“You—I’m sure!”

The sudden sound made Luo’s movements pause, and he turned his head in surprise.

I saw a young man with black hair and black eyes walking slowly, as if walking in his own back garden, with an inexplicable momentum on his body, even in front of Renly, he still seemed to be at ease.

The tyrant bear turned his head slightly, his face was still ancient, but he spoke: “Captain Lorne of the Pirates of Spades.” The World Government and Navy mustlist have your name on it. ”

The words of the tyrant bear express a clear meaning.

He was going to kill Lorne.

Reilly smiled slightly, looked at Lorne with interest, he paid attention to the events in the capital of seven waters, naturally recognized Lorne, and said at the right time: “I really didn’t expect that the pirate group of spades who just made a big fuss in the capital of seven waters would appear in the Chambord Islands, it seems that talented newcomers are full of curiosity about the new world.” However, the old man was very skeptical… With a bounty of 250 Bailey, what qualifications do you have to talk to us like that?”

“What if the old man wants to kill him?”

Renly’s eyes were half-narrowed, an invisible aura on his body slowly rose, and the overlord-colored domineering energy was gradually released, aiming at Lorne and surging towards it, and the ground was torn out of the Dao crack, resulting in a collapse.

Luo looked at this scene in horror, and the feeling in his heart was indescribable.

He now felt that the Rayleigh in front of him was a big mountain, and just the momentum released could completely crush him!

Lorne stretched his waist indifferently, his muscles made a crackling sound, and chuckled: “Old man, you don’t have to test me so much.” ”

“I know you’re ready to have a good time and don’t want to be an enemy of anyone. But…”

“If you think I’m a soft persimmon and want to step on it, I’m afraid I’ve found the wrong person!”

When the words fell, Lorne’s pupils contracted, and when the streamer turned, a spirit from the ancient Flood Desolation Beast suddenly erupted!

Lorne, don’t hesitate to release the overlord color!

Fight and collide with Renly!


Renly’s eyes flashed with deep disbelief.

He “zero three seven” did not expect that Lorne actually awakened the overlord color domineering.

Isn’t it, now the guy who awakens the overlord color domineering, in the eyes of the world government and the navy, is only worth 250 Baileys?

Overlord color domineering is so worthless?

He just blamed Lorne for the tone of his words just now, and wanted to make a small move to shock Lorne, with his identity, even if the little ghost who had just gone to sea made a name for himself, what qualifications did he have to talk to him like that?

Keeping someone in front of him?

Reilly wants to ask, looking at the entire sea, how many people dare to say to protect people in front of him?

That’s why he exerted a domineering overlord on Lorne.

However, it accidentally angered a truly dormant monster!

Lorne’s overlord color domineering was released without the slightest hesitation!

Renly’s joking words just now angered Lorne.

250 Bailey?

Two hundred and five! Two hundred and five!

Lao Tzu will let you see today how ridiculous the 250 Bailey bounty is!

Lorne has already thought clearly and decided not to hide his strength anymore!

After playing pig and eating tiger for a long time, others really think they are pigs!

The trigger was the world government’s 250 Bailey bounty.

And about to enter the new world, in the new world, the navy and the world government can not cover the sky with one hand, and Lorne’s strength is tantamount to a monster standing at the top, even the four emperors are not afraid, how can they be afraid of others?

Brush –

The collision of two powerful auras, like a wave of light against each other, spread instantly, and the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed at this moment, and the air flashed with crimson lightning flashing wildly.

The power of the two collisions suddenly spread out and swept the entire island of No. 11.

The naval soldiers, the remaining pirates, and all the people on the island were all stunned!

Only the Pirates of Spades are all right, as well as Akainu, Orochimaru, Stérez, Dalmesia, and Tyrant Bear.

Clear the scene in an instant!

“Overlord color domineering!”

The face of the tyrant Xiong Gujing Wubo finally changed, revealing an unprecedented shock.

Lorne actually has overlord color domineering?

What’s going on with the intelligence of the world government and the navy?

“What a terrifying momentum, who is it?” Orochimaru was shocked in his heart.

Who is here to exert a domineering collision of overlord colors?

After he turned his head to look, he was instantly stunned and was blasted away by Sanji’s kick.

Until the fat body smashed into the ground, Orochimaru suspected that he had seen it wrong… The captain of the Pirates of Spades is actually competing with Hades Rayleigh Overlord color domineering!?

“It’s definitely Lao Tzu who saw it wrong!! Zhan Taomaru roared inwardly, he couldn’t accept this fact at all.

The figure of the red dog condensed from the magma on the ground, and his cold face showed a ghostly look, his pupils contracted, his eyes widened unconsciously, and his heart was subjected to an extremely strong impact.

“Overlord color domineering!? Lorne!

The roar of the red dog with a suppressed voice was full of disbelief.

That waste who was wanted by the Navy with a bounty of 250 Bailey actually awakened the overlord-colored domineering?

Even able to fight against Hades Renly?

Are you kidding!

