Chapter 81 Thunder Fruit Evolution!

It turned out that before, when the pirate ship took off, it was violently impacted, and when the air flow rushed, the table on the deck flew out directly, and even the thunder fruit was blown away, and it was about to fall.

At that time, everyone’s attention was on the battle, and no one noticed the thunder fruit at all.

Only Luo noticed and used his ability to retrieve the Thunder Fruit.

“Great, fortunately the thunder fruit was not lost. Ace breathed a sigh of relief.

“Well done, Ro, great job!” said Lorne as he stepped forward and patted Law on the shoulder.

“Captain, how to arrange the Thunder Fruit?” said Moria curiously.

Thunder fruit, the strongest natural system.

If you can take the Thunder Fruit, it is simply a step to the sky~.

However, Moriah was just curious about Lorne’s arrangement, he was already a Shadow Fruit ability, and he couldn’t take the Devil Fruit.

Lorne thought for a moment and said, “I still hope that Nami can take the Thunder Fruit. Her weather rod was originally a lightning ability. ”

“Huh, me?” Nami was visibly startled, extremely surprised.

“Although it is a little difficult to eat, it is still worth it compared to the ability to obtain the Thunder Fruit. Lorne handed Nami the Thunder Fruit.

Anyway, the thunder fruit must be subdued by its own crew.

Lorne was able to obtain the ability of the Thunder Fruit.

Although his current strength is strong and has many abilities, no one will easily refuse the Thunder Fruit, right?

Moreover, there are very few non-Devil Fruit abilities on the ship, Solon and Sanji obviously do not use them, although the thunder can make them stronger, but Lorne is more inclined to let Nami improve her strength.

After all, Solon and Sanji will grow up, but there is no shortage of this means.

As for Usopp and Franky, they don’t have the Devil Fruit ability, but now they only have one Devil Fruit, and Lorne specifies that Nami will be given priority.

“Okay,” Nami nodded with some palpitations, still quite afraid of the unpalatable Devil Fruit.

Under everyone’s gaze, Nami took the Thunder Fruit and asked for a small bite.

Then, almost vomiting, she hurriedly swallowed the pulp desperately.

In the next instant, a huge force filled Nami’s whole body.

A trace of thunder and lightning flew around her hair, and a blue glow flashed under her eyes, like a free electric arc.

“It’s so unpalatable… However, I feel like I can now manipulate lightning. Nami raised her hand, and thunder quickly appeared between her palms, like a small blue snake, obediently suspended on her palm.

At the same time, on Lorne’s panel, there was an extra ability – Thunder Fruit.

The Thunder Fruit not only greatly increased Nami’s strength, but also made Lorne’s strength improve a little more.

“Oooh—that’s cool!” Luffy and Joba’s eyes lit up.

Accustomed to seeing flames and sand, thunder and lightning appear even more strange.

“Thunder fruit, there are really many natural systems on the ship. Klockdar took a deep breath of his cigar and sighed.

Who would have thought that he just joined the Pirates of Spades with the mentality of giving it a try, but now it gave him such a big surprise.

All monsters!

Captain is more monster!

“But Usopp and Frankie, don’t be discouraged, just because this fruit is more suitable for Nami, and I will find you a more suitable demon fruit for you later.” Lorne turned to comfort Usopp and Frankie.

Usopp was very free, “Nami is a girl, and she needs the ability to protect herself, but I am a sniper, and I don’t rely on the power of the Devil Fruit.” ”


A Devil Fruit that was very suitable for Usopp suddenly appeared in Lorne’s mind!

Multiply the fruit!

The Devil Fruit of the World Destroyer Wald multiplies the volume and speed of objects.

If Usopp could take that Devil Fruit, his sniping ability would be stronger.

“Hahaha, Captain, I don’t need it anymore, my goal is to build a peerless battleship!”

Peerless battleship!

This is his promise to Senior Brother Iceberg!

It was his promise to Captain Lorne!

It’s a dream for yourself!

So, French ordered to build a peerless battleship!

“Good, for the peerless battleship, the target, Elbaf, set sail!” Lorne waved his hand and commanded with great eloquence.


“Ahh Perona floated beside Lorne, covering her mouth and smiling.


Perona’s small buttocks were attacked again.

Little Loli gritted her teeth, but helpless, and even got used to this rhythm.

I get slapped a few times almost every day…

Abominable captain!

Little Lori pouted and turned her head into the kitchen.

She was looking for an opportunity to give Lorne a powerful laxative!

The country of giants is not as simple as it seems, let alone so easy to talk to, and Adam is their tree of life. Klockdar dissuaded.

Wouldn’t it be too reckless to go to Elbaf now?

“It’s okay, Dongli and Brocky still owe me favors, besides, we don’t have so much gold on board, enough to buy a large treasure tree Adam.” Lorne was full of confidence.

