The Giants reformed the Pirates and directly declared war on Doflamingo.

The next day, the news was the first to sensation the world.

The giants began to send troops, and Dongli and Brocki led thirty elite warriors of the giants to attack Dressrosa.

And among them, Lorne’s Pirates of Spades are also among them.

However, according to the normal sailing speed, it will take at least half a month to reach Dressrosa, and this is already Franky modified the giant pirate ship, increased thrusters, and used cola, lightning, and flame as kinetic energy.

To carry thirty giants, six large warships were used.

On the way, Ace, Nami and the others used the Universal Cultivation Warehouse to cultivate, and their strength increased by leaps and bounds.

Day 3.

Luffy is getting closer and closer to fifth gear.

Solon and Yamaji went one step further.

Nami, Brooke and others have grown by leaps and bounds.

Robin Fruit Awakening!!

French is still concentrating on developing war mechs, and Chopa has not yet broken through.

Luo needs more time.

At the same time, Lorne asked the giants to enter the cultivation warehouse separately after their own crew members finished cultivating.

Today is exactly the third day, and the power of thirty giants is fed back to Lorne.

His physique, strength, has reached the peak level!

Brocky and Dongli were previously S-class crew members, and after entering this time, they regained the reward, the power of giants.

Under the explosion, the power increases fivefold talent: the power of the giant!

The strength of the two giants is even more terrifying.

And among the giants, there were four guys with relatively strong talents, who were judged to be S-class crew members, adding three places to Lorne.

After all, they are all the elite of the giant race, and the appearance of four S-ranks confirms the appearance of the successors of the four giant pirate groups.

At this point, Lorne also needs three S-class crew members to open the function of the Universal Cultivation Cangbao Overlord Color Awakening.

It’s just that these three places make Lorne unable to see the candidate.

【Host: Lorne】

[Pirate Group: Pirates of Spades] “Four Seven Zero”

[Crew: Gord D Ace, Monchi D Luffy, Roronoa Solon, Usopp, Nami, Yamaji, Dongli (Giant), Broki (Giant), Robin, Klockdal, Brook, Moonlight Moria, Rayleigh, Ro, Bebo, Perona, Absalom, Giant…]


【Life Giving】

【Power of Giants】

【Rapid Force】

【Natural Burning Fruit Bursting Chi Yan】

【Renren Fruit Phantom Beast Species Nika Form (Unawakened)】

【Natural sand fruit dark gold sand eaters】

[Superman Shadow Fruit Endless Phantom]

【Superhuman Surgical Fruit】

【Superman Flower Fruit (Awakening)】

【Natural Thunder Fruit Weather Control】

[Yellow Spring Fruit, Transparent Fruit, Ghost Fruit…]

【Overlord color domineering (LV10)】

【Armed Color Domineering (LV10)】

【Seeing and smelling domineering (LV10)】


【Sword Art (LV9)】

【Enhanced Six Style (LV10)】

[Kicking skills… Sniping… Cooking…… Nautical Arts…]

【Strength: Ultimate Monster】

Lorne’s physical skills have become MAX, reaching the pinnacle and crowning the forest.

The change in strength has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Now Lorne can be described as having no desire or want, and his biggest wish is to build a peerless battleship.

Grab back Adam the Treasure Tree and build a peerless battleship with Hades!

That’s Lorne’s goal.

With his own strength and one of the ancient weapons in his hand, Lorne may really relax.

After all, the Heavenly King is a great threat.



New World, the home camp of the shipping king.

Klockdar hung up the phone worm and said with an unhappy face: “Damn Tezzolo, it took a billion Bailey to agree.” Lao Tzu wanted to get this billion Bailey back with his own hands. ”

Two days ago, Klockdar and Moria subdued the king of usury, and the funds in their hands increased greatly, and then they contacted the famous Golden Emperor and asked him to help with one thing.

Take out one of the inmates in the undersea prison: Wald.

World Breaker: Wald.

To put it bluntly, it is to spend money and sell your life.

The partnership between Tezzolo and the World Government should be able to take the name Wald, and after Wald dies, the multiplication fruit will be reborn on the sea, and Klockdar’s purpose is to get this devil fruit.

Although the steps seemed tedious, and it was not even certain whether the final multiplication fruit would be in hand, in the face of the few things that Lorne ordered, Klockdar would naturally do his best.

“Whoops~ a billion Baileys, just make your heart ache like this? Moriah said with a smile on the side.

Just yesterday, they took out the King of Killers.

And today, it was the fourth underground emperor they had seen.

Emperor of warehousing: Kiberson.

Chipberson is known as the “hidden master” and is an old store in the warehousing industry. The main business is the warehousing of goods.

“Let’s go, talk to him properly, if it’s the same as the killer king, who doesn’t know whether to live or die, Lao Tzu is not interested.” Klockdar took a sip of his cigar, narrowed his eyes, and said slowly.

Klockdar and Moria flourished in the New World.

