It will be a battle without scruples.

Lorne wants to surprise everyone!

Thought Lao Tzu was Rocks??

I’m sorry, but there’s something scarier than Lao Tzu being Lokes.

“All members, fight!”

With Lorne’s order, everyone shot out in unison.

At the same time, the giants led by Dongli and Brocky also attacked.

The surrounding admirals gathered around in unison, stopping the giants.

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the steel bone, and he coldly ordered: “Take them!!”

When the words fell, the steel bone took the lead, and the mountain-like figure suddenly rushed out and went straight to Lorne.

“Rubber rubber ape king group cannon!”

Luffy, who turned into a elastic man, suddenly appeared in front of the steel bone, and his arm bombarded wildly, blocking the way of the steel bone.

On the front, Sengoku and Karp led everyone to attack.

The Warring States couldn’t help but say, incarnating into the form of a big Buddha, full of golden light flashing, full of majesty.

Karp clenched his iron fist, and the overlord-colored domineering entwined on his fist, and his eyes showed fierceness.

The green pheasant’s cheeks were covered with frost, and it was covered with terrifying cold.

Hancock and Jinping followed, and Doflamingo gritted his teeth and rushed forward together.

Now the world government and the navy are his hope, because Kaido has not yet arrived.

“Hey, who allowed you to strike at our captain as soon as you came up. ”

“Blast, Destroy Nuts!”

“Attack speed hundredfold increase!”

Usopp handsomely pulled down his goggles, stretched his slingshot, and the seed after the attack speed doubled burst out, turning into a huge nut more than one person tall in the air, the nut was all over black, suddenly flashing red, and suddenly exploded like a bomb in front of them in front of them, and smoke and dust billowed out.

The several figures of the Warring States who rushed forward inevitably slowed down.

Just now, they were all a little unresponsive, they didn’t expect Usopp’s attack to be so fast.

“The wind is surging, and the thunder and lightning are dancing!”

Nami’s hands flashed with brilliant thunder, controlling the thunder and lightning in the sky to crash.

“Thunder Fruit Ability?”

The green pheasant’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold qi surged in the palm of his hand, forming a shield of ice above to resist the azure thunder.

“Big Buddha Shockwave!”

The fluctuation 03 at the palm of the Warring States was pervasive, and a white wave of destruction light suddenly shot out.

“Energy decomposition!”

Bucky jumped in front of everyone, and the light surged between his hands, intercepting all the shockwaves of the Sengoku.

And just when the temptation of the two sides was almost the same, the figures of Warring States and the others suddenly stopped.

They sense that someone is present.

And Grimmgu Saint led the two members of the Knights of God, and did not make a move from beginning to end, completely quietly watching.

Grimm’s gaze fell on Lorne from beginning to end, and he felt a great threat.

He still hoped that someone would be able to cause Lorne to be depleted, and he would strike and kill him again.

Because now, he has some lack of confidence in being able to kill the other party.

However, because of the appearance of a group of people, the rhythm of the battle was once again disrupted.

“Oh boo~ It’s really lively. Doflamingo, there are so many friends who have come for you. ”

The burly figure, with sharp horns, carrying a mace “eight fasts” came slowly.

Kaido leads Ember, Jack, Fuzf, Sasaki, Runma, and Peggy Wan from a distance.

The Hundred Beast Pirates arrive on the battlefield.

Sengoku’s gaze froze, “Kaido? It’s you, Doflamingo, you contacted Kaido!”

Sengoku instantly understood from Kaido’s words just now.

It turns out that Doflamingo’s partner is actually Kaido!

What an abominable fellow.

“Boom~ Warring States, you have hidden too many things, and Lao Tzu has no way to fully trust you.” Doflamingo quickly pulled back and came to Kaido’s side.

Although Kaido is also unreliable, compared to the world government, Doflamingo still chooses to trust this partner, after all, Kaido still wants to get artificial devil fruits from him.