He took the cigar from Klockdal, lit it himself, and gathered Klockdar, Moria, and Ace together.

As for the rest, what to do.

Luffy, Chopba, and Usopp surround Na with her thunderbolt.

Solon began to exercise.

Yamaji went into the kitchen and prepared delicious food.

Although they are still in the sky, the speed of their slide is slow, which means safety, and no one cares.

It was Rowe, honestly following behind Lorne.

“Lao Sha, Moria, after landing in a while, we will move separately, and you will join forces to form forces. Lorne said with a swallow.

Let Klockdar go out and develop, say yes at the beginning.

It’s just that now Klockdar will have an extra helper.

“Don’t worry, we won’t let you down. Klockdar smiled slightly, confidently assured.

“But Captain, after this incident, the world government and navy will not let us go, they must have increased their efforts to arrest us.” Moriah thought about the previous battle and was a little worried about the next move of the world government and navy.

After all, he and Klockdar were both Seven Warriors, and as a result, they both chose to betray the World Government.

“I also thought of this, so you don’t need to develop your forces in a big way, you just need to secretly dispatch and come step by step.” If we go to Elbaf to build a warship, nothing major will happen for a while, and the navy will not be able to strike unscrupulously in the New World. ”

Loth, Lorne thought about it, but felt that after entering the new world, the heaven and earth would be even more expansive.

Then everyone roughly discussed the next plan of action.

Soon after, the pirate ship landed.

However, the pirate ship has also become an ordinary pirate group, and there are even some water leaks, and all functions cannot be used because of the scrapping of materials.

Lorne and his party found the nearest island and inquired about the current location.

The result happened to be a giant warrior: Helding.

Helding is preparing to return to Elbaf because he receives news of the return of Dongli and Brocky and wants to join the two captains.

As a result, he met Lorne and others, and Lorne told Heldin about their relationship with Dongli and Brocky, and Helding was very grateful, and when he learned that the other party was going to Elbaf to visit Dongli and Brocky, he gladly decided to sail with the Pirates of Spades.

It just so happened that the island where Lorne landed had the power of the sea king Umit, and Lorne found the sea king through his subordinates and strongly subdued the other party.

The shipping king controls the marine transportation industry, and the sphere of influence can be described as extremely large, but the strength is average.

And now in the entire underground dark world, the dragon head is “Joker” Doflamingo!

The current sea king Umit and others cannot yet be called the six underground emperors.

It took only half a day to take Umit.

Lorne then asked Klockdar and Moria to stay with the Sea King, and began to develop with the existing industrial power of Sea King Umit.

And this time, with Klockdar and Moria sitting in town, the power of the sea king is stronger!

After dealing with the affairs here, Lorne directly used the sea transportation means of the sea king and went straight to Elbaf.

I set off that night. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

On the way, the members began to use the Universal Cultivation Warehouse to start cultivating.

The first time Luo practiced, he was shocked and his jaw almost fell to the ground, he finally knew how the confidence that Lorne promised him came from, and he knew why this ship was a monster.

When Nami finished cultivating, she ran out excitedly.

“Lorne, the ability of the Thunder Fruit has evolved!”

Nami threw herself on Lorne’s body and buried her head in the waves, excited.

Lorne felt the softness, sniffed his nose and the faint aroma, it was really strange to make people’s blood pump.

“Okay, okay, Nami pay attention to your scale, it’s so easy to suffocate me.” Lorne swung his arm, signaling Nami to let go quickly.

Nami felt the strange look on her chest, a blush appeared on her face, and hurriedly let go of Lorne, but she was still a little more excited in her heart, and hurriedly said: “The ability of the Thunder Fruit has evolved!”

Although Nami’s physical skills are not strong, they can be regarded as steadily improving, coupled with the improvement of domineering, and now she is taking the Thunder Fruit, resulting in a direct breakthrough in strength and obtaining rewards in the Universal Cultivation Warehouse.

“Well, the Thunder Fruit ability has evolved, and Nami has also been rewarded?” said Ace as he walked over and said in surprise.

“Hmm. Nami nodded and took the initiative to introduce: “The ability of the Thunder Fruit has been enhanced, and now I can control the weather changes.” ”

Saying that, Nami suddenly raised her hand, hissing azure lightning flashed in her palm, and suddenly the wind around her was fierce, and the sky was quickly covered with dark clouds, and in the lightning and thunder, bean-sized raindrops began to fall.

“This… Changed the weather?” said Ace with a startled look in disbelief.

The Thunder Fruit can only control lightning, but now it has completely changed the weather!

“Change weather changes. Lorne’s eyes lit up.

Weather words, but including wind, rain, thunder and lightning!

“However, it is still the ability of the Thunder Fruit as the dominance, and the wind and rain ability can only be used to control weather changes as an aid in battle. Nami introduced.

After all, the thunder fruit is a thunder fruit, even if it can control the wind and rain, but the wind is not as strong as the wind and wind fruit.

