“Boom~ Luo Nandi, you really accepted a good apprentice.” Doflamingo said with a low smile.

Clathon is the code name, and Rosinandi is the real name of Doflamin’s brother.

Luo’s gaze flickered, recalling the gentle but hairy man in his memory.


Maybe it’s more about the relationship between the brother and the younger brother.

“Everything was told to you, let them go. Lao Tzu bears everything himself!”

Doflamingo roared viciously, and strands of silk appeared around him, like a silver snake flying.

Lorne withdrew his gaze from Doflamingo, looked at the gamble, and spoke, “I bet that neither Doflamingo nor his people can escape.” ”

“Which of you is coming?”

Lorne said easily, his gaze falling on Grimmgu Saint and Kaido.

Unexpectedly, neither of them responded, as if they hadn’t heard.

Turn a deaf ear to?

Lorne thought it was a little funny.

Grimm’s Ancient Saint had already made up his mind that he would not continue to gamble no matter what.

Kaido is not a fool, this situation in front of him, not to mention Doflamingo, even if he wants to escape, it is very difficult … Doflamingo really touched the iron plate this time.

“Boom~ Okay, then let’s break the net!”

Doflamingo looked crazy and smiled wickedly.

Lorne’s meaning was clear, however, he was not prepared to let go of Flamenco at all.

Klockdahl’s gaze was cold, and the dark gold devouring sand instantly gushed out, attacking Doflamingo.

Moriah manipulated the shadow to strike quickly.

Sanji and Luo rushed out at the same time.

These four people joined forces, and Doramin could not escape no matter what.

Fighting broke out again.

Lorne sat down again boredly, stretched Erlang’s legs, tapped on the golden table, and said coldly and sarcastically: “Standing next to the gaming table and not daring to join the gambling? ”

Green Gu Sheng was drenched in cold sweat behind his back, and explained hard: “Doflamingo is a foregone conclusion, his life and death are only between your thoughts, and there is no point in gambling with this.” ”

“Yes, this bet is not fair. Kaido added on the sidelines, his tone not particularly strong.

Betting on 03 is unfair from start to finish.

Lorne looked at the two speechlessly, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look into the distance, where a group of people were coming.

The leader, burly and with his iconic white beard, reveals his identity.

Four emperors, Whitebeard arrived.

“Now it’s interesting, and someone is here again. Lorne’s eyes were amused.


Just join the gambling game, the four-player game is interesting.

“Whitebeard, why are you here!”

Sengoku said in shock, his expression was full of surprises, he didn’t expect Whitebeard to appear at all.

Could it be that Rocks had already summoned the previous crew?

Golden lion, Kaido, and now Whitebeard is also here, and they are all acting?

“Hahahahaha… Whitebeard! You bastard guy really haven’t seen you for a long time. ”

The golden lion laughed, his tone somewhat gloating.

Even if Whitebeard comes, it will not change today’s situation.

It depends on how the captain teaches him.

Shi Ji thought secretly in his heart, and for a while, he could finally see that the white beard was deflated.

“Goo la la la ~ ~ Warring States, long time no see… Skee: Why are you here?”

Sengoku and Golden Lion were facing each other, and Whitebeard was obviously startled when he saw Shiji, and he was very surprised.

“Lao Tzu is now a member of the Pirates of Spades, why can’t he be here!” said the golden lion domineeringly, his tone full of pride.

“You joined the Pirates of Spades?” Whitebeard was even more surprised.

After decades of fighting, Shiji has never joined anyone else, and now he suddenly joins the Pirates of Spades?

This is not Shiki’s character at all.

Whitebeard was a little puzzled.

“Oh blah~ Whitebeard, you’ve missed too many things, come here. Kaido gloated invited.

Whitebeard looked around the battlefield and saw that Sengoku and Golden Lion were fighting, the battle between Ace and the Pheasant, and the battle between Steel Bone and Luffy, when even his heart froze, he really didn’t expect that even Steel Bone personally dispatched.

But when Whitebeard looked at the gaming table, his expression became even more strange.

Grimmancient Saint!

The last guy to strike in the Valley of the Gods, the man who killed Lokes!

Today, actually appeared here?

Whitebeard’s heart shook, but it was immediately occupied by thick doubts.

But why are Steel Bones, Sengoku, and Green Pheasants fighting, Grimm Gushen, Kaido… And that Lorne was in front of the Golden Table?

The person next to him seems to be the Golden Emperor?

Also, Why is Lorne sitting leisurely while Grimmon and Kaido are standing?

What happened to the two corpses behind the Grimmgu Saint?

What happened to the blood stains on Grimmgu and Kaido?

Whitebeard frowned tightly, looked confused, strode to the gambling table, and asked in a deep voice: “Grimm Ancient Saint, I didn’t expect you to appear.” Kaido, long time no see, what’s going on here?”