“Doflamingo, you’d better figure out your choice, now to ally with Kaido, but to be an enemy of the world government and navy!” warned Sengoku with a gloomy face.

“Boom ~ Marshal of the Warring States, I’m afraid we can’t become enemies now, because we still have a common enemy that has not been solved, and after killing the Pirates of Spades, it’s not too late to talk about things between us.” Doflamingo looked up, looked in Lorne’s direction, and verbally pointed out their current worst enemy.

The cadres of the Don Quixote family came behind Doflamingo and forged an alliance with the Beast Pirates.

“Doflamingo, who released that overlord-colored domineering aura just now?”

Kaido’s gaze fell on the Grimm Ancient Saint, full of solemnity, and slowly asked.

He didn’t expect that the old guy who solved Lokes had actually left Mary Joa, and the action of the world government this time was too huge!

“It’s Lorne. Doflamingo said in a deep voice.

“What!” Kaido was taken aback.

Turning his head to look at Lorne, his eyes were filled with disbelief, “Is it the overlord-colored domineering you released?”

How can it be?

How could Lorne be so strong?

Are the bounties all real?

Kaido was a little unacceptable for a while.

The mace slammed to the ground and shouted: “Boy, come and fight Lao Tzu!”

“Four Emperors Kaido… Things are not going to work. Ace’s eyes flickered, looking around the battlefield, his heart a little heavy.

Originally, it was a joint attack by the navy and the world government, which was strong enough, and now there is another group of pirates of the four emperors who want to attack Lorne, and the situation is not good.

“Boom~ Marshal of the Warring States, how about the two sides cooperate first?” Doflamingo had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and slowly looked at the Warring States.

Sengoku glanced at Kaido, who was very hostile to Lorne, and then turned his head to look at Glingushen, who nodded imperceptibly, and then Sengoku said: “Well, as long as the Spades Pirate Group is solved, the navy can be blamed for this incident.” ”

Although he promised this, no one could be sure of the truth of what he said.

Kaido wanted to test Lorne’s strength at this time, but he was still afraid of Grimmgu Saint in his heart, and when he heard the words of the Warring States, he didn’t want to be used as a gun by the navy.

“Kaido, the old man promised that he would not do anything to you. Grimmin said faintly.

He naturally saw Kaido’s hesitation, and immediately said.

To be honest, he really had no interest in Kaido.

Instead, he would like to see Kaido make a move on Lorne.

How would Kaido feel when he knew that Lorne was Rocks?

Thinking of this, Glingu Saint turned his head to look at Lorne’s expression, wanting to see if there was any change when he faced his former crew, didn’t he plan to reveal his identity?

“Kaido, you asked for it. ”

Lorne looked up, glanced at Kaido calmly, and said slowly.

The Spades Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates have no grievances, but now Kaido is leading his men to attack Lorne, that is, to find his own death.

“Oh blah~ Shameless brat, I’m afraid you won’t have the courage to say this for a while!” Kaido laughed wildly, and then a flickering arc flashed on the Eight Fasts in his hand.

Overlord color domineering winding.

There are no bells and whistles, and the shot is to bully and fight quickly.

“Lorne, you don’t have any advantage now!” said Sengoku coldly, the golden light on his body became even more brilliant, and the shock wave in his palm condensed again.

“Ace, don’t be obsessed, following Lorne will kill you. Karp persuaded a little anxiously.

“Old man, Lorne is our captain. The rest does not need to say anything more. Ace shook his head, rejected Karp again, then looked at Lorne and asked, “Captain, what’s next?”

“Everyone, let’s play with them first. Lorne said slowly, his tone flat, not in the slightest hurry.

Since Kaido appeared, he didn’t mind slashing the green dragon today.

It’s just that now the momentum is at its peak, and Lorne won’t do it casually.

The opponent’s Grimmgu Saint thinks highly of himself and waits for the opportunity to strike.

