious about the strength of the other party. Ace held up the orange cowboy hat on his head with one hand and smiled embarrassedly.

After practicing for so long, who doesn’t want to fight with the admiral?

“The flames… Something unusual. The green pheasant’s face was expressionless, but his heart was surprised.

The temperature of this flame seems to catch up with the red dog magma?

Spandam finally came to his senses at this time, pointed at Lorne and cursed: “Where did the bastard appear!

Spandham slapped the table and yelled, without any temperament.

If it weren’t for his father’s relationship, he would be pure waste.

“I’m the wanted criminal you want to ask for, and now I’m in front of you, what do you want?” Lorne scoffed, his hands in his pockets.

“Wanted, Lorne, how did you get here, Chief Ben obviously sent 500 elite to eliminate you!” Spandham’s eyes widened, wondering why Lorne was here.

The people of the pheasant and CP-9 reacted, this is a trap for each other, but Spandam can still ask such a brain-dead question.

“There is not a single qualified opponent among the 500 people. Solon slowly drew his knife out of his sheath, and the sound of blades rubbing against the scabbard was particularly harsh.

Those 500 people have all been solved.

“Lorne, can you do it? I’m really going to punch that bastard right now. Luffy punched in front of him, ready for battle.

“Lao Sha, give me face, the general will give it to me.” Ace said to Klockdal.

“Hey, this is not going to work. The dark golden gravel in Klockdar’s palm flowed and scattered all over the place.

“Lao Sha, I didn’t help you light a cigar, right? Ace argued.

The corner of Crocketdadar’s mouth twitched and fell silent.

Depend on!

In the future, Lao Tzu will no longer need your help to light cigarettes, Klockdar silently complained in his heart.

Perona held a pink umbrella and heard Klockdar and Ace fighting to move, her voice full of crying, “Help…”

“What do you say, Lorne?”

Ace asked in a low voice.

As for Perona’s protest … Protests are invalid.

Hearing Ace’s inquiry, Lorne was silent for a few seconds, thinking.

How is the situation now?

The original plan was to quietly kill CP-9, and the world government and navy should not suspect the Pirates of Spades.

As soon as the pheasant appeared, everything was exposed.

The only way is to kill the pheasant!

However, the admiral is not so easy to solve, even if Lorne personally intervenes, the other party must have a way to deliver the news.

It’s hard to do.

But to say stop, it is even more impossible.

The arrow was on the string, had to be sent.

Since this is the case, only hit.

“Ace, the pheasant is handed over to you. Lao Sha and Luffy, lead them to solve the rest. Lorne ordered in a deep voice, his face a little more solemn.

He was not ready to strike.

“Bold! Bold, green pheasant, catch all these rampant bastards!” urged Spandam, enraged by anger.

The green pheasant stepped forward again, and the cold air around his body seemed to freeze even the air.

He could hear the words clearly.

Ace and Klockdar compete to be his opponents… And the last thing Ace asked was Lorne!

Why did Lorne rule over these guys, including Klockdar?

This is the confusion in the pheasant’s heart.

The attitude shown by the other party’s natural demeanor did not seem to be afraid of him, and the pheasant’s cautious character had now begun to become serious.

Especially to protect Spandam, it’s a bit stressful.

The movement just now alarmed the soldiers outside, and now groups of naval and world government soldiers are surrounding this place and rushing up.

Lu Qi stared at Ace with solemn eyes, feeling a great sense of oppression.

The gravel that protected Robin just now was cast by Klockdar, and the flame of the attack was Ace’s means, and he injured himself with just one blow, how could Luki be calm?

And when the other party spoke, he didn’t even put the pheasant in his eyes, and it was difficult for Lu Qi not to care about what hidden means the other party had.

“All CP-9 members, prepare for battle!” Lu Qi ordered coldly, the muscles of his whole body began to swell, and after tearing his clothes, he revealed a cheetah-like pattern, and the whole person transformed into a leopard form.

Kaku, Gabula and the others all gathered around, ready for battle. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

“On. ”

Lorne said softly.

The fluttering sound instantly became the fuse, igniting the entire battle.