“You are Lorne?”

The appearance of Whitebeard exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Glingushen did not expect it, Sengoku and Karp did not expect it, and even Kaido did not expect it.

As for Lorne, whether Whitebeard appears or not does not matter, it is just a matter of chips.

I think at the beginning, Lorne also hoped to be able to seek the strength of Whitebeard, but later, he became stronger and stronger, and he did not have a particularly strong idea of Whitebeard.

“Hey, Whitebeard, don’t you see the old man!”

Suddenly, a green figure shuttled to Whitebeard from the side and roared.

Whitebeard’s eyes shook, and he regretted: “Karp… It’s a shame you’re dead. Who killed you?”

Whitebeard looked at the situation in front of him and guessed that it was Lorne who had killed Karp.

He had sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Lorne was completely in the posture of a controller, his expression and posture were extremely relaxed, while Grimmgu and Kaido were very nervous, as if they were afraid of something.

Noticing this, the contempt for Lorne in Whitebeard’s heart completely dissipated.

He just has his own arrogance and is not a fool.

Being able to get Glengu and Kaido to be treated with this gesture is definitely problematic.

You old man is dead, the old man is alive and well, but his soul is out of his body, and he can go back in a while. Karp opened his teeth and danced his claws, throwing two punches at Whitebeard, even if he couldn’t hit it, he could get angry.

“Not dead? Out-of-body experience?”

This time it was Whitebeard’s turn to be confused, and he had never encountered such a strange thing.

“Less pretending to be with the old man here, Whitebeard, I think you already know Lorne’s identity, right?” Karp’s face sank, looking like a broken jar.

He wants to break Lorne’s identity, and Lorne is Locks.

Kaido appeared, and now Whitebeard appeared again, saying that it was unpremeditated, and Karp did not believe it.

Listening to the tone of Karp’s words, the corner of Greengushen’s mouth twitched, and there was a bad premonition in his heart.

“What is Lorne’s identity?” said Whitebeard with a raised eyebrow.

He really didn’t know.

There was a smile on the corner of Lorne’s mouth, waiting for the next topic interestingly, without interrupting Karp.

“Less garlic. Kaido appeared here is a coincidence, can it be a coincidence that you appear here? I’m afraid that Charlotte Lingling guy will appear later, right?” Karp looked confident and commented on the white beard.

“Karp, what do you mean?” Whitebeard’s voice was low, his eyes converged, and the momentum on his body burst out like nothing.

Karp roared, “What do you mean? Whitebeard, you’re pretending to be interesting!”

“You don’t understand the old man’s words, do you want the old man to say it more clearly!”

“Lorne is Lokes!”

“He’s your captain, Lox!”

In the wind, the three words “Lox” echoed repeatedly.

The three words of Lockes struck everyone’s hearts.

Most people are confused, because they don’t know about the existence of Rocks, but for those who know that Rocks exists, it is undoubtedly a blow.

“Have you revealed the truth of everything… Lockes, you can’t hide anymore. The steel bone muttered, his eyes flashing with a fierce light.

Luffy pulled out his sunken soles from the ground and muttered in confusion, “What’s going on with Grandpa?

“The old man made a big fuss this time. Ace shook his head and smiled helplessly.

Of course, the people of the Pirates of Spades know that Lorne is Lorne and cannot be Locks.

It’s just that the steel bones, the Warring States, and they still insist on their accurate and seamless guesses.

“Stupid guys, how can there be two identical people in the world? The golden lion shook his head slightly and sneered.

He could naturally feel the difference between Lorne and Lokes, who were completely two people.

“Golden lion, no matter how cunning you are, you can’t change the facts!” Warring States said coldly, thinking that the golden lion was still quibbling.

Qubble your grandma leg!

The golden lion looked at the Warring States viciously and launched a crazy attack, he must teach the Warring States a good lesson today.

…… (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)


As if he had been stepped on his tail, Kaido jumped up sharply, took two steps back, stared at the smiling Lorne with horror and horror, and his heart was raised to his throat.

If Lorne were Locks… It’s just terrible!

Rocks’ brutal character will not spare them traitors!

With the strength that Lorne is showing now, doesn’t it mean that he only has to wait for death?

Kaido was stunned, play well, why did Karp lift the table?

Whitebeard’s eyes widened and he roared in disbelief, “Karp!


It’s complete.

Lockes is obviously dead, how can he still be alive?

Especially to become so young, absolutely impossible.

“You don’t know?” this time it was Karp’s turn to be confused.

Looking at Whitebeard and Kaido’s surprised and shocked look, it doesn’t look like acting at all?

Did you misunderstand them?