When Renly made a move, Akainu noticed it, but didn’t care.

But at this moment, he was confused.


Marin Fando.

The Warring States who had just sat down in front of the screen suddenly stood up, and the strength directly bounced the chair under him out, hit the wall and even knocked the wall out of a spiderweb-like crack, and the chair was directly torn apart, this subconscious action completely revealed the shock of the Warring States.

“Lorne has the color of the Overlord!!”

Sengoku’s eyes were round, his eyelids were shaking violently, his beard was shaking violently, and his face was completely unbelievable.

Warring States, who had never been so gaffe, could not restrain the shock in his heart at this time.

Lorne, who has always been looked down upon, actually has a tyrant-colored domineering?!

That’s the qualification of the king!

Isn’t it enough to say something about being able to compete with Renly and not falling behind?

All the previous judgments on Lorne are!

Staff Officer Tsuru opened his mouth wide, completely speechless.

She felt a hot pain on her face, and before she thought that Lorne was a waste, and hugged the thigh of the Spades Pirates with intrigue… Now it seems ridiculous.

The clowns from beginning to end, it’s all them.

Karp looked at it stunned, and his heart was already surging with terrifying waves.

Lorne actually showed his strength? Don’t continue to be obscene? What is he going to do?

However, Karp’s biggest concern is Lorne’s current strength.

Lorne just showed his overlord-colored domineering, which had already made Warring States and others completely stunned!


Chambord Islands.

Opposite the red dog, Ace and Klockdar stood side by side, one with bursting golden flames burning on his body, and the other with the dark gold devouring sand hanging down in his hand, both turned their heads to look in the direction of Lorne at this time.

“Lorne… Finally shot!”

Ace looked excited, his voice was faintly mixed with excitement, for some reason, seeing Lorne’s unscrupulous display of strength, he felt more happy than he was fighting!

The young man is afraid of the head and tail, and the main fight is a dare to fight and fight!

Generals? Four Emperors? So what!

I’ll kill him today!”

For some reason, Ai Xin’s pride and ambition were suddenly stimulated by Lorne!

Klockdar’s eyes also showed joy and excitement, and Lorne struck!

When they saw the Lorne bounty, the whole ship laughed… It wasn’t ridicule, but it was inexplicably funny, and it didn’t mean to hurt Lorne.

Only Klockdar did not laugh.

He felt unworthy for Lorne.

Why do you have the strong strength of the level of generals and four emperors, so that the world government and the group of bastards in the navy look down on it so much?

You should slap them in the face and tell them your name is Lorne!

Captain of the Pirates of Spades – Lorne!

A well-deserved captain!

Even if the bounty is 700 million or 2 billion, it is still your crew and obeys your orders!

“Hahahaha… Lorne! Well done!”

“Sakaski, see, this is Lao Tzu’s captain!”

“The Chosen King!!”

“Fuck your 250 Bailey!”

Klockdar laughed heartily, the gravel in his hand shimmered with an unprecedented dark golden luster, and he and Ace’s feet suddenly turned into a barren desert, devouring all moisture and drying up all life!

Sand Fruit, Dark Gold Devouring Sand – Endless Desert!

Klockdar turned into the real king of the desert at this moment, all the gravel flowed behind him, and with his movements, the desert storm rising from the flat ground formed an unprecedented hurricane, slamming into the red dog in the magma!

The red dog recovered from the shock brought by Lorne, tried to calm himself, and said angrily: “What about the overlord color domineering!

Yes, awakening the overlord color is domineering, and it does not represent everything.

Akainu forcibly comforted himself in his heart.

“What a coincidence, I also want to burst your head!” Ace’s eyes released a golden luster, and a brilliant golden flame surged from his body, like a sun hanging in the sky, and he was fully output at the red dog.

The red dog cursed in his heart, and Klockdar and Ace joined forces, and he was very uncomfortable suppressed.

When did Klockdar’s strength become so strong?


When was Klockdar’s strength so strong, his rustle fruit power seemed to be no weaker than the magma of the red dog!” Sengoku lost his voice, the shock in his eyes lingering, and his face could not remain indifferent at all.

The magma fruit of the red dog is known as the most powerful devil fruit.

As a result, under the outbreak of Klockdar’s rustle fruit, he can actually compete with the red dog?

And Ace’s burning fruit, which should have been the lower fruit of the magma fruit, was restrained by magma, and as a result, in the collision with magma, the power of the eruption was no less than that of magma?

What are they doing!

The Warring States were extremely shocked, and then realized that it seemed to underestimate Ace and Klockdar… No, it should be underestimating the Pirates of Spades!

Karp looked shocked, and he instantly figured out that the changes in Klockdar and Ace came from Lorne.

Lorne, are you really ready to create a group of monster pirates?

Ace and Klockdar shot again, this time the two shot more violently, and the red dog resisted the two alone, becoming more and more difficult.

Mainly, the Devil Fruit abilities of those two were completely able to compete with him.

The two joined forces, and even the magma was still downwind.

“What a terrifying overlord color domineering!”