Lorne is even less likely to make a move.


Can you pretend to be Lao Tzu?

“Little ones, let them know how powerful the Hundred Beast Pirates are!”

Kaido laughed loudly, swung his mace and suddenly attacked, the thunder in front of him tore apart, and the power of the domineering erupted.

Ace’s gaze was slightly cold, the bursting red flame on his arm rose, a huge fire fist formed, and the overlord-colored domineering aura was immediately entangled, rushing towards Kaido without fear.

Sanji opens the Demon God Wind Foot and intercepts the flying embers and stops it.

Dongli and Brocky wielded their weapons and intercepted Sengoku and Karp who rushed on the other side.

“Warring States! Give Lao Tzu a stop, I’ll make you pay today!” Dongli shouted angrily, stopping the footsteps of the Great Buddha Form Warring States.

Karp threw a punch that landed on Brockie’s shield.

“Karp, Hugh thinks about the past. Brocky said coldly, swinging his axe and chopping down.

“Brocky, don’t blame the old man for being unkind!”

Karp was full of anger, and the explosive power of his fist became even more violent, like a violent wind and rain crashing towards Brocky.

He was genuinely furious.

Nami controls the lightning and drags the pheasant’s figure.

Qioba’s limit is huge, his strength and defense are significantly improved, and he hugs the rampaging Jack, and the two sides begin to compete for strength.

Choba, never play low-end games.

Franky fought hard, Bucky’s opponent was Han Cook, and Law was red-eyed and killed Doflamingo. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

“Bang bang ~ Luo, it’s been a long time, I didn’t expect you to be alive.” After Doflamingo saw Ro, his smile gradually became arrogant, full of coldness and cruelty.

“Doflamingo, if I don’t kill you, I won’t die!” Luo unfolded the surgical fruit field, teleported to Doflamingo, and slashed down.

However, Doflamingo stranded with transparent silk threads in front of him, and laughed in a low voice: “You want to kill Lao Tzu?

“Multicolored thread!”

Doflamingo suddenly attacked, multicolored lines burst out from the bottom up, and Law quickly dodged, gritted his teeth, and rushed again.

Robin, Brooke, Perona all shot.

However, there were too many enemies to intercept at all.

Four of the flying sextets, as well as the cadres of the Doflamingo family, were completely suppressed in numbers.

“A Thousand Hand Blossoms Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty!”

A faint light shone on Robin’s body, and a tall phantom shadow of a thousand-handed Buddha suddenly appeared behind him, as if it was gradually solidified under the filling of the ability of flowers and fruits.

A giant Buddha with a thousand hands located in the battlefield, larger than the Great Buddha form of the Warring States, facing the enemy rushing ahead, directly broke out the Thousand Hands Art under Robin’s control!

The infinite arms that surrounded the big Buddha suddenly burst out in an instant.

The attack range was so large that all the cadres of Fei Sextine and the Don Quixote family were intercepted.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom —

It is like Wing Chun’s fist, falling quickly and quickly, more like a sudden rain, without stopping.

Fuzifu and the others quickly opened their beast form, and resisted the art of thousands of Buddhas with their strong physique.

Diamanti turned into a banner and fluttered to dodge attacks, while Pika melted directly into the ground and began to rush forward.

Torrepol was in the rear and did not shoot at all.

The rest of the cadres, on the other hand, were beaten a little badly during the attack.

The power of Robin’s move is quite huge, and even Fuzifu, Sasaki and the others who are in the attack range are a little difficult to resist and can’t help retreating.

Pika shuttled and quickly appeared in front of Robin to attack Robin’s body.

“Hee-hee, go die. ”

A sharp voice came out, and Pika’s huge figure jumped high and pounced on Robin.

“Kill Berserk Green Star!”

“A hundredfold increase!”

Usopp took advantage of the momentum, and a hundredfold rate of fire shot out, and a seed grew into a vine wrapped around Pika’s body, and the vine was still rapidly growing and doubling in size.

