Luo makes the smartest choice.

He’s really sane… Or if you want to kill Doflamingo, you can pay anything.

Lorne pointed out his identity and expressed his hatred, which shocked him immensely.

But after the extremely quick reaction, Luo realized the strength of the man in front of him, as well as the flat confidence when he said those words.

Just now, Leily and their opponents, Luo Du heard it clearly.

The captain of the Pirates of Spades!

And the battle of the rest of the Spades Pirate Group is undoubtedly the best indication of the strength of this Pirate Group.

So, Luo opted in.

Lorne did not take the thunder fruit immediately, but patted Luo’s shoulder and said: “In one year, I will let you take revenge with your own hands.” ”

For a year, it acts on the Universal Cultivation Warehouse… That was a long period of more than ten years of cultivation.

One hour of cultivation time in the Universal Cultivation Warehouse is equivalent to fifteen days, but you must know that these fifteen days are equivalent to fifteen days of day and night…

A person’s cultivation without rest day and night is worth thirty days!

Normal cultivation, always have to eat, sleep, beat beans, but in the universal cultivation warehouse, the state will not have any consumption, you can practice to the maximum!

So, give Law a year, enough time for him to kill Doflamingo himself.

Lorne wanted to train Luo in the direction of the Four Emperors.

“Really?” Luo’s eyes were full of doubt.

Originally, he still had hope and took the pie painted by Lorne, but he couldn’t catch it.

“More than enough, say no more, when you personally feel the way I made for you to become stronger, you will believe it.” Lorne reached out and took the Thunder Fruit and said softly.

Thunder Fruit Lorne already had a candidate in his heart.

“Mr. Reilly, are you interested in going to sea again, Ace and Luffy are on our ship, would you like to join us for fun?” said Lorne as he turned and walked over to Renly, smiling and inviting.

Reilly smiled dumbly, and shook his head repeatedly: “You kid, don’t hit the old man’s attention, this old bone can’t be beaten, you young people play with your own.” ”

Renly was watching the battle just now.

How domineering Luffy showed… Shocked Reilly.

Is this really a child who has just gone to sea?

How could the domineering degree be so strong!

For Lorne’s invitation, Renly naturally refused 24

He was no longer in the mood to go to sea and was ready to retire for the rest of his life.

Lorne is eyeing Rayleigh’s strength, if you can find Renly’s strength, Lorne’s strength will be refined again, especially the overlord color domineering will bring a great improvement.

Unfortunately, Renly explicitly refused.

Lorne didn’t know how to persuade for a while, Renly was not so easy to fool.

If there was no such mess in front of him, if Lorne had enough time in the Chambord Islands, he could have fooled Lei into using the Universal Cultivation Warehouse for a few days, but the situation obviously did not allow it now.

Law followed closely behind Lorne.

Lorne suddenly thought of something, patted Luo’s shoulder and introduced: “See, they are all younger than you.” ”

Luo was so shocked that his mouth opened wide and he was able to stuff several goose eggs.

A group of guys younger than him, with this kind of combat power?

Am I waste?


Battles into unprecedented intensity.

Orochimaru climbed out of the ground and killed Yamaji again with a giant axe.

Just now, he was shocked by the overlord-colored domineering shown by Lorne, and was kicked by Sanji, and now he only feels even more angry.

“Damn it!”

Orochimaru cursed in a low voice, and then suddenly jumped up, rushing like a hungry tiger, and his burly figure was more like a mountain falling from the sky.


The giant axe fell, coupled with the huge force of Zhan Taomaru himself, directly bombarded the ground into a deep pit.

And Yamaji’s figure disappeared long ago.

“Ah, when did you dodge!” Orochimaru’s eyes were horrified.

Just now, it was clear that the giant axe was already in front of Yamaji, he thought that it would definitely hit Yamaji, but now he found that the attack was in vain… So, what kind of terrifying speed is it that Sanji dodged intact at such an extreme distance?

This kind of speed, only the old man of the yellow ape can display it, right?

Orochimaru fell into doubt.

In the distance, Sanji appeared again, lit the cigarette again, his eyes revealed a sharp gaze, and gently inhaled the cigarette, “Whew~ Then hurry up and end it!”

When the words fell, blue flames re-burned on his calves, and the Demon God Wind Foot activated.

At that moment just now, Sanji used his rapid power to easily dodge the attack.

You know, his strongest means now is not exoskeleton, domineering, but rapid power!

Speeds no less than the speed of light!

“Drink it – don’t hide if you have the ability!”

Orochimaru swung his tomahawk and roared and rushed, and a layer of powerful armed color domineering was wrapped around the tomahawk, and the shot was even more ferocious.

It’s that you’re too weak to keep up with my speed. “Sanji wouldn’t be stupid enough to give up the advantage of his speed.

Lorne often taught them to attack their weaknesses with their strengths.

Translated as: find the other party’s weakness and work hard!


Yamaji’s figure disappeared instantly, and Orochimaru’s attack once again failed.

Zhan Momomaru looked angry, looked around for traces of Sanji, but could not find it at all.


