When Karp told the truth, it was not the shock of the members of the Pirates of Spades, but laughter.

As people who have truly experienced it, they can certainly know that the changes brought to them by the Universal Cultivation Warehouse are not at all a negative way that consumes their lifespan, and even while becoming stronger, they still grow at a normal rate, and have no impact on their lifespan at all.

The most terrifying thing is Luffy, who gets life giving, and is not afraid of the problem of fruits at all to consume life.

If it is true, everyone will reflect when Karp says it, but it is really not right.

What’s more, the Universal Cultivation Cang can also give rewards and evolve forces such as the Devil Fruit, how can this be the way Karp said?

In the absence of their agreement, both Glengu and Karp realized that they were wrong.

Wrong at the beginning.

Karp’s eyes widened, completely stunned.

Co-authored the old man has been nervous and worried for so long, is he completely deserved?

“Karp, it’s all good things you did!”

Grimm’s ancient saint looked at Karp viciously, he was about to break the defense, if it weren’t for Karp’s solemn speculation about this matter, how could he think that Lorne was Lokes?

And how could an operation against Lorne be launched?

It’s just arrogance looking for death.

Your grandson is the deputy captain of the Pirates of Spades, and you can pick up a life to go back!

Grimm’s ancient saint was now extremely speechless, and the reason for the current situation was actually because of the wrong information at the beginning, and he really hated it in his heart.

“The old man is wrong… The old man is wrong…”

Karp stumbled two steps, but his heart suddenly relaxed.

It’s good if it’s wrong, at least Ace and Luffy are safe.

“Damn Warring States, you guys just go to Lao Tzu for trouble by not knowing the truth or fake?

The golden lion was furious, took a sharp sip of his cigar, and the buoyancy around him erupted, shrouding a layer of ground floating, and all slammed into the Warring States.

How does he not get angry?

Sengoku, Karp, and Yellow Ape teamed up to arrest him because of wrong intelligence.

Sengoku’s expression gradually became ugly.

The golden lion put great pressure on him on the one hand, and more because he learned that the navy and the world government had always been wrong, which hit the Warring States very hard.

After a long day, everything is a misunderstanding?

Even if it is a misunderstanding, the situation at this time is already irreversible.

Therefore, the Warring States can only fight and do their best to kill the golden lion.

Rocks can come up with a resurrection, which really makes Lao Tzu wonder how you became the top of the world government. Kaido scolded viciously, mercilessly.

The old face of the ancient saint of Grimm’s face was red, white, and blue, and it became more and more ugly.

The white beard was visibly relieved, and his tense body gradually relaxed, but he still maintained due vigilance for Lorne, “Such important information is wrong, the consequences are really serious.” Lorne, Lao Tzu wants to compete with you!”

The cloud cut in Whitebeard’s hand slammed into the ground, making a crisp sound, and at the same time he challenged Lorne.

Grimm Ancient Saint’s eyes lit up, if Whitebeard made a move on Lorne, maybe there would be a chance…

Kaido’s gaze fell on Whitebeard and shook his head slightly, in his opinion, Whitebeard was no match for Lorne.


“Daddy, your body!”

Marko and Bista persuaded behind Whitebeard that they didn’t want Whitebeard to make a move.

Whitebeard waved his hand to stop them, and spoke: “Children, Lao Tzu fought a battle, but he has never been afraid, Lao Tzu’s body Lao Tzu himself knows.” ”

“Lorne, come to a big battle, let Lao Tzu see your strength. ”

Lorne sat on the golden chair and said nonchalantly: “I’m sorry, if you want to challenge me by force, I’m afraid you don’t have this opportunity… Because they are not stupid to stand and watch the scenery. ”

Lorne pointed to Klockdar, Moriah and the others.

Doflamingo has been solved.

Franky and Choiba took twenty giants to the high land of the king to find the treasure tree Adam.

Lorne was right, if Whitebeard wanted to do it, Klockdar they would not agree, the entire Pirates of Spades would not agree, and the Giants would not agree.

Whitebeard’s brows furrowed, and his eyes were sharp.

But then Lorne said: “It’s better to gamble and play two, maybe your life will be gone.” ”

To put it mildly, your life is gone.

It’s like the life of a whitebeard, very general.

“Gamble?” Whitebeard stepped forward, curious that Lorne and Glengu had more ways to play.

Kaido gloated and described to Whitebeard what had just happened, as well as the cause of death of the two members of the Order of Gods behind Glingu, and Whitebeard was stunned.

A member of the Knights of God, easily killed by Lorne?

What exactly is Lorne’s strength?

Thinking of this, Whitebeard’s gaze became extremely solemn when he saw Lorne, and his brows wrinkled into knots that could not be untied.

“Even if you join the gang, everyone gambles, I bet that the golden lion can defeat the Warring States. ”

“The bet… What are you trying to press?”

Lorne looked at the three people in front of him with a smile.

Grimmberg, Kaido, Whitebeard.

Kaido subconsciously took a step back, not wanting to participate at all.

