Spandam originally wanted to personally teach a lesson to those bastards who didn’t know whether they were dead or alive, but he provoked the most fearless person, Luffy.

Luffy’s strength has surpassed any member of CP-9, and when he shot, his whole body was surrounded by a layer of floating steam, and he directly turned on the second gear state, and the rubber rocket launcher directly fired into the soul.

Spandham was blinded.

Immediately there was a reaction of anger, which made him lose his mind and press the golden phone worm!

The Golden Phone Bug launched – it was the Devil Slaughter Order!

The Demon Slayer Order summoned five vice admirals of the naval headquarters, ten warships and countless naval soldiers to carry out indiscriminate attacks on the place launched by the Demon Slayer Order until its destruction.

The most recent Demon Slaughter was the O’Hara incident that Robin experienced as a child.

And now, the Demon Slayer Order has been launched again!


Headquarters of the Navy.

Marin Fando.

A silver phone worm that looked very old suddenly opened its sleeping eyes and made an extremely strange and harsh sound.

And this sound alarmed the entire Marin Fandor.

“The silver phone worm received a signal that it was an order to launch a demon slaughter order. ”

“Senior General Qingji ordered the demon slaughter order. ”

“The goal is – the capital of seven waters!”

“Contact the five lieutenant generals near your destination immediately. ”

“At this distance, sending troops from the headquarters will be relatively fast, and it will not take 30 minutes!”

Groups of naval soldiers rushed to the battleship and cut through the quiet night led by the squirrel, the burning mountain, the ghost spider, the dauberman, and the unknown vice admiral Storobery.

Sengoku stood by the window, looking at the ten warships that were speeding away, his face heavy.

“Once the demon slaughter order is launched, there is no room for redemption. Could it be that the plan against Lorne and Klockdar failed, and Kuzan is clearly in action, and even Klockdar will not be Kuzan’s opponent. Countless conjectures and doubts flashed in the hearts of the Warring States.

Karp’s face was even more ugly.

But he knew about the pheasant’s mobilization to deal with Lorne and Klockdar and the arrest of Nicole Robin, the son of the devil…

Since Lorne was there, Ace and Luffy must not have run.

When he first got the news, Karp still found it a little interesting, it turned out that Klockdar got on the pirate ship of those brats.

However, when he heard that the world government personally ordered the green pheasant to cooperate with Spandam to deal with them, Karp was a little uncalm, but he couldn’t show it.

Now seeing the launch of the demon slaughter order, he was completely stunned, and he was worried and cursed at the same time:

“What did those stinky boys do! Even the demon slaughter order was launched! Broken, broken, broken…”

Karp knew the cultivation effect of the Universal Cultivation Warehouse, but he didn’t know the 520 reward function, and naturally didn’t think that Lorne and Ace could escape the demon slaughter order.

The most important thing is that the Demon Slaughter Order is a merciless slaughter of a region… The capital of seven waters, dangerous.

Sengoku and Karp were both worried and silent.


The capital of seven waters.

Everyone was stunned to watch the scene of Spandam pressing the golden phone worm.

Even Lorne didn’t expect that Spandam was so confused that he pressed the button of the Demon Slayer Order.

Now, the demon slaughter order is launched, and there is no way to stop it.

“You, what did you press!” Robin’s face was filled with confusion and panic.

She was the only survivor of the last Demon Slaughter Order, and now, she wants to witness the second Demon Slaughter Order with her own eyes?

“Go and die, soon the navy will come to kill you all! destroy all of you! hahahahaha…” Spandam laughed maniacally, not thinking about the consequences of the demon slaughter order, which would lead to the slaughter of the seven waters.

“I said, what is that?” asked Frankie, with a hint of bad feeling in his heart.

“That was… The signal for the demon slaughter order to be launched. Next, five vice admirals and ten naval warships will arrive to launch an indiscriminate attack on the capital of seven waters and kill everyone here!” Robin’s eyes were full of horror, and the bad memories in his heart were all brought up.


French jumped in shock!

The capital of the seven waters is destroyed?

Everyone will be slaughtered!

Everything about him is here!

The people he knew, his senior brother, and memories of his teacher, Tom.

Now tell him that everything is going to be destroyed?

Frankie couldn’t take it.

His eyes were red as he looked at the initiator, Spandam, like an angry bull rushing forward.

“Quick, stop him!” shouted Spandam, looking visibly flustered.

He definitely didn’t expect to meet a bunch of crazy people here!

One by one, they all wanted to strike at him.

Hearing Robin’s explanation, Luffy and the others were stunned, no one thought that the consequences would be so serious.

“Demon Slaughter Order…”

Klockdar murmured, and at the same time his arm waved, and the dark gold devouring sand rushed out.

Bruno was about to protect Spandam with the ability of the Gate Fruit, but his feet were entangled in quicksand and he couldn’t move.

“Lorne, how to solve it?” asked Klockdahl.

