Chapter 92: The First Sword Hao Battle! Solon VS Hawkeye!

Holy Land Mary Joya.

The five old stars who watched this scene were all dumbfounded.

As if an illusory storm swept by, the condensed forces of the world government and navy all fell in an instant.

This is not what shocks them the most.

The most shocking thing is that Lorne alone overlord color domineering crushed the four people of Steel Bone, Kapu, Warring States, and Green Pheasant!

Crush with one enemy and four!

The five old stars could not accept it.

“How is it possible, how can Loks’ overlord-colored domineering be so powerful!” exclaimed Nasjurang Sheng, hard to accept.

Even if the other party was Lokes, he found it difficult to accept.

“That’s the overlord-colored domineering alliance of four people! Can’t resist for a moment, doesn’t it mean that even the five of us can’t resist his overlord-colored domineering?”

Maz Sheng’s expression was stunned, and suddenly thought of something even more terrifying, “If he starts bullying to this extent… How horrible would it be?”

Such a degree of overlord-colored domineering is unseen and unheard of.

How exactly did Rocks become so powerful?

Maz Saint himself was a little confused, and even a little afraid to imagine.

Satan Saint suddenly realized something, and said in disbelief: “Will the Green Ancient Saint be his opponent?”

If it was Locks back then, Grimm’s Ancient Saint might be the existence of the hole card.

But now in the face of such a terrifying Lokes, Grimm Ancient Saint will really be an opponent?

“It should be able to solve … Otherwise, it will only alarm the sleeping adults. Piet said prayerfully. “Three Seven Three”

Im, who was sleeping, did not know these changes in the sea.

Otherwise, I would have been unable to sleep a long time ago.



The scene was silent.

After Lorne said that sentence domineeringly, no one really dared to stand up and say a word of opposition.

Invincible, look at everyone.

Standing there, it was even more domineering.

In the distance, Kaido, who was rushing here, paused in his steps, and the expression on his face kept changing, and he was shocked.

“Lord, was it overlord-colored domineering just now??”

Ember widened his eyes and questioned incredulously.

This is definitely the most powerful overlord-colored domineering he has ever seen.

The members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group behind them also fell into that powerful overlord-colored domineering.

Even, that overlord-colored domineering is stronger than Kaido.

“What kind of man, the world government has sent out a very powerful fellow?” said Kaido with a frown, musing in his heart.

The moment that momentum swept past him, Kaido was indeed shocked.

Very strong overlord color domineering, Kaido is ashamed of himself.

But at the same time, Kaido is even more curious, who can burst out such a powerful overlord-colored domineering?

What is the strength?

Anyway, Kaido didn’t expect it to be Lorne’s overlord-colored domineering.

Until now, he still treats Lorne as a weak chicken, but he doesn’t know that Lorne has begun to kill all sides.


On the other side, the landed Whitebeard Pirate Group, and many crew members fell under the shock of overlord-colored domineering.

Is it a warning to us?” Joz looked at the fallen figure behind him.

How did they just go ashore and be attacked by the overlord-colored domineering?

“Dad, what a strong overlord color domineering!”

Marko’s face was full of shock, full of curiosity about the source of this overlord-colored domineering.

Who released this overlord-colored domineering?

“Goo la la la la ~ It’s not a shock, it’s just in time for the other party to make a move.” This overlord-colored domineering aura is very strange…” Whitebeard’s eyes were full of solemnity, and he couldn’t help but look up at the tallest building in the center of the island.

Presumably the person who made the shot must be there, right?

“Daddy, shall we move on?” asked Marko in a low voice.

This level of overlord-colored domineering makes him feel palpitations, so how strong is the person who broke out overlord-colored domineering?

Marko couldn’t imagine for a moment.

It seems that I have never encountered such a strong opponent.

“Marko, you pick five captains to follow Lao Tzu to see, and the rest wait here. Whitebeard finally didn’t hold back his curiosity.

He really wanted to know the outcome of today’s battle, see Lorne, and then know who the person who broke out the overlord-colored domineering just now was.

As for whether to participate in the battle, Whitebeard is really difficult to say.

However, the next journey was very smooth, after all, the naval soldiers and the soldiers of the world government had been stunned by the overlord-colored domineering, and there was no obstruction to the Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard, Marko, Joz, Saatchi, Bista, and Ezra weaved through the jungle and quickly rushed to the battlefield in the middle.


“This can’t be!”

Steel Bone came back to his senses and said through gritted teeth.

He couldn’t accept that fact at all.

How can the other party be so outrageously strong?

Karp’s face was gloomy and about to drip water, and he suddenly shouted at Ace and Luffy: “You two bastards, roll over the old man!

“Pirates of Spades, Deputy Captain, Ace!”

Ace just responded with such a sentence.

He felt Lorne’s serious attitude.

This battle, Lorne is definitely not just playing, Lorne has been inspired to become serious.

Since the captain is serious, then how can he, the deputy captain, drop the chain?

After all, Ace was the only co-captain.

“I really didn’t expect that you actually became so stronger. ”

A soft voice came, and then the Green Ancient Saint led two members of the Knights of God out from behind the Warring States.

The Seven Wuhai next to them were still in a state of confusion.

Doflamingo looked terrified, “How could it be… How could this guy named Lorne be so strong?”

That is the overlord-colored domineering that broke out by the four people standing at the peak of their strength, and as a result, they were crushed by the destruction and decay?

Doflamingo was hit very hard by the scene just now.

The degree of domineering of his own overlord color is not worth mentioning in front of them at all, and Doflamingo at this time has not yet mastered the degree of domineering.

Hawkeye clenched the black knife night in his hand, and his face was more solemn than ever.

He finally knows why Lorne is wanted by the World Government as the strongest man in the world!