Grimm’s ancient holy eyes looked at the nose and nose and the heart, and did not say a word.

Whitebeard looked at the weird looks of the other two and said in a low voice: “Lao Tzu just came, let’s familiarize yourself with the gambling game first.” ”

Another polite refusal.

“If that’s the case, it’s not interesting. Lorne spread his hands, turned his head and shouted at the golden lion: “Old Jin, kill the Warring States, Lao Tzu will form your own team for you!

You can not bet, but I overwhelm people and must win.

“Don’t worry, captain, Sengoku ran today!”

The golden lion roared with a vicious smile, and the arc of electricity around his body was encircled, and the overlord-colored domineering burst out without reservation.

The next blow, divide the victory and defeat, and decide life and death!

“One more round, Ace defeats the pheasant. What do you say?” said Lorne again to Grimm, Whitebeard, and Kaido.

As a result, all three were silent.

Whitebeard blends into the atmosphere quickly and is very adaptable.

Lorne narrowed his eyes and smiled, “Second time.” ”

“Tezzolo, tell them the rules. ”

Lorne ordered lightly, and then looked at the battle between Ace and the pheasant, and shouted, “Ace, directly open a big move, grind and chirp until next year, if you can’t solve him, the position of the deputy captain may be changed.” ”

“Lorne, don’t talk about the wind there, Lao Tzu’s deputy captain, but the thunder can’t be moved!” Ace replied viciously, and then burst into flames, and the diffuse flames almost covered the island behind him in an instant.

Although he said that he was unwilling, Ace’s movements completely broke out.

Here, Tezzolo has already explained to Grimmberg, Whitebeard, and Kaido: “The rules of the golden table gambling, two times can not be repeated, you can only press your hand twice, if the third time is still pressed, then you can lift the table, lift the table, naturally there is no half-point gambling rule…”

There are no rules for gambling, which means that the game is gone.

The gamble is gone, do you think Lorne is still interested in playing with you?

This is what Tezzolo didn’t say explicitly, but Grimm, Whitebeard, and Kaido all understood in a second, and their hearts couldn’t help but feel a little heavier.

Whitebeard is confused.

He looked at the fearful appearance of Glingusheng and Kaido, and in his heart, Alexander did not dare to act recklessly… He wanted a fight, but not a death.

Not to mention that he also carries the white-bearded pirate group behind him.

That’s why Whitebeard is so hesitant.

So, it depends on what conditions Lorne will put forward after the next two battles are over.

In fact, Grimmgu and Kaido borrowed the light of Whitebeard.

Because before, the two pressed their hands once.

It’s just that Lorne is too lazy to calculate, and all of them start to recalculate after Whitebeard joined.

The battle in the field suddenly became fierce.

Golden Lion VS Sengoku!

Ace VS Pheasant!

The golden lion’s mane flew wildly in the air, and instead of using buoyancy to control the surrounding stones and other things, he slowly condensed on the “wood wither” and “cherry ten” of his feet.

The power of the fluttering fruit was adapted by the golden lion into the form of a force field condensed on the feet, forming a sharp slash, as if compressing endless air, changing a very peculiar state.

Fuji Tiger can use gravity to bless slashes, while the golden lion can bless slashes with buoyancy, but the state of buoyancy is not upward, but based on his feet, and the direction of buoyancy is always the direction of his attack!

This is the evolved power of the fluttering fruit, the power of all things floating in the air.

At the same time, the overlord-colored domineering aura was even entangled on Mu Ku and Sakura Ten, flashing with dark red thunder, and bursting out with unshakable ferocity.

Behind the golden lion, a huge golden yellow lion with brilliant light condensed, with a shaky mane and majestic style.

“Floating in the Sky to slaughter the lion!”

The golden lion shouted, accompanied by the roar of the golden lion behind him, and blatantly rushed towards the Warring States.

The Sengoku expression was solemn, his whole body flashed with golden light, and the body of the Great Buddha was exerted to the extreme, and then layers of electric arcs began to flicker on the surface of his body.

Overlord color domineering, entangled!

With the overlord-colored domineering winding, the golden and brilliant form of the Warring States Great Buddha suddenly became brighter, lightning floated, but it was shocked by the powerful momentum released on the body, and under the feet of the Warring States Great Buddha, the ground collapsed several meters in height, and a huge deep pit was formed around it.

“Big Buddha—”

With the voice of the Warring States, the surrounding air all rushed to his raised palm in an instant, and the endless air converged, forming an unparalleled super shock wave, and the palm of the Warring States slowly transformed into a brilliant golden lotus, and the lotus contained the shock wave of the Warring States condensing all its strength!

The golden lotus flower gathers the power of tyranny!

“Golden Lotus Destruction Impact!”

As the words fell, the figure of the big Buddha rose into the sky.

The golden lotus in his hand and the golden lion transformed by the golden lion collided with each other.

The golden male lion has a large mouth of blood, showing its hideous fangs, and bites down, and the two sharpest fangs are the feet of the golden lion, Mu Kui and Sakura ten.