“It’s okay, now the ability is already good. Lorne comforted.

If Nami can change the weather, it will definitely be the biggest improvement for herself.

“It’s worthy of the Thunder Fruit, and it can extend other abilities!” exclaimed Ace.

Their fruit changes are all strengthened on the basis of the original fruit ability, and when they reach the thunder fruit, other abilities are actually derived!

It is worthy of being the strongest natural system.

Nami was also very happy at this time, not only did she get the Thunder Fruit, but now she also received a huge improvement.

At the same time, Brooke also walked out of the cultivation warehouse.

“Yo roar roar ~ Lorne, Ace, you are all here. Great Nami-san, let me see your inside…” Before Brooke’s words could be finished, a bolt of thunder fell from the sky and fell on the skeleton.


A puff of black smoke rose from Brooke’s body, and the explosive head became even more explosive.

“Nami-san…” Brooke opened his mouth to speak, and a thick black smoke wafted out.

Nami said angrily: “Brooke, if you are saying such things, Miss Ben’s thunder and lightning will not be left behind!”

Brooke nodded repeatedly, almost forgetting that Nami had obtained the strongest natural ability.

Is the storm coming?” said Brooke looking up, puzzled.

In the next second, the thunder in Nami’s hand slowly dissipated, and the wind stirred, blowing away the dark clouds and revealing the bright moon in the sky again.

Nami-san’s ability to control the weather?” was Brooke stunned.

“Brooke, I advise you not to talk nonsense in the future, Nami’s fruit ability has evolved. Ace kindly reminded.

Skeleton is also likely to be electrocuted to ash.

“Nami-san’s ability has also evolved? Brooke was even more surprised.

“Your abilities have evolved?” looked at Brooke in surprise.

Unexpectedly, it was really a good thing to come in pairs.

Brooke got serious and explained, “After the ability of the Yellow Spring Fruit evolves, I can summon things from the Yellow Spring and use them for my use. Moreover, I also comprehended a skill, the whole body can turn into a soul state, ignore all attacks, and can directly attack the opponent’s soul, but this ability requires a very large consumption, I am afraid that I can’t fully use it now. ”

As he spoke, a faint green light appeared from Brooke’s palm, and in the light, a gloomy and cold aura gradually emerged, and then an illusory image slowly emerged in the light, and it quickly solidified.

An undead knight from the Yellow Spring appeared beside Brook.

The burly knights and the warhorses they made exuded an extremely gloomy aura, and their eyes burned with green ghost fire, and a fierce momentum came to them.

“What a strong guy. Ace stared and exclaimed.

Brooke introduced: “This is the Yellow Spring that I can summon, I can summon a lot, and after summoning, I can use their power to briefly improve myself!”

After Bruker has his current ability, his strength will be greatly improved!

Summon the Yellow Springs and fight for yourself!

It sounds like an exaggeration.

Is Yan Wang Ye alive?

“Isn’t it, there is still this ability?” Nami was taken aback, now she didn’t expect the improvement of the Yellow Spring Fruit to be so huge.

Summon, Fusion Strengthen, Soul Attack!

“Yo roar roar roar ~ Nami-san, don’t underestimate me, so, your panties can…”


The thunder and lightning fell, and Brooke was clicked again.

Brooke let out a puff of black smoke and gave up the idea of looking at Nami’s panties.

“What a cold breath. ”

“Huh? What is this!”

“Lorne, Ace, Nami, Brooke, what are you doing?”

The movement on the deck alarmed everyone, and everyone walked out.

Suddenly the undead knight summoned by Brooke attracted his attention.

When everyone learned of the change in Nami and Brooke’s abilities, they were extremely surprised.

Lorne laughed on the sidelines.

Everyone is getting stronger and stronger.

As a result, he himself is stronger!

It’s hard not to be happy.

Moreover, there are also the evolved abilities of the Thunder Fruit, the evolved abilities of the Yellow Spring Fruit, and Lorne’s means have increased again.

In particular, if Lorne summons the Yellow Fountain, he can further improve his strength!

His strength will only get stronger and stronger!

Everyone is still on the pirate ship, but under the pirate ship, there is a giant tortoise.

The giant tortoise is also a type of sea king, but his temperament is milder, easy to be domesticated, and he sails very fast in the sea, becoming the means of transportation of the sea king Umit.

With a dozen domesticated sea kings, Umit mastered sea transportation and occupied one side, but now, all at the disposal of Lorne.

Helding is also on the ship, and Lorne also gave him the opportunity to use the cultivation warehouse, anyway, time is free, and after Helding cultivates three times, he can find strength.

Strength is such a thing, for Lorne, naturally the more the merrier.

The Pirates of Spades sail all the way.

The night flew by.

The next day came.

Seabirds with newspapers and bounty orders flew all over the world.

The news of the Pirates of Spades spread to all the forces.

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