The king of the giant race was not incompetent, but he was old and powerless, but this time such a major event happened, and the anger burned at the same time, which stimulated the ambition in his heart.

Giants, you can’t kill them!

It is absolutely unforgivable that the world government secretly calculated the giant race.

“Father, but what to do after this matter? No, once platinum lead is disabled, only Treasure Tree Adam remains. Prince Loki said from the side, but he did not have the boldness of the old king.

The Giant King slowly stood up, looked at the entire Elbaf, and sighed: “Enough trouble for so many years, how the giant race lived before, how to live next.” ”

“A few guests, please move, now that things are happening, there are many things that need to be dealt with, and when the king himself feasts on the evening, everyone is entertained.” ”

The Giant King said to Lorne and the others.

Lorne naturally had no opinion, and with this wave of operations, he had already gained the favor of the giant race.

The crowd left the palace.

The giants began to deal with platinum-lead.

Notify the major forces, permanently stop trading, and the giants plan to blow up all the veins and permanently seal platinum and lead!


Mary Joya.

The five old stars were notified by the steel bone, and they all looked extremely surprised.

The original Fevers have been suppressed, and the recent disasters caused by platinum and lead have all been destroyed. How could they know?” Piet Saint frowned, his expression gloomy.

Without a source of platinum and lead, the world government would have a lot less resources to build weapons.

Suddenly, the old man didn’t know what had happened. Steel Bones whispered.

When the call came, he didn’t react at all.

“The people of Elbaf have sent back the news that the giants have begun to negotiate with them to withdraw from Elbaf and ban all platinum and lead trading. ”

Steel Bone hugged his arm and said slowly.

The incident that happened in Elbaf this time is not small.

“Can they really give up such a big profit?”

“No, it may be feeling the crisis. However, this is not what they say they will not do, Elbaf has been in the hands of the giants for a long time. ”

“What do you say? War against giants?”

“It’s not impossible, it’s just that you have to plan from a long time, and if you start a war now, it’s too ugly to eat.” Steel bone, what about Treasure Adam?”

The five old stars said two words, and already had the idea of targeting the giant race.

Steel Bone frowned and said in a low voice, “The Baoshu Adam Giant Clan doesn’t plan to sell it either. ”

“Damn, it’s really ignorant of evil!” Nasshoulang Sheng’s face was gloomy, and a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he slowly said: “Just take this opportunity to launch all the kingdoms to capture Elbaf! ”

Treasure Tree Adam is a rare and important resource, even if the annual output is all used by the world government, I am afraid it is not enough, and now the giant race actually does not plan to sell Treasure Tree Adam, the five old stars are really unbearable.

“If they’re really going to do that, they can’t sit idly by. Vauchuli said slowly.

So far, the five old stars did not think that there was anything wrong with their way of deceiving the giant, and even thought that it was the other party’s fault.

Unless the Giant Race chooses to submit to the world government and sacrifice the Treasure Tree Adam, the five old stars will be satisfied.

“If the troops are activated directly, then the spearhead of public opinion will be directed at our world government.” Steel bone added on the side.

“Let’s look at developments first and make follow-up plans. Satan said thoughtfully.

It is not clear what is going on on Elbaf’s side, and it is indeed reckless to act rashly.

“Eventful. The matter of Rocks has not yet been resolved, and now Elbaf has changed again… Steel bone, no news of Rocks yet?” asked Maz Sheng, looking up at Steel Bone.

Steel Bone hesitated and said, “Klockdar and Moria appeared in the New World, and someone saw them. So Rocks should have also arrived in the New World, but it is not clear where they are for the time being. ”

Klockdar and Moria develop power, and inevitably reveal their identities.

“Keep an eye on Klockdar and Moria, it’s best to find their hiding place!” commanded the saint of Nasjurang.

The steel bone looked embarrassed, “Warring States, Kapu, and Yellow Ape went to the East China Sea to find the golden lion, and there are not enough people for the time being.” ”

“Then arrange for the Seven Wuhai to cooperate with the action!” said Maz Sheng sharply.

“Got it. Steelbone nodded.



Night sleep.

The Giant King feasted Lorne and the others.

Cooperation with other forces is all terminated!

At the banquet.

Lorne took the initiative to mention, “Your Majesty, we really need the treasure tree Adam, buy it in good faith, can’t you really sell it to us?”

“Hahahaha, Lorne, Baoshuya banned exports this year, and the share of the output can be handed over to you, and you saved the giant race, which is our friend, and you don’t need to buy it, and the king will give it to you for free.” The king of the Giant Nation laughed heartily and agreed to Lorne’s request.

He suddenly remembered the name Lorne during the day, and after rummaging, he finally saw Lorne’s bounty order, and paid more attention to Lorne in his heart.