Lorne’s face was gloomy, and he said coldly: “Kill!”

The anger in Lorne’s heart was ignited.

If because of his team’s actions, the seven waters were slaughtered, it would be unbearable for him, there were too many innocent people here…

“Good. ”

Klockdahl didn’t talk nonsense, his palm controlled the flow of dark gold devouring sand, and in the blink of an eye, Bruno was wrapped in it, and the strong dehydration and devouring ability was activated, and when the gravel receded, only a dead and miserable dried corpse was left.

Those who have the ability to fruit the door are killed.

Klockdar clearly felt the change in Lorne’s mood, and at this time, the shot was even more ruthless.

The entire CP-9 rushed at Franky to block his movement and protect Spandam.

However, it was not they who underestimated French, but they forgot that Franky still had a partner.

The Pirates of Spades all shot out, and the CP-9 members… It cannot be said that it is stopped, but all repelled!

There was simply no one to stop Frankie’s actions.

In the ruins of the building, Kaku walked out with Luki on his back, and the two were covered in dust, but except for Luqi’s broken arm, the two did not have any other major injuries.

“Launched the Demon Slaying Order?”

Both Luki and Kaku were stunned for a moment, it was so sudden.

“Quick! Stop them. Luqi saw that the situation on the field was going to be against Spandam and immediately said to Kaku.

“You be careful. ”

Kaku left a word and swooped out.

But before he could get closer, two attacks landed on where he had to pass, forcing him to stop and look at the source of the attack.

Usopra lowered his goggles, and the slingshot in his hand pointed straight at Kaku, and everything was self-evident.

Kaku’s face sank, and seeing that it was too late, he turned his head and pounced on Usopp.

The battle of encounters between two long-nosed noses.

Usopp was not afraid, did not flinch, the rate of fire of the slingshot in his hand was even more terrifying, and the sound of breaking the wind in the air was cut, and the domineering existence of the smell was limited.

Luki did not move, his eyes stared at Robin’s back fiercely, quietly hiding himself in the dark, like a cheetah waiting for the opportunity to hunt, quietly dormant.

On the other side of the ruins, the flames exploded, the ice invaded, and various visions appeared in the sky.

Ace and the pheasant clashed madly, and the two nature-based abilities fought with all their might.

The pheasant became more and more frightened.

Ace’s age is completely out of proportion to his strength!

Could it be that he started cultivating after beating his mother’s womb?

In particular, the bursting chiyan after the evolution of the burning fruit is even stronger than the magma fruit of the red dog, which surprises the pheasant even more.

For the first time, he saw a flame comparable to magma!

It stands to reason that the Devil Fruit of their three generals is the strongest elemental existence in the branch, but when can the flame be so strong?

The name Ace, the pheasant is still familiar with, the last time he heard this name from the phone bug that Karp connected, then Karp went back to the East China Sea, encountered them, and finally failed to arrest.

The green pheasant used to think that Karp was releasing water and deliberately let them go, but now it seems … It seems that they really ran it themselves.

“Demon Slaughter Order!”

Immediately afterwards, the green pheasant noticed the golden phone worm pressed in Spandam’s hand, and he was no stranger, because the phone worm was still handed over to Spandam.

The green pheasant’s eyes flickered, and he felt a headache.

Originally, the enemy was tricky enough, but now that the demon slaughter order is launched, the entire capital of seven waters will suffer.

“Alas. ”

Qing Pheasant sighed helplessly in his heart, the demon slaughter back then made him helpless, and now it is the same, the instructions of the demon slaughter order are not within his control at all, even if he is a senior admiral – once the demon slaughter order is launched, it cannot be changed.

The green pheasant condensed a huge ice shield in front of him with both hands, blocking Ace’s fire fist.

The icy figure rushed towards Spandam.

After all, the duty is, the pheasant can’t watch Spandam’s accident.

“Want to go?” (read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Ace’s gaze froze, and when he sensed the pheasant’s intentions, the golden flames burst even more.

“Flame Pillar!

After Ace used the Bjcj Ring, he turned the collected Golden Bursting Chiyan into a burning pillar through the rotation of his hands, which instantly shot towards the pheasant.

The sense of crisis behind it made the pheasant completely impossible to ignore.

Before the green pheasant could react, a quicksand waterfall that reached high in front of him suddenly appeared.

Klockdar strikes and stops the pheasant.

There was gravel in front of it, and pillars of fire behind them.

The green pheasant couldn’t do it if he wanted to rescue Spandam, so he could only turn his head, and the cold qi in his palm frantically gathered and condensed, gathering all the cold energy in his right arm and releasing an ice bird.

Icebirds have a powerful impact and freeze everywhere they go

“Ice Cube Pheasant Mouth!”

Ice and fire collided again, as if cannon fire was hissing and exploding in the air.

At this time, French finally rushed to Spandam.