In a row, many forces were subdued, and this also attracted the attention of the world government and navy, and even listed Klockdar and Moria as seriously wanted targets, and attacked their forces.

The battle between the two sides began.



East China Sea.

The floating island, the base camp of the Golden Lion, was destroyed by a fierce battle.

On the land below, several figures are facing each other.

“Warring States! Karp, you guys are crazy, Lao Tzu didn’t provoke the navy, you actually want to kill Lao Tzu?”

The person who speaks resembles a “lion” with ground-long golden hair, like a lion’s mane. A rudder is inserted in the head, which is too deep and life-threatening if removed. Dressed in traditional Japanese clothing, the stripes on the costume are orange and yellow.

Golden lion, Shiki!

Shi Ji, nicknamed “Golden Lion”, captain of the Flying Pirate Regiment, Golden Lion Pirate Fleet, “Flying Pirate”, fluttering fruit ability. Having been on a par with Roger “Whitebeard” in the past, he was the first pirate in the history of Advance City to escape.

After he escaped from prison by cutting off his feet, Shiki mounted two famous swords, “Sakura Ju” and “Deadwood”, on his legs as feet.

Shi Ji stared angrily at the three people in front of him at this time.

Sengoku, Karp, Yellow Ape.

Admiral, Hero of the Navy, Grand Admiral.

Dispatch in unison just to kill or arrest the golden lion.

Shi Ji is now full of confusion, his plan to dominate the East China Sea is still in the brewing stage, and the navy is impossible to know, but why did they actually find themselves and still look bitter?

Shiji really didn’t understand the behavior of the Navy, and he didn’t provoke the Navy?

The whole body of the Warring States flashed with golden light, opened the form of the Great Buddha, his face was full of majesty, and said in a deep voice: “Shiji, don’t pretend, you and Lokes’s old man have already known everything! ”

“Captain Rocks, what’s the situation, wasn’t he killed by you in the Valley of the Gods a long time ago!” The golden lion’s eyes widened as if they were half of a copper bell, and his expression was incredulous.

Are you kidding?

Lao Tzu’s grudge back then, you are now looking for Lao Tzu to report?

Can’t you afford it?

You know best if Rocks is dead or not!” Karp had an explosive overlord-colored domineering face wrapped around his fist, and his face was full of anger.

Until now, the golden lion is still acting?

“Karp, what the hell are you talking about, Lao Tzu doesn’t know what he knows!” The golden lion clenched his fists, feeling extremely aggrieved and angry.

It is clear that the Navy hit the door, and it couldn’t help but do it, and now it has said a bunch of reasons in the clouds, who is the brain?

The golden lion Shiji began to scold his mother in his heart.

“Schi, do you really think that Lorne is Rocks and the Navy hasn’t noticed it yet?” said Karp in a snapped voice.

The thought of Ace and Luffy in the hands of Rocks never gave Cap a good night’s sleep.

Now that he has finally found Shiki, it is very likely that he will find the location of Lokes through Shiki.

“What do you say, the Fifth Emperor Lorne wanted by the Navy is Captain Rocks??”

The golden lion was completely stunned.

I didn’t expect to hear such explosive news.

How did Rocks survive? (Read the Violent Novel, go to Feilu Fiction!)

And how did he become the current Lorne?

This simply can’t be okay!

How could Rocks still be alive!” squirted Shiki, thinking that the other party was humiliating his intelligence.

Bully the rudder in his head and can’t take it off?

Lockes recruited Klockdar and Moria, and is recruiting in the New World, Shiki, if we don’t come to you, I’m afraid you will also be ready to go to the New World to join them, right? ”

Sengoku Yoshimasa scolded, the strong light wave in his hand slowly condensed, aiming at the figure of the golden lion, and the accumulated shock wave became stronger and stronger.

A question mark in Shiki’s mind.

He finally realized something was wrong.

Maybe there is a real possibility that what Sengoku and Karp said is true… Lockes is still alive.

Because the two of them didn’t look like a joke at all.

Klockdar, Moria?



Shiji’s head is now a mushy, incomparably messy.

Even if Lokes is still alive, Lao Tzu doesn’t know, Lao Tzu has never contacted him!”

Shiji is not afraid of Sengoku and Karp, he really does not want to be wronged and blamed.

“Sure enough, you’ve already admitted it!” the arc of electricity on Karp’s iron fist began to encircle. The eyes are full of anger.

Shiji: ???

Fuck your uncle! Obviously you said that Lokes is still alive!”

Shiji really broke his defenses.

Sengoku and Karp are just two bastards.


Forcing yourself to admit what you don’t know, and biting yourself instead?

Damn it.

The anger in Shi Ji’s heart rose, and he shouted violently: “Okay, let Lao Tzu see how much strength you two old immortals have left!”

Everything around Shi Ji began to float uncontrollably, and the entire island seemed to be rising, and the aura around him exploded0…

Even in the face of Kapu, Warring States, and Yellow Ape joining forces, they are not afraid.