Orochimaru looked confused.

What about people?

And in the next second, blue flames suddenly appeared in front of Orochimaru, and Sanji’s attack suddenly arrived, as if it suddenly appeared in front of him.

Orochimaru didn’t have time to think, and hurriedly raised the giant axe to resist.


With a violent collision sound, Orochimaru was kicked back one after another, and his footsteps fell to the ground and vibrated violently.

Brush –

After one blow, Sanji disappeared again.

Then, as if appearing in all directions, Battle Peach Pill began to attack.

“First meat!”

“Shoulder blades!”

“Shoulder meat!”

“Rib meat!”



The rain-like attack fell, and the powerful kick fell on Orochimaru.

At first, Zhan Momomaru also swung his giant axe to counterattack, but after several failures, Zhan Momomaru hunched his body, wrapped around the armed color domineering and began to defend in an all-round way.

If you can’t attack the other party at all, how to fight?

Orochimaru was very desperate at the moment.

This is the fastest speed he has seen except for the yellow ape.

However, under the attack of the Demon God Wind Foot, even the armed color domineering could not completely resist, and the whole body of Zhan Taomaru began to emit pain.

“Demon God Wind Foot Beef Burst!”

Sanji erupted again, and the rain-like attack suddenly intensified.

Orochimaru completely lost his ability to resist, was kicked and flew out, and then was kicked in the air for a while, like a ball flying in the sky, and was hit by countless blows that caused it to fall at all.


“Battle Peach Pill!”

In front of the screen, Sengoku’s heart was raised fiercely.

The situation with Zhan Peach Pill is very bad!

If it continues like this, it will surely fail.

How could that cook be so fast!

The Warring States were extremely surprised in their hearts, and their heads became more and more confused.

Karp frowned, and secretly said in his heart: “When did the yellow-haired brat have this speed, and what did Lorne do to them?”

He said: I can’t see through, I can’t see through a little at all.



With Yamaji’s last kick landing on Orochimaru’s stomach, Battle Peachmaru flew out without all resistance and smashed into the ground.

The whole body suffered a heavy blow, and Orochimaru was unable to fight again, feeling that every bone was painful.

For the first time in so long, he was beaten so badly.

Swoosh –


A brilliant yellow light streaked across the sky.

Lorne and Renly raised their heads in unison, and both subconsciously narrowed their eyes.

That yellow light descended on the Chambord Islands in a trajectory that was difficult for the naked eye to catch.

The next second, he appeared next to Yamaji, revealing a lewd uncle-like man in a yellow striped suit.

“Hmm~ Have you been mentioned by the speed of light?”


Sanji was kicked and blasted away by a kick at the speed of light.

The one who came was the Great General Yellow Ape!

In front of the screen, the moment the Warring States saw the yellow light, they secretly sighed with relief.

The guy who claims to have the speed of light has finally arrived.

And the pheasant, on the way.

The yellow ape looked around the battlefield, his face gradually gloomy.

The red dog is entangled, the tyrant bear and Luffy fight, the two vice admirals fend off Solon, and Lorne watches the battle with Renly from afar, and the pacifists are also solved.

What made the yellow ape most angry was the seriously injured Zhan Taomaru!

“Ahem… Old man, you are here. Orochimaru greeted weakly, he couldn’t even get up by himself at this time.

Zhan Taomaru was regarded by him as his own generation, and now that he was seriously injured, how could the yellow ape endure it?

The yellow ape, who has always touched fish, rarely became serious.

In the distance, Sanji walked out of the smoke, and with the strong defense of the exoskeleton, the damage caused by the yellow ape’s kick just now was not high. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

“Yamaji, the other party is a naval admiral, don’t be careless. Lorne reminded from a distance.

“Admiral?” muttered Yamaji softly, the look on his face excited and eager.

“Tell the green pheasant, freeze here when you come, the old man wants to make a pirate unable to escape!”

The yellow ape ordered a newly awakened naval colonel.

“Yes!” the Captain shook his head and ran to the location of the video phone bug.

The yellow ape turned around, glanced at Sanji, and his tone was as deep as he was, “Hmm~little brother, it’s a little too heavy~!”


When the words fell, the yellow ape turned into a yellow light and jumped out, and in less than a breath, he appeared in front of Yamaji and kicked out fiercely.

Naturally, Yamaji was not to be outdone, and he quickly unleashed his strength, kicking his skills and bursting out, and he regretted the yellow ape!

Immediately afterwards, the two sides engaged in a fierce battle at a very fast speed.

Only the sound of battle could be heard around, but the figure of the two could not be seen at all.

Lorne’s eyes lowered, he heard the words of the yellow ape, the green pheasant was also on the way here?

The Navy really laid down the blood this time!

“Frankie, follow me back to the pirate ship!”

Lorne said suddenly, and then grabbed Luo and Beibo and rushed out as a gust of wind.

As soon as Frankie heard the voice, he was caught and flew away.

Lorne didn’t want to fight anymore and was ready to retreat and go straight to the New World.

Otherwise, when the three major generals gather, the strength of the navy will only increase, which is not good news for them.