The green pheasant opened his arms, and cold ice spread out from his palm, and the cold ice shrouded all around, wanting to envelop the entire group of pirates of spades, and he actually wanted to fight the entire group of pirates of spades alone.

Ace’s back burst out of the raging flames, and then galloped out, after sensing the pheasant’s intention, his hands suddenly erupted with a strong burst of red flames, almost the same posture as the pheasant, bursting out golden flames.


Two heavens of ice and fire!

The collision of flame and ice, the melting of ice, and the extinction of flame are like a dynamic dispute of nature.

The attacks of the two contained each other for a while.

Luki’s speed was the fastest in CP-0, and the first one flashed out from behind the pheasant, rushed to the first place, turned into a leopard palm, and shot at Klockdar.

Klockdar’s eyes flashed fiercely, originally he was already very upset that he didn’t fight with the green pheasant, and now he rushed up with annoying flies?

The dark golden gravel in his hand flowed like a stream of water, as if he was given life under the manipulation of Klockdar, accurately blocking in front of him, blocking Luqi’s attack, and at the same time spreading and winding, and the powerful devouring force instantly exploded.

In one breath, the moisture in Luqi’s arm dissipated, and he was violently ripped off by Klockdar like a dry corpse.

Even weirder, there was not even blood flowing out of the broken wound!

The moisture is all swallowed up by the dark gold devouring sand.


Luqi fell to the ground, a scream of pain came out, and his head was covered with fine cold sweat, and even the state after the transformation was uncontrollably lifted.

His pupils were fluttering, his eyes were blank, and his brain was blank.

An arm was lost in an instant, so fast that he didn’t even react.

“Uh… How is it possible!”

He was half-kneeling on the floor, covering his shoulders in pain, and the severe pain reminded him that all this was true, but he couldn’t believe it, how could the other party’s strength be so strong?

Klockdar smiled coldly, ready to scold the killer.

But suddenly the whole building trembled violently, and then this floor began to collapse!

The ice and fire of Ace and the green pheasant collided, erupting into a strong impact, and actually directly destroyed this floor.


The chaotic impact of the collapse continued one after another, and the surrounding ground shook violently.

The cracks that spread under the feet, the stone slabs began to fall.

The stone slab under Lu Qi was falling, and his body fell into the ruins below.

“Yes, Ace, these are all their own people. Lorne cursed angrily.

Ace’s voice came from the thick vapor, “I can’t help it, or do you come?”


That’s not what you said just now!

Pull the ladder up behind you!!

“Luki!” Kaku reacted fairly quickly, and plunged straight into the ruins to save Luki.

“Bastard, come and save Lao Tzu!” shouted Spandam angrily.

The building collapsed, and the most likely person to die was him.

Gabra twisted and pounced on Spandam, leading him to the portal that Bruno had opened, and all the CP-9 members hid in.

Bruno, the Gate Fruit Ability.

And Lorne and the others were surrounded by orbs made of Klockdar’s gravel, blocking the impact around them… Klockdar just did it casually, not to save anyone, their strength, dealing with such a small scene is not a problem.

After the violent collapse, the smoke gradually dispersed, and the entire building was completely reduced to ruins.

Above the ruins, the two figures of ice and fire intersect back and forth, outlining a different scenery in the night sky.

The gravel condensed the sphere and spread out, and Lorne and the others walked out.

At the same time, Spandam also came out of the ability of the Gate Fruit.

“You useless trash, you can’t even solve a few imps!” Spandam growled, his fingers pulling the trigger without hesitation, and the bullet cut an arc and shot at Luffy.

Luffy’s gaze condensed slightly, a red streamer flashed in his eyes, and he turned his head slightly to avoid the bullet, his face gloomy.

In the next second, he suddenly rushed out, his arms extended, and a powerful rocket bombarded Spandam, accompanied by a scream, and was shot into the ruins.

There was a dead silence around, and no one expected Luffy to strike so quickly.

Spandam, whose face was covered in blood, crawled out of the ruins, his expression became hideous and crazy, and he pressed the button of the golden phone worm in his hand without hesitation!

“Hahaha, let’s all die for Lao Tzu!!”

Demon Slaughter Order!


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