The giant didn’t have so many ideas, just thought that Lorne was strong and helped them, so it was natural to choose this powerful ally.

Now that relations with other forces have reached a freezing point, Lorne is undoubtedly their partner.

“Then thank you. ”

Lorne raised his glass and saluted the king.

It’s a blast.

And at this moment, Qioba hurriedly found Lorne and whispered a few words, Lorne’s eyes lit up, and he spoke again: “King, my partner has developed a medicine that can remove the toxins left in the body by platinum and lead!”

This is not a joke, is it?” the old king was immediately startled, looking very surprised.

In just one day, an antidote was developed?

“Sorry, it’s not an antidote, as long as this medicine is taken for a long time, it will slowly remove toxins from the body, but it takes time, and it is not allowed to contact platinum and lead, otherwise the effect will be useless.” Qioba took the initiative to come forward and explain.

He used the Universal Cultivation Warehouse to develop an antidote that could slowly remove toxins.

This is entirely Choba’s own idea, as a doctor, his duty is to treat and save people.

“Hahaha, everyone, honor our Doctor Choba!” the Giant King’s excited eyes burst into tears.

In my lifetime, it is rare to see such a united side of the giant race.

“Doctor Choba!”

“Great! We are saved!”

“Thank you!”

“This is our friend of the Giant Clan!”

All the giants cheered with joy.

Lorne was relieved in his heart, this time, it seemed that Treasure Tree Adam could get his hands on it.

After the banquet, the giants who had drunk all fell to the ground and went to sleep.

Lorne and his gang returned to Dongli and Brocky’s place to rest.

The sky slowly turned white, and the outline of the sun gradually emerged.

A new day is about to begin.

However, there was a violent noise in Elbaf.

The sound was so loud that it even woke up Lorne and the others.

“What’s wrong? Earthquake!”

Usopp rolled over and stood up.

Solon drew his knife and looked around warily.

The rest looked wary.

Dongli and Brocky listened to the voice coming out, their faces changed suddenly, and exclaimed: “Something happened!

Saying that, the two frantically rushed towards the palace.

Lorne frowned, leading everyone to rush over.

Almost all the giants gathered.

The place of the incident is exactly the treasure tree Adam!

Under the ornate tree cover, giants with angry faces gathered.

The treasure tree Adam in front of them was scarred, and several important branches were cut down and disappeared.

The treasure tree Adam grows every year, and the giant only intercepts part of it, and it is done without harming the treasure tree Adam.

And now this situation has obviously hurt the treasure tree Adam.

Those branches have never been mined, and once they are injured, they may not grow in a hundred years!

The most important thing is that the treasure tree Adam was severely damaged, many branches were broken, and there were even traces of flames extinguished.

The hands-on people not only snatched the branches of the treasure tree Adam, but also wanted to destroy the treasure tree Adam!

In the clearing, the corpses of several giants were placed.

Apparently killed by someone.

There was also an injured and unconscious giant, who slowly woke up at this time, looked at the tragic situation around him, and suddenly cried out with grief: “It was Doflamingo’s men who did it!

“One of them was able to turn objects into flags, and they took away the biggest branches of the treasure tree Adam!”

Hearing this, the Giant Clan warriors exploded on the spot.

“Doflamingo, how dare he do this!”

“Kill my people, destroy my divine tree! Lao Tzu can’t spare him!”

“Everyone, go to the newspaper!”

“Revenge! Revenge!”


A concussive roar, spread to Elbaf.


A large ship was rapidly leaving Elbaf.

The ship was covered with the treasure tree Adam in the state of a thick flag. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Didn’t you say foolproof!” Diamanti gritted his teeth and looked at the man in the black suit next to him.

He was the commander of this operation, a senior member of the direct government, who was ordered by the five old stars to rob the ancient tree Adam.

And behind him, stood two expressionless figures.

It’s like Hawkeye and Hancock as children.

A clone of the Seven Warrior Sea, Blazing Angel!

They have no evidence, even if they trouble you, the navy will naturally be on your side.” The man in the black suit chuckled, but he didn’t seem nervous at all.

This share of Treasure Tree Adam, even the total output of ten years cannot reach this level! Also, you actually want to destroy Treasure Tree Adam! Diamanti couldn’t help but curse, completely gaffe at this time.

Originally, he only came to escort this batch of platinum and lead materials, but the giant race suddenly stopped trading.

The World Government approached Doflamingo and offered to cooperate.

Just as the Blazing Angel was manufactured, not far from Elbaf, he was led by an official in a black suit and infiltrated Elbaf, with a pale face, and did not hesitate to launch a surprise attack on the giant and snatch the treasure tree Adam!

But in the end, the sound alarmed the giants, and more and more giants rushed over, and even found the figure of Diamanti, which is Diamanti’s most angry enemy.