“Hmph, Lokes left from the East China Sea, you have been entrenched in the East China Sea for so many years, if you say you don’t know, who believes it?” Warring States snorted coldly, not listening to Shi Ji’s justice for himself, and made it clear that he wanted to him!

The yellow ape did not speak from beginning to end, but now he was the first to strike.

The yellow light was completely a signal flare that ignited the entire battle, and the explosion of laser light exploded in the next second.

Immediately afterwards, three more powerful figures collided violently.

“Karp! Sengoku! Yellow Ape!”

“Lao Tzu fought with you! Come on!”

The roar of the golden lion resounded in the sky, hiding for so many years, finally showing his skills, and launching a fierce killing with his old friends.

Life and death battle!

Landslide crack!

Destroy the world!


Half a day later.

East China Sea.

A figure streaked through the sky and plunged into the ground below.

“Captain, someone has fallen from the sky!”

“Ah, drop a person, who doesn’t have long eyes dares to run to Uncle Ben’s territory to spread wilderness?”

A red-nosed man shouted, and then rushed to the place where the figure fell with his pirates.

Bucky the Clown.

Bucky the clown, who is still looking for treasure in the East China Sea, is a future super big man.

When Bucky saw the figure, the whole person froze.

“Ahhhh?!h You are Golden Lion Shiji!!”

Bucky’s brain was directly stunned.

The originally majestic appearance suddenly became fearful, and cold sweat flowed on his forehead.

The famous Golden Lion, as an intern in Roger’s Pirates, how could Bucky not know?

But who would have thought that the other party actually appeared in front of him?

That’s one of the scariest pirates!

Bucky’s face was covered in sweat, and his steps involuntarily began to retreat.

“Stop… Ahem, are you… Red-nosed guy from Roger’s Pirates?” The golden lion looked up and saw Bucky just in time, and gradually had some memories in his mind.

“Lord Golden Lion. Hehe, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I haven’t seen you for a long time, your old man is really getting more and more awe-inspiring, little me still has something, so I won’t bother you…” Bucky said as he stepped back, and just as he was about to turn his head and run, the words of the golden lion sounded in his ears.

“Stop! come back if you don’t want to die. ”

The golden lion slowly got up from the ground, and a floating force helped him up.

Bucky turned his head tremblingly, his gaze dull again.

The golden lion looked extremely embarrassed at this time.

The famous knife “Sakuragi” under his feet was broken, causing him to be unable to stand now, one arm was stretched, the scars of the bones could be seen deeply, and even the cracks on the bones could be seen, and there were three penetrating wounds on the chest and abdomen, and the blood was dripping.

Extremely serious injuries.

Do you know who is in front of you?”

“This is our great Captain Bucky!”

“Old man, Lao Tzu will teach you a good lesson for the captain!”

The pirates around them were crazy to death, shouting at the golden lion without knowing whether they were dead or alive.

“Shut up Lao Tzu, you don’t know if you are dead or alive!” Bucky was so frightened that his palm quickly flew out, slapped all the pirates 5.0 times, and then immediately licked his smiling face and said to the golden lion: “What are your orders?”

Even if the golden lion is in a very bad state now, Bucky does not dare to come nonsense. Be in awe at all times.

“Take Lao Tzu to heal his injuries, don’t play tricks. The golden lion warned.

Bucky nodded again and again and obediently complied.

At night, the Navy soldiers searched the town where Bucky was located, and the goal was naturally to find the golden lion.

The injuries on the golden lion’s body have been treated, and his physical strength has recovered a lot.

After learning the news of the Navy’s appearance, the golden lion grabbed Bucky and flew away.

I don’t want to get out of here! Help!” Bucky cried speechlessly, not understanding why trouble came from heaven.

Therefore, the only person who can empathize with the golden lion now is Bucky.

“Shut up Lao Tzu, what future can there be in the East China Sea, Lao Tzu will take you to the new world!” the golden lion whispered.

Bucky’s tears fell in the sea, salty.

“Captain Rocks is alive… Warring States, Karp, you came to provoke Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu didn’t want to follow him, but you had to force Lao Tzu!”

“Lao Tzu doesn’t care, this time I will fight with Lokes and you!”

The golden lion gritted his teeth and said.

He was genuinely enraged by the Navy’s operation.

Let’s make a big fuss!

New world!


Lao Tzu is here!

Bucky was already dead.

Rocks? How can there be that monster!!

“Report Marshal, find the golden lion track, but was run away by the other party. The Navy soldiers reported respectfully.

Warring States’ face was full of coldness, and he gritted his teeth and said: “Bastard Golden Lion, actually let him run!”

The golden lion finally fought a blow and severely damaged the yellow ape, and at the same time, the golden lion was also pierced through the body by the yellow ape’s attack, and the attack of Karp and the Warring States almost killed the golden lion directly, but with his perverted physique, coupled with the ability to float, the golden lion still ran away.

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