How do you know that Lorne is Locks?” Whitebeard’s muscles tensed, like an enemy, cold sweat oozing from his forehead, and his expression was more serious than ever.

“Well, tell me why I’m Lox? I don’t know…” said Lorne with a smile on the side, looking like a melon-eating crowd.

This is something that Lorne has not figured out until now.

How did the world government define him as Locks?

He and Lox are exactly two people, right?

As a result, the world government made such absurd remarks, and it is even more rare that the world government and navy are convinced of this?

It really doesn’t make Lorne go.

Just take this opportunity to get to know the truth inside.

“Lockes, don’t pretend anymore, your identity has long been exposed. Glingu Saint said with a gloomy face.

Lorne’s appearance made him feel humiliated.

Kaido swallowed his saliva nervously, even Grimm Gusheng said so, nine times out of ten it was true.

Whitebeard had a dry throat, opened his mouth but didn’t say anything, Lockes is still alive?

At this moment, Whitebeard felt that the world was collapsing.

“Even if I’m Locks, you have to let me know how I reveal my identity, right?” Lorne preferred to admit his identity as Lockes, and wanted to know how the World Government operated.

“Lokes, the old man will tell you that your behavior of exposing your identity…” Karp saw the gaze of the Grimm Ancient Saint, so he stepped forward and began to tell his thoughts on guessing Lorne’s identity, and then the five old stars talked, and finally determined Lorne’s identity as Lockes from various clues.

The reason why Grimm’s ancient saint asked Karp to tell it was entirely to delay time.

He believed that the five old stars who watched this scene could not sit still, they would definitely take action, and they might even have begun to wake up the sleeping Im!

So, be sure to put off time.

It took Karp a long time to complete the process of determining Lorne’s identity, and described the Universal Cultivation Warehouse, Lorne’s ability, etc. in detail.


Lorne was full of black lines, and he had a foul thought.

Isn’t this Nima?

Green 547 Ancient Saint, Five Old Stars, Steel Bone, Warring States, and Karp have pits in their brains, right?

I made up so many things in my own brain… It’s pure funny.

Silly fork! Brain dead! Two strokes!

No big words…

“The ability to accelerate cultivation, absorb life and ability?” Kaido’s eyes shook violently, and his feet subconsciously took a step back, and his figure swayed a little.

If according to Karp, then everything can be matched with Lokes!

The Dark Fruit awakens and can devour everything, including lifespan and fruit abilities, so that all Lorne will be so powerful!

This is the strength that he doesn’t know how many people’s lives he has devoured!

This kind of ruthlessness is completely in line with Locks’ character.

Whitebeard’s head was buzzing, and Karp’s rhetoric gave him a dry comparison.

Reasonable, well-grounded, every explanation is just right… But Whitebeard wondered a little, how did Rocks survive?

Lorne is so powerful, but very strange.

The machine that can speed up cultivation is even more eccentric.

But if Lorne was Locks, Whitebeard couldn’t believe it.

I really can’t believe it.

If Lokes returns, it will be a catastrophe of the sea, and the world will be completely destroyed.

“Hahahaha… Laugh me to death. ”

“Can’t stand it, what is the plot? ”

“Yo roar, roar, it’s so funny…”



Everyone in the Spades Pirate Group suddenly burst into laughter, as if they had heard a very funny joke, and they couldn’t hold it back one by one.

“How is this possible? ahem…” Solon felt speechless for a while.

“Old man, you guessed wrong, if we consume life, we can’t feel it for so long, that thing is really an incomparably magical machine, with this extraordinary power, I believe that even the Lokes in your mouth can’t be made.” Ace said loudly, and a boulder fell to the ground in his heart.

He finally figured out the reason for Karp’s mood change, and after a long time it was such a false thing, he could rest assured.

“That’s right, Grandpa, we worked a little harder to get stronger, so that Lorne wouldn’t harm us.” Luffy shouted too, helping Lorne explain.

“Ace, Luffy’s grandfather, your statement is really funny, what fruit awakening ability is completely impossible, our captain is a person who copies the fruit ability, which is completely different from what you said. Brooke floated beside Karp and explained helplessly.

Solon shook his head, “The statement of coming back from the dead doesn’t make sense, and I actually think of consuming life to squeeze potential… It’s really an idea that only people with big ice in their heads can come up with. ”

The members of the Spades Pirates were speechless about this.

Karp’s face was dull, and his heart was rolling with terrifying waves, could it be that the idea he had been insisting on was wrong?

Is the old man wrong??

The old face of the Green Ancient Saint turned white and red.

He felt that Solon was scolding him.

In the beginning, it was the Grimm Ancient Saint Force who lined up and blamed Rocks for everything, and now told him that everything was wrong?

Grimm’s Ancient Saint can’t wait to find a crack to drill into.

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