Chapter 88: The Four Emperors Dispatched! The Navy and the Seven Martial Seas assembled! World War!

“Damn! he must be looking for Rox!” Karp was in ashes.

The golden lion ran away, which means that Lokes wants to know that the world government has known his identity, what will the other party do next?

Karp shuddered at the thought of Ace and Luffy.

However, when Sengoku and Karp were discussing how to hunt down the golden lion, Steelbone’s phone called.

“Sengoku, Karp, what’s going on?”

A serious voice came from the steel bone.

“The golden lion was seriously injured and ran. Sengoku said helplessly.

Now it is not realistic to want to chase the golden lion, the other party is in the sky, and it is impossible to distinguish the direction of his departure.

Didn’t the three of you stop him?” came Steelbone’s surprised voice.

“The golden lion fought to the death and escaped, but the injury was serious, and it is estimated that it will take a long time to cultivate, and it is temporarily not a threat. Sengoku explained.

The voice of the steel bone immediately came: “Things in the East China Sea are like this first.” Come back, something big is going to happen. ”

“What’s wrong?” asked Karp anxiously.

His first reaction was to worry about Ace and Luffy. 03

The solemn voice of the steel bone said: “Lokes has appeared!”

“The Pirates of Spades appeared in Elbaf and united with the Pirates to launch an attack on Dressrosa… The world government and Doflamingo cooperated to rob a group of the treasure tree Adam, Doflamingo’s subordinates were discovered, and now war is inevitable. ”

“The giant pirate group encountered the naval fleet on the way here, and the news from the naval fleet came back, and I saw the figure of the spade pirate group… Doflamingo has asked the world government for help. ”

“You guys come back, leave with the old man Dressrosa, General… Let the pheasants follow, and the red dogs and yellow apes cultivate. Lord Glingu will also guard Dressrosa, and at the same time summon the Seven Wu Sea, this time, it is bound to take down the Lokes Pirates!”


Sengoku and Karp were stunned and very surging.

Finally a chance to strike at Lokes!

But soon Sengoku reacted, “Wait!

“They… Post-processing. Steel bone said helplessly.


World Government.

After Steel Bone hung up the phone worm, he went to report to the five old stars.

“Mobilize five Blazing Angels to cooperate with the red-haired pirate group to launch a devastating attack on Elbaf!” said Piter Saint coldly.

“Mobilize the naval fleet closest to Elbaf to coordinate the operation. ”

The five old stars have already decided to strike at Elbaf.

Because they had communicated with the Giants, they were strictly ordered to stop all actions against Doflamingo, or to produce evidence, otherwise they would be enemies of the world government.

However, this is simply an impudent request.

The giants only saw it and couldn’t come up with strong evidence, but they wouldn’t stop moving, so they broke up with the world government.

The big war is on the verge.

The five old stars were not ready to endure it anymore and directly attacked Elbaf.

When Steel Bone heard this, he was surprised: “But there are still generals of the giant race in the navy!

“Imprison them first!” said Nasjurang coldly.

In fact, he wanted to directly execute the lieutenant generals of the giants, but he was afraid of causing a commotion, so he changed his approach.

Steel Bone was slightly silent: “Understood…”

The current situation is extremely chaotic, and there is no mood to take care of the giant lieutenant general at all.

Grimmancient Saint!

General Marshal: Steel bone!

Admiral Sengoku!

Naval hero Karp!

Admiral Yellow Ape!

His Majesty the Seven Wuhai!

Four Emperors Shanks! (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Seven Warriors Sea Blazing Angel!

The action in which they all participated was unprecedentedly grand.

Enemies: Giant Pirates, Spades Pirates.

Once the world hegemon, Lokes!

It is already an ore war that is not weaker than the Great War of the Valley of the Gods.



Doflamingo looked a little irritable, and all the cadres gathered here, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

“Dover, there is news from Kaido that the Hundred Beast Pirates can be dispatched, but he wants ninety percent of the treasure tree Adam!” reported Torrebol in a low voice.

Hundred Beasts Kaido!

Originally a giant group of pirates, Doflamingo felt Alexander.

However, not long ago, I got the news that the Pirates of Spades were also acting with the Giant Pirates, and Doflamingo was immediately stunned and immediately sought the assistance of the World Government.

Even ready to ask partner Kaido to make a move.

Kaido’s condition was to ask for Adam.


The red wine glass in Doflamingo’s hand immediately shattered, and he roared with a hideous face: “Kaido actually wants to take advantage of the fire and rob! Damn, this time it was calculated by the world government, and there is no way to change, so you can’t fully believe the sinister guys of the world government, even if they expose their relationship with Kaido, they have to solve the matter in front of them.” ”

“Promise him to give him ninety percent of the treasure tree Adam in his hand, but only if he can take the treasure tree Adam after the war.” ”

Dover 937 Lammingo was annoyed in his heart.

This operation completely blamed the world government and became the trigger for the great war.

Even the treasure tree Adam in hand is to be handed over to Kaido.

Really accompanied the lady and broke the army.

“Young Lord, do we recognize it like that?” said Diamanti unwillingly.

“What else!” Doflamingo stood up and said angrily, “Those giants started a war like crazy, and the Pirates of Spades joined forces with them again… Although the world government did not say it explicitly, but Lao Tzu has already felt the meaning of the five old stars, they sent troops completely because of the Pirates of Spades, otherwise the world government has decided to treat Lao Tzu as an outcast!”

Doflamingo is not a fool, and he already feels unusual about the existence of the Pirates of Spades, especially the serious attitude of the World Government, which shows that the Pirates of Spades are not so simple.

Therefore, Doflamingo directly chose to turn to Kaido and have more insurance.

Even if you give up the identity of Nanabu Hai, then you can still survive in the underground world and the relationship with Kaido.

This was the worst possible outcome that Doflamingo had expected.

“Transfer everything from Dressrosa, get ready to retreat. ”

Doflamingo ordered worriedly.

I didn’t expect that the kingdom that had been in business for many years would be lost in one day.

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