Renly was secretly surprised in his heart…

He admitted that he underestimated Lorne.

Lorne’s overlord-colored domineering strength is more than enough to open the domineering.

“It’s gone…” said Renly with a helpless sigh, slowly retracting his spirit.

Lorne retracted his spirit at the same time.

Perhaps his overlord-colored domineering will be stronger than Renly, but it is not possible to distinguish the victory and defeat by the overlord-colored domineering collision alone.

“Now, I say I’m going to protect him, who approves? Who opposes?”

Lorne pointed at Trafalgaro with one hand and said calmly.

His tone and voice have not changed from before, but it gives others a sense of oppression, and it shows an invisible domineering.

Sometimes, the momentum is getting stronger!

Renly narrowed his eyes and didn’t say anything.

He is in old age, not ready to provoke an unfathomable monster-like enemy.

The tyrant bear stepped forward, “Thunder fruit, you can’t take it with you.” ”

With the overlord-colored domineering on display, it is not enough to make the tyrant bear fearful, and he is still ready to start.

“Rubber big snake fist!”

Luffy, who turned into an elastic man, fell from the sky and attacked in front of the tyrant bear.

Because after he looked around, he found that there were no more enemies.

So find the tyrant bear.

The Tyrant Bear’s eyes changed slightly, and then he still moved with Luffy.

“That straw hat… How could it be on him!” Renly saw the familiar straw hat behind Luffy, and his eyes suddenly became stunned.

“Old man, do you recognize this straw hat?” Lorne stepped forward slowly, did not move again, but said peacefully.

There is no grudge with Renly, and it is enough to deter the other party just now.

Moreover, Renly can still be regarded as half of his own.

Roger’s bloodline – Ace!

Roger’s heir – Luffy!

“Oh, it’s really nostalgic. At this moment, the corners of Renly’s eyes suddenly moistened.

Of course he was familiar with that straw hat, and the familiar could not be familiar.

Looking at the straw hat, he seemed to remember the days when he was abducted by Roger and began the legendary journey.

In the blink of an eye, he was dying of old age, and most of the deceased people were gone.

“Luffy’s straw hat was given to him by Shanks. Lorne added softly.

“Shanks… Is it his choice or the choice of the straw hat?” Renly had mixed tastes in his heart, turned to look at Lorne, and asked, “Who are you?”

At this moment, Renly was no longer hostile, just curious.

“Didn’t I, old man, just say?” Lorne smiled lightly, easy-going and calm.

Reilly shook his head helplessly and smiled: “The old man apologizes to you for what he said just now, the young man now, his temper is really rushed, and he doesn’t know at all that he respects the old and loves the young.” ”

Reilly was more free-spirited.

Lorne said with a smile: “It is worthy of being the deputy captain of One Piece Roger. Mr. Reilly, the kid Lorne has been famous for a long time, and he has offended a lot just now. ”

The corner of Renly’s mouth twitched, and he didn’t speak.

He had realized that Lorne was also a personal elf.

After apologizing, the other party’s attitude immediately changed, and he was sensible enough.

“Old man, come here, kid tell you a secret…” Lorne leaned in to Renly and whispered a few words.

“You said Ace he was…”

Renly’s eyes widened, and his heart was shocked.

He didn’t expect that Captain Roger’s child was still alive!

And he is famous in the sea at a young age, 4.6 awakens the overlord color and masters the genius of the tyrant!

Worthy of the blood of the captain!

Seeing Roger’s widow and Roger’s straw hat heir on the same day, Renly couldn’t help it anymore, reached out and rubbed the corners of his moist eyes, and sighed: “I’m still old, I didn’t have so much sentimentality before… Ahem, what did that guy in Klockdar do to turn a good island into a desert? ”

Renly sighed halfway, suddenly came to his senses, and immediately began to make up for it and maintain his image.

Lorne didn’t say it through, but walked to Trafalgaro, leaving Reilly his own space, whether it was remembrance or pain was casual.

“You, you,”

Luo looked at Lorne’s approach, held out two words, and did not say a complete sentence.

Lorne shook his head, the current Luo is still too weak, if he can have the help of the universal cultivation warehouse, it is estimated that it will give the world a surprise, right?

“Trafalgaro. Lorne spoke calmly.

“How do you know my name?” Luo’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Lorne was too lazy to explain, and said directly: “Listen, only give you one chance to choose.” ”

“Exchange the Thunder Fruit for a place to join my pirate group, and I will help you avenge and kill Doflamingo. I can also give you the strength to take revenge with your own hands. ”

“Agree, you will be my partner from now on. ”

“Refusal … Whatever you want. ”

Luo was completely stunned.

The amount of information in Lorne’s short sentence almost dried up Luo’s CPU

All secrets are revealed.

Kolo’s mind was not stupid, he reacted in the fastest time and made a decision.

“If you can help me take revenge, I can promise everything!

Luo raised his head, his small face was full of determination, and he handed over the thunder fruit with both hands.

Successful recruitment of S-class crew: Trafalgaro


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