Lorne goes back to the ship and Frankie takes care of the final formalities.

The fighting continues here.

Luffy’s fourth gear form, and the tyrant bear fights back and forth.

Although he was bounced a few times by the ability of the flesh ball fruit just now, Luffy quickly adapted.

The raindrops of attacks erupted violently.

However, the Tyrant Bear’s defenses are leak-proof, and the ability of the flesh ball fruit is used to the extreme.

“Damn, you can’t defeat him at all if you go on like this!”

Luffy frowned and muttered to himself.

“So… Let you try this trick!”

In the next second, Luffy bit his arm again, pouring air into it, and his right hand swelled again, and his arm was strengthened again.

“What does he want to do?” the tyrant bear’s eyes twinkled.

If he remembers correctly, this kid should be the son of a dragon…

But something is wrong with the strong!

Dragon, is this sure that you are biological?

Even Tyrant Bear marveled at Luffy’s strength.

And in the next second, the tyrant bear suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression.

That sense of oppression came from Luffy.

Luffy’s pupils contracted, and a sense of oppression of a fierce beast was released from him, and on his right hand, a layer of more strange patterns was gradually wrapped.

At the same time, along with countless tiny dark red arcs flickering, his body exuded a terrifying and powerful momentum.

Luffy, open the bully!

The tyrant bear was stunned for a moment, and there was incredulity in his eyes.

Why don’t you put it on hold!

The sons of the dragon will be bullied!?

How old is he!

The tyrant bear said that the heart was a little unbearable, what kind of monster did the dragon give birth!


Marin Fando.

In the conference room, there was a terrifying dead silence.

Karp grabbed his hair with both hands, his face full of shock.

If he read it correctly… Luffy is that overlord color domineering entanglement?

Luffy mastered the bully!?

What a situation in this particular!

Karp was deeply stunned.

The last time we met, the overlord color domineering was just in its infancy… Now you can actually open a bully?

What the hell!

Luffy with the improvement of strength, the overlord color domineering naturally grows with the physique, not to mention that the universal cultivation warehouse can also cultivate the overlord color domineering, Luffy with the degree of the sun god, it seems normal to master the overlord.

But in the eyes of others, this is extremely abnormal!

Karp, is this really your grandson?”

Sengoku broke the defense of 420.

Ace is tyrant, Sengoku endures, what if he is a gifted guest?

But now, fourteen-year-old Luffy has started to domineer?

Sengoku can’t bear it!

Fuck it!

How do you play this?

Fourteen to open a bully?

Normal people at the age of fourteen can master the armed color domineering, even the overlord color domineering can’t control!

Why are you going to start a bully now?

Is this Nima still human!

Did Ace and Luffy grow up eating overlord color domineering?

The Warring States were shaking violently, and I don’t know if it was really shocked, anyway, it was completely broken.

Karp roared with a confused look, “What the hell has Luffy gone through!”

Not to mention the Warring States, Karp began to suspect, Luffy is really his grandson?

Although the Monchi family occupies the bloodline of the “D” family, there has never been such a perverted guy!

Open a bully?

Just kidding!

Even if you are a sun god in the future, can you keep a low profile now!

Ace is 17 years old and bullied, and he is perverted enough… Luffy is now 15 years old and starts to domineer… It would be strange that the world government could spare him.

Lorne Lorne !!!

Now the words Lorne are marked with a red exclamation mark in Karp’s heart!

Karp is hard to imagine what Lorne did to Luffy during this time to make Luffy start a bullies like a pervert.

Staff Officer Crane’s dry palms clenched into fists, and at this moment she couldn’t resist the shock and nervousness in her heart, “The monsters gathered, this is not good…”

The situation in the Chambord Islands is not good.

Even the pheasant is still on its way.

Ace and Klockdar have both shown their strength as generals, and Luffy has broken out again!

There is also the most mysterious Lorne, the overlord color shocks Hades Renly, and he has never made a move.

Will the Navy’s operation fail this time?


“Overlord Twist!!! Straw Hat Kid?”

The red dog’s face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were completely confused.

Depend on!

What exactly is the situation here!

Can Straw Hat kid Luffy open a bully?

Don’t tell Lao Tzu that the Spades Pirates are all overlords!

“Hmm~ amazing!” the yellow ape was shocked.

This situation was completely unexpected.

The point is that Luffy’s age does not match his strength at all!

Such a monster has never been seen on the sea!

Neither Rocks nor Roger can do it!

And now Luffy did it??

Fourteen years old to open a bully… It’s a fantasy!


Was Straw Hat Kid reincarnated as Captain Roger and began cultivating from his mother’s womb?

Otherwise, how to explain this scene!

Renly’s decades-old perception has been turned upside down.

The old man has seen monsters, but he has never seen such a perverted monster!

Barrett, the most genius on Roger’s ship, the strongest newcomer of the year, was not as perverted as Luffy!

With Barrett’s experience, Reilly said Ace could still understand.

But what the hell is Luffy?

What kind of perverted talent can open a bully now?


“Rubber Great Ape King Gun!”.

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