That breath of fear, no one has ever been able to give him.

Hawkeye recognized Lorne’s strength.

Sengoku slowly turned sideways, allowing Grimmgu Saint to stand in the front.

Lorne raised his head and calmly confronted the Grimmgu Saint, but the sense of oppression on the aura was naturally formed.

“The hidden guys of the world government have appeared? Lorne said faintly, expressionless.

It seemed that he was not surprised to see Grimm, and even knew him.

Grimm’s ancient sacred heart suddenly realized, and it was indeed Lokes.

Now I don’t even pretend.

Lorne’s unintentional move further confirmed his identity that was blindly guessed by the world government.

“Who is this person?”

Luffy tilted his head and asked puzzled, “Why are they all very strange grandfathers?

Luffy said he didn’t understand. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Not retired at such an age?

The Navy and the World Government were fortunate enough.

“Karp, this is your grandson, right?” Green Ancient Saint suddenly turned his head slightly, his eyes glanced at Karp, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and the threat was self-evident.

If your grandson chooses to continue to do the right thing, don’t blame the old man for being ruthless.

“Luffy, Ace, roll over to the old man! The old man says it one last time!

Ace frowned, always feeling that the old man’s mood today was very wrong.

Luffy was so frightened by Karp’s appearance that he reflexively shrunk his neck, and then said, “Grandpa, I am the man who wants to become One Piece, and I will never retreat.” ”

“Whatever happens, it can’t stop me. ”

Luffy said very firmly.

He resolutely chose his partner, choosing Lorne.

“So, Captain, can you do it, see if they have been upset for a long time!” Solon drew three knives and bit them into his mouth, his eyes revealing an unprecedented firmness.

He saw the man here.

The world’s first swordsman, Hawkeye.

That’s the guy he’s always going to challenge!

For the sake of the agreement with your partner, let your name sound in heaven!

“Oh, is the target for me? Courageous little one0…” Hawkeye felt something, turned his gaze and looked at Solon.

“Lorne, what do you say?” both Dongli and Brocky looked at Lorne, waiting for him to give instructions.

Before he knew it, Lorne had become the backbone of both teams.

“Dongli, Brockie, you have one last chance, don’t be obsessed, otherwise, you will pay your unimaginable price!” Sengoku suddenly spoke, threatening again.

“Despicable fellow, shut up Lao Tzu!”

Dongli said mercilessly angrily, not giving face at all.

The Sengoku’s face turned blue and white for a while, and it was very ugly.

“Whew~ I can’t describe my mood now. Lorne stepped forward, slowly exhaled, and said calmly: “If I have to say it, it’s a little excited… Because…”

“Today, the world, all of you, will witness… How terrifying are the beasts around me!”

“Solon, are you ready to become the world’s number one swordsman!”

Lorne turned his head to look at Solon, a presumptuous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said in a loud voice.

“The captain … It’s ready!”

The corner of Solon’s mouth outlined the dissolution of evil charm, and the three swords wrapped around the enchanting purple brilliance, and his figure suddenly rushed out.


“Three Swords Flow Purgatory Ghost Slash!”

The demons in Solon’s body seemed to awaken, giving everyone around him a feeling of demons at this time, as if they were the incarnation of Asura in hell, full of an indescribable aura.

But there is no denying his strength.

You will pay for your actions. Boy, don’t underestimate your opponent. ”

The black knife night came out of the sheath, Hawkeye said coldly, like the eagle’s pupils contracted slightly, and then burst out with a strong momentum, and the turquoise light lit up on the sword of the black knife night.

Then, Hawkeye’s figure rushed out fiercely.


Airflow collision!

Blades against each other!

Solon looked at the eagle eye who was close at hand, more and more excited, the will to fight became stronger and stronger, and the whole person seemed to enter a state of detachment.

Finally encountered the opponent of your dreams.

“The captain … I won’t lose. ”

Solon whispered, and then erupted into a powerful slash, engaging in the fiercest confrontation with Hawkeye.

When the battle of Solon began, everyone else moved as well.

Golden flames spread out from Ace’s arms.

Luffy bit his arm, domineeringly wrapped, and directly turned on the fourth gear.

Lorne suddenly turned his head to look at Luffy and said with a smile: “Luffy, let go of the fuss, nothing in this world can bind you.” ”

Luffy nodded dumbly, not understanding what Lorne meant.

Only Lorne knows that from the Chambord Islands to the present, the strength of all the staff has changed by 1.3.

Lorne believes that today Solon will become the world’s number one swordsman, under the witness of Steelbone.

Of course, there is an even more terrifying thing.

Lorne wants to get Luffy out of fifth gear!

With what he knew about Luffy, Luffy was now able to do it… Under the effect of life giving, Luffy’s overdraft consumption is not a problem at all.

The key is to see when Luffy will realize his true power.

Around Nami, thunder floats.

Yamaji’s demon god wind feet burned without warning.

Beside Brooke, something from the Yellow Spring was summoned, exuding a gloomy coldness.

Usopp took out his slingshot, and a seed quietly appeared in his palm, clutched it in his net pocket, and slowly opened the formation.

The arm behind Robin turned into wings, allowing her figure to float slowly.

French summons a mech and transforms his arms.

Choiba took out the ultimate blue wave ball and took it in his mouth.

Joba has transformed, and the ultimate blue wave ball is the most perfect blue wave ball, which comes from one of his rewards, which allows Joba to exert his strongest strength without any side effects and lasts for an hour.

Luo Xuan’s light wave appeared in front of him, but his eyes were fixed on Doflamingo.

Perona summons a ghost and surrounds her.

Bucky looked left and right, as if picking his opponent.

Don’t joke, even if his strength grows, he will not choose Warring States, Green Pheasants or something as opponents.

Pirates of Spades, all ready to fight!.

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