0 ask for flowers

This would completely transfer the giant’s anger to the Don Quixote family.

“Don’t get excited, now that things can’t be changed, do you think if you go back and admit your mistake now, the giant will let you go?” the man in the black suit smiled coldly.

Diamandy clenched his fists angrily, his eyes shining with anger.

He felt that this operation, they were calculated!

The world government took advantage of them, and then sat on the fisherman’s profit, even if it was exposed, it was the Don Quixote family that took responsibility!

Depend on!

Old Yin Ratio!

Diamandy’s heart of 10,000 alpacas floated by, and he couldn’t wait to jump on the ancestral grave of the man in a black suit.

“Now it’s been seen, and those giants will definitely not give up. I hope you keep your promises.” Diamanti said through gritted teeth.

The man in the black suit smiled grimly, “Don’t worry, as long as the giant race dares to move, it will be the day of their extinction! Go back and tell Doflamingo, don’t underestimate the world government.” Well, that’s it, Treasure Tree Adam is divided equally. ”

Diamanti took a deep breath and remained calm.

Hearing such strong assurances, he was quite receptive.



After the turmoil, the giants gather in the palace and wait for revenge!

The fire of revenge, raging.

Not only was the clan killed, but the treasure tree Adam was almost destroyed, how could the giant endure?

Surrounded by the angry voices of giants, Lorne frowned and pondered.

He is also confused now.

How could this happen?

Seeing that the treasure tree Adam was about to arrive, but the day did not arrive, and he flew again?

Now the chaotic situation makes Lorne want to kill.

The treasure tree Adam designation is gone, the current treasure tree Adam is half dead, the main branches have been cut off, and if you cut it again, you will really die… The Giants designation cannot be agreed.

So, the culprit is Doflamingo.

But when he thought of Doflamingo, Lorne always felt that the other party did not have so much courage, right?

It is likely that the world government is behind it.

It is also possible that Kaido and Doflamingo joined forces.

Whoever it was, Lorne was sure it wasn’t Doflamingo alone.

It’s just that now there is another situation:

Adam the Tree is in the hands of Doflamingo.

Law’s enemy was Doflamingo.

Luffy shakes his fist and wants to do Flamengo because of the death of the giant.

So… There’s nothing to say, go and snatch the treasure tree Adam back!

Lorne had already made a decision in his heart, and all kinds of conditions had to be touched by Doflamingo.

In particular, now the treasure tree Adam who robbed the giant race, fell into the well, Lorne can make it, Klockdar can make it, Moria can make it… But others can’t do it.

“King, send troops to Doflamingo, snatch back the treasure tree Adam!

“Your Majesty, I request the rebuilding of the Giant Pirates!”

“Rebuild the Giant Pirates!”

All the giants are praying.

It’s a shame today.

Dongli and Brocki stepped forward in unison and shouted:

“I’m willing to fight to the death for the Giant Clan!”

Fight to the death!

Killable is not humiliating.

Whoever violates my frontier will be condemned from afar.

The burly figure of the old king stood in front of the throne, the scepter in his hand tapping on the ground, and the scene gradually quieted down.

“This is an unprecedented change in my giant race, the divine tree is destroyed, the clan is killed, and whoever violates the power of the giant, my clan will kill it!”

“From now on, Dongli and Brocky will be the leaders and form a giant army pirate group!”

“Tomorrow, Bingfa Dressrosa!”

The old king’s voice was full of majesty, echoing inside the palace.

Exciting news, the giant soldier pirate group rebuilt.

The Giants declare war on the Seven Warriors Sea Flamengo.


Dongli and Brocky clasped their fists and led the way, and the sound was so loud that it was deafening.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

The bloody nature of the giants was all aroused and shouted in shock.

Lorne looked at this momentum, and already thought of Doflamingo’s arrogant death.

If there is no one behind to protect Flamengo, he can be hammered out by the giant.

But now there is a problem, giants are a race.

Many of them are in the navy, for the generals!

If war breaks out, what will happen to the giants?

But Qibu Hai is also owned by the world government and navy, and they will sit idly by?

Lorne silently pondered the future development of the war situation in his heart, and only felt that it was chaotic.

When I first arrived in the new world, I was involved in this storm, which was really exciting.

“Captain, what should we do?”

Law stood beside Lorne and asked in a low voice.

His eyes shone with hope.

If the giants make a move on Doflamingo, it will definitely be his best chance to take revenge.

Lao Tzu’s treasure tree Adam, whoever moves will die!” said Lorne as he patted Luo’s shoulder and said murderously.

The cakes on the plate are passive, and this cannot be tolerated.

“Lorne, we help the giants?” said Ace next to him.

“It’s not a help, it’s just a purpose. Lorne’s eyes twinkled, and he whispered spoon.

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