When he thought that the capital of the seven waters was about to be destroyed, and the initiator was the bastard in front of him, French was furious.

Spandam shot in a panic, even if he ran out of bullets, but he could not hurt Frankie’s transformed body.

My father is a high-ranking member of the world government, if you dare to hurt me, he will not let you go!

It’s just that the green pheasant was entangled by Ace and stopped by Klockdar, and was completely powerless.


Frankie slammed an iron fist into Spandam’s face, knocking him into the ground.

Then his hands grabbed Spandam’s shoulders and picked him up, and Franky slammed into the merciless iron head.




One, two, three… A dozen strikes in a row.

Spandam’s face was covered in blood, completely disfigured, and his confused mouth was still muttering something.

“Frenchy. ”

Luffy’s voice sounded behind him.

Frankie lifted Spandam high and then blasted out with a head.


Spandam crashed into the air.

He was greeted by another powerful rocket launcher!


Spendham flew out, like a kite with a broken wire, falling into the ruins, unknown whether he was alive or dead.

Gabra and other members were defeated by Solon and Sanji.

Frankie ignored Spandam, quickly ran to Lorne, and said anxiously: “Lorne, what should I do next? ”

“Don’t worry, I’m here. Lorne patted Frankie’s shoulder and comforted, “The Demon Slayer Order… Five vice admirals, ten warships. It has not yet reached the point of being irresistible, everything is handed over to us, and we promise to return you an intact capital of seven waters!”

Frankie’s heart was extremely moved, and at this critical moment, Lorne did not choose to abandon him and leave.

“Everyone, quickly solve your opponents, then go to the port to prepare to face the Navy’s demon slaughter order!

Lorne ordered loudly, and the atmosphere was solemn.

Immediately afterwards, Solon and they burst out and killed their opponents.

The CP-9 in this period is not strong at all, not to mention the domineering blessings of the Pirates of Spades.

“Ahh Perona commanded the Negative Ghost to help Usopp take out Kaku, and then persuaded in disbelief.


Again the same part was slapped.

“What to go, the demon slaughter order must be solved!” said Lorne very seriously.

He prides himself on not being a good person, but at least he can’t watch so many innocent people die, and good people and bad people must always have a conscience.

When Lorne’s voice fell, the temperature around him suddenly dropped sharply, as if winter had suddenly arrived.

The pheasant completely exploded.

Not to mention the failure of this operation, Spandam was still killed, and the pheasant was already angry.

Even if he looked at Karp’s face before, he left some strength, but now it all does not exist, no matter what relationship these people have with Karp, they are now unforgivable enemies.

“Ice Age!”

The cold air surged, and frost began to appear on the ground, which quickly condensed into cold ice.

This is the means that the pheasant used in the sea, and now it can be used on the ground, freezing everything around it!

“Ace, go to the port!” greeted Lorne.

The green pheasant is now completely erupted, anyway, when the demon slaughter order comes, this place will still be destroyed…

Lorne wouldn’t have seen that happen.

If two people with the strength of the general fight here, there is no need to wait for the arrival of the Devil Slayer Order, and the island will be gone.

The battle between the red dog and the pheasant changed the geological climate of Punk Hassad!

Ace heard this, and retreated.

The battlefield of ice and fire slowly shifts.

Those alarmed people, looking at the scene of destruction, fled in panic.

And the naval soldiers, who suffered heavy casualties in the battle just now, now do not pose a threat at all.

The members of the Pirates of Spades rushed to the port as fast as they could.

It took twenty minutes to switch the battlefield to the shores of the port.

When they arrived, the shadows of naval warships could already be seen in the distance.

Soon, the capital of seven waters entered the attack range of the huge warship.

The ghost spider and others on the ship immediately ordered a cannon attack!

“Everyone, finish them off!” said Lorne with a gloomy face.

Sure enough, the bombing was launched without landing.

Bang bang bang –

Countless shells erupted in an instant.

Klockdar turned into a gravel tornado, like a sandstorm, intercepting all those shells in midair.

At the same time, the rest surged into action.

“Fourth gear-”

Luffy’s whole body was wrapped around domineering, biting the muscles of his arms and injecting air, and his body became larger while it was covered with dark red deep patterns.

Spray under your feet and rush out first.

Solon and Sanji even performed enhanced moon steps, and their figures galloped rapidly on the sea!

Brooke ran directly on the sea.

Frankie pilots the power boat he built, carrying Usopp, Robin, Nami, Joba, Mr1 and others!

Demon Slayer Order?

What Lao Tzu did was the Devil Slaughter Order!

Lorne squinted at the sea breeze, and the situation didn’t seem to require his hand.

The battle between Pheasant and Ace has entered a white-hot phase.

Half of the green pheasant’s cheeks were covered with frost, and all he spat out was the cold breath of frozen bones, and at this time, he threw an explosive punch!

“Ice Gauntlet!”

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