
Everyone in the red-haired pirate group gathered, looking at the stunned reward order in front of them, and they were stunned.

“Depend! What are you kidding! five and a half billion!?” The flesh in Lachilu’s mouth spewed out, his face was extremely shocked, and he rubbed his eyes vigorously, wondering if he was wrong.

How can anyone have a bounty of 5.5 billion?

Jesob exclaimed, “What kind of people are the Pirates of Spades, the last time their captain’s bounty was only 250 Baileys, and in the past few days, it has become 5.5 billion Baileys!?”

It has grown millions of times, what a big joke!

He even wondered if the Navy hit 7 more zeros, could it be 550 Bailey?

Especially when he saw this bounty, Jesob instantly thought of Usopp, and immediately found “four two three” to Usopp’s bounty, not surprisingly, Usopp’s bounty has also increased by 30 million, and now it has exceeded 100 million, reaching 117 million Bailey’s bounty.

Beckman squinted, stared at Lorne’s introduction, and said in a deep voice: “Defeat Admiral Red Dog, have a bully… But it can’t be a $5.5 billion bounty. The world government even named him the strongest man, what the hell do they want to do?”

Shanks was silent.

He had already received news about Lorne, and what he was thinking about at the moment was what to do next.

According to Grimm’s ancient saint’s idea, it is to let Shanks mobilize his forces to secretly inquire about Lorne’s news.

“Boss, what the hell is going on?” Lakiro looked at Shanks in disbelief, “Even Ace and Luffy’s bounty has skyrocketed again.” Ace bounty 3 billion! Luffy’s kid is so old that he actually started the bounty of 1.5 billion? This is too impossible. ”

Ace bounty grows by 1 billion to 3 billion!

Luffy even went straight to 1.5 billion.

“Yes, could it be that the world government made a mistake and made such a bounty, funny.” Immediately a cadre chimed in.

How can the bounty of the captain of the little Pirates of Spades be higher than our captain!” a cadre immediately retorted, questioning.

Anyway, no one dares to believe that all this is true.


Shanks slowly stood up, exuding an aura that was not angry and self-threatening, and slowly spoke: “There is no mistake, Lorne has always hidden his strength, and everyone underestimates him.” ”

“Now that a group of real monsters have appeared on the sea, no one must have contempt for the Pirates of Spades. Even if it’s Luffy, his current strength may be above yours!”

Shanks’ serious words silenced all the cadres and forced themselves to accept the matter.

The little ghosts I saw a few years ago are now more powerful than them?

Especially what is the situation with that Lorne?

Beyond their captain’s bounty, is this really possible?

“But, Boss, I still don’t believe Lorne has such a high bounty.”

“How can he surpass the captain? ”

The cadres were still a little unconvinced, thinking that Lorne had pressed Shanks and made them very unhappy.

Because Shanks is the last pirate to become the Four Emperors, although his reputation is high, the bounty has always been lower than Whitebeard, Kaido, and Aunt, which is also something that many crew members have always been very unhappy with.

However, this time, a guy who suddenly appeared actually surpassed their captain?

They are difficult to accept and even more unhappy.

There were even people who wanted to find Lorne and finish him off.

“Calm down, there must be a reason why the world government can evaluate Lorne’s bounty like this, if you dare to act impulsively, don’t blame Lao Tzu for carrying out the punishment on board.” Beckman’s deep voice warned.

Whatever the case, the best thing to do now is to sit and see.

Because, someone is in a hurry than they are.

Beckman immediately thought of Whitebeard and Kaido’s reactions.

Even the people of their own pirate group feel incredible, and even feel angry, so according to Kaido’s personality, I am afraid that it will be more angry and unconvinced, maybe the whole world has begun to look for Lorne to kill him.

And Whitebeard, the strongest man ever.

If his name is taken away, what will the crew members who see Whitebeard as their father think?

So Beckman is very calm, he knows that even if he is in trouble with the Pirates of Spades, it will not be the red-haired Pirate Group to strike first…….

Whether it is Kaido or Whitebeard, as long as they make a move against the Pirates of Spades, then everything will be revealed.

Whether the world government got it wrong, Lorne is a paper tiger.

Or does Lorne really have the power to surpass Whitebeard… It’s all out of the water.

But when he thought of the second result, even Beckman couldn’t help but feel a little inexplicably stressed and shocked.

And Moonlight Moria, isn’t this guy also a Nanabukai, how did he become a member of the Pirates of Spades?”

Although Klockdar is powerful, he is not overlord domineering, and the bounty is absolutely impossible to be super high, which also symbolizes his threat, which is not as high as other people.

Moria just shot to stop the yellow ape, and the bounty was set at 700 million Bailey, which is not very high, but the bounty in the Seven Martial Sea is already very high!

At least, surpassed Doflamingo.

Now, what the red-haired pirate group can’t understand is why there are a total of seven Qiwu Seas, and now two of them have joined the Spades Pirate Group?

What exactly do they want to do?

Shanks looked at the sea, with an imperceptible deep killing intent on his face, and an icy 4.5 light flashed in his eyes.

“Is Lorne Locks… It’s getting more and more interesting. If Lorne’s true identity is revealed, Whitebeard, Kaido, Auntie, what are you going to do?”



Whitebeard Pirates Station.

A huge building is built in the middle of the island.

In the room, the white-bearded man with an infusion tube in his arm looked indifferent and looked down at the bounty order in front of him.

Lorne with a bounty of 5.5 billion.

The man who bears the name of the strongest in the world has become Lorne.

The white-bearded face was as gloomy as water.

He felt challenged and profane. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

He actually compared a hairy boy to him, and even the bounty was higher than him, and the name of the strongest was crowned on the other side!

This is simply a humiliation to Whitebeard!.

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