Robin controlled one palm and jerked Pika away.

Seeing that Robin alone was about to control the battlefield, Glingu Saint’s eyes narrowed, released a cold and terrifying light, and snorted softly.

The one-eyed black-armored man carrying a long sword beside him raised his head slightly, and his feet erupted fiercely, and his figure shuttled through the air extremely quickly, leaving an afterimage invisible to the naked eye, and a powerful sword light immediately streaked across the sky.

Like a sprinkled brilliance, a huge slash was formed, which suddenly slashed down at Robin’s Thousand Hand Buddha.

A strong sword light streaked through, abruptly cutting Robin’s attack in half.

“What a strong slash. ”

Robin was slightly surprised, and couldn’t help but turn his head to look at the man with only 080 eyes, and the other party’s breath was a little strong.

The moment Robin’s thousand-handed attack shattered, all the people who had been suppressed just now rushed forward.

“Thunder Stir!”

Nami’s hands erupted with powerful thunderbolts, and thunder shuttled, replacing Robin’s attack throughout the battlefield, instantly intercepting all the enemies that rushed up.

“Little girl, what a big boldness. ”

A cold aura appeared in front of Nami, and the pheasant’s hand condensed into an ice thorn, and his face was expressionless.

The green pheasant was surprised, Nami fighting with him actually dared to distract herself from attacking others?

How, look down on the admiral?

However, a slash from Huangquan came from the side.

“Oh roar roar ~ Miss Nami, I’m coming. ”

Brooke appears in front of Nami and fends off the pheasant’s attack.

Suddenly, a powerful momentum rose up into the sky.

Karp condensed the overlord-colored domineering punch and smashed it at Brocky.

“Galaxy Fist Bone Impact!”

Karp completely exploded, not wanting to waste time at all, bursting out with an extremely ferocious punch, the air exploded, the arc flashed continuously, and the violent impact made Brocky’s shield change shape.

Brockie urgently entangled the bully, but his strength was still far from Karp.

The attacks of the two sides collided, and eventually Brocky was smashed to the ground.


A huge pit appeared in the field, engulfing Brocky’s figure, and smoke and dust filled the air.

Karp walked out with a gloomy face and walked towards Lorne step by step.

The one-eyed man who had just shot appeared next to Karp and walked towards Lorne with Karp.

“What, Brocky!” Dongli’s face changed drastically, but he didn’t expect his partner to be defeated by Karp just after he appeared.

Lorne frowned slightly, he always felt that Karp’s state was a little abnormal.

Where did Karp have a deep hatred for him from?


But Karp now has no one to stop him, especially Karp has a strong man who is not weaker than Hawkeye and is threatening Lorne.

“Don’t, old man. Ace yelled anxiously, trying to stop Karp’s move, but Kaido didn’t give him a chance at all.

“Boy, in this chaotic world, not everyone is qualified to be king, the fifth emperor? ”

Kaido sneered, and the eight fasts burst out mercilessly.

Ace’s eyes flickered, and his heart was secretly anxious.

If Lorne makes a move, Karp may not be able to withstand it!

And just as Karp was about to strike at Lorne, a huge golden warship suddenly landed in the sky, penetrating the clouds and floating above everyone’s heads.

Golden City!

Boom, the Golden City landed in Dressrosa, crushing countless naval soldiers …

“Hahahaha… Lao Tzu Golden Lion! Move Lao Tzu Captain, die!”

The golden lion’s wild figure jumped down from the sky and laughed arrogantly.

“Hey, Lao Tzu hasn’t arrived yet, who dares to move our king!” In the quicksand, Klockdar appeared.

“Boom hee~ Pirates of Spades, moonlight Moria on it!” Among the shadow bats, Moria’s figure slowly solidified.

At this point, the Pirates of Spades, all members have arrived!.

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