“These two guys, they’re desperate!” the whitebeard stared at him and muttered subconsciously.

“That guy from the Golden Lion is still so strong?” said Kaido with a frown, deep jealousy.

Grimm’s ancient saint did not say a word, but in his heart he was constantly praying for the victory of the Warring States.

Although it can’t change anything, the victory of the Warring States, at least the Grimm’s ancient saint’s heart can be a little comforting.

Karp looked at the fierce collision in the sky, and his heart was mixed, but the bad premonition became stronger and stronger.

He realized the change in the golden lion, obviously he was seriously injured after the last battle, and the yellow ape’s injuries were lighter than the golden lion, but the golden lion was completely better?

Among them, I am afraid that it is inseparable from that magical universal cultivation warehouse.

If the Golden Lion had the changes brought about by the Universal Cultivation Warehouse, I am afraid that the Warring States would really not be an opponent…

Karp silently analyzed in his heart.

He swore that in the future, his own speculation would not be said to death!

This time to engage in such a big oolong, for the navy and the world government, it is enough to be fatal!

Lorne looked at the scene in the sky and marveled: “‘Buddha King Kong, fearless lion? I just don’t know if the Buddha King Kong can subdue this fearless lion. ”

The fearless lion, one of the protectors of Buddhism.

And the Warring States is in the form of a big Buddha.

Everything seems very ingenious. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)


A storm swept through the sky.

Dressrosa, who had already been destroyed, once again experienced the baptism of the storm.

The golden lotus in the palm of the Warring States burst out violently, and a shockwave full of destructive meaning shot out strongly, destroying the one in front of him.

And the slash condensed by the golden lion cherry ten and wood wither also broke out by taking advantage of the momentum, and the power of floating poured out, which was a blow that condensed all the power of the demon fruit that the golden lion could gather, but it was not as simple as it seemed.

It was a force that was enough to change the force field, and under the violent explosion, it was not weaker than the destruction shockwave of the Warring States at all.

Moreover, the attacks of both men are similar.

“Golden lion, this era no longer belongs to you, the old man arrested you once, but you broke your legs and ran away from the city!

“Hahaha! Warring States! You are so whimsical! Arrest Lao Tzu?

“But there’s one thing you’re right about… The era really does not belong to Lao Tzu, let alone to the navy and the world government!”

“Because of this era!”

“Belongs to—”


The golden lion laughed unscrupulously, and the power under his feet suddenly exploded.

The phantom shadow of the huge golden male lion behind him flickered for a moment, and suddenly turned into light and shadow and contracted to the golden lion’s feet.

The original sharp slash was even more fierce.

Fearless Lion!

Only fearless!

The golden lion broke through the cauldron and sank, and all the blows really broke out.

The golden lotus in the hands of the Great Buddha Warring States actually produced cracks, and in the shocked gaze of the Warring States, every inch shattered, and the terrifying shock wave scattered uncontrollably.

And the two famous knives at the feet of the golden lion, with endless edges, fiercely chopped.

Buzz –

The light streaked across the sky.

In the next second, the figure of the golden lion appeared behind the Great Buddha Warring States.

And the figure of the Great Buddha of the Warring States, in the shocked and unbelievable eyes of everyone, the body began to slowly crumble.

The golden body of the Great Buddha of the Warring States was shattered by the golden lion.

This also means that the Warring States are completely defeated.

Admiral, Sengoku, defeated!

The golden light shattered, and the golden light on the Sengoku body was extinguished, falling heavily from the sky.

He was in a trance, as if he saw the headquarters of the Navy and his spirited self back then.


With a murmur in the wind, the Warring States smashed into the ground.

“Hahaha, Lao Tzu won! Win!”

In the sky, the golden lion laughed excitedly, and the laughter was full of endless pleasure and vengeance.

Last time, he was also beaten by the Warring States and they joined forces to escape, but after knowing Lorne, the fruit ability evolved, completely defeating the Warring States.

In fact, the golden lion knew in his heart that if he had his previous strength, I am afraid that he and the Warring States could only end up together, and only by joining Lorne, after that evolution, his strength had improved.

That’s the key to his victory.

It is even more the meaning of the phrase “this era is Lorne”!

This is, completely belonging to Lorne’s time!

Lorne’s light even overwhelmed Rocks and overshadowed Roger!

Nice job!” Lorne laughed and applauded, giving the golden lion the greatest affirmation.

This old brother was all promoting himself when he finally broke out just now, absolutely righteous!

Be fastidious about people, Shiji.



Holy Land, Mary Joa.

Between the flowers in the deepest part of Pangu City.

The five old stars walked side by side and stopped here.

In front of them was a shining throne that seemed to be conducive to the void.

Void Throne.

Symbolizing the highest power, even Draco is not qualified to sit on an empty throne.

The only person who can sit on the Void Throne is the Creator in the mouth of the five old stars——


“Lord Im, something has changed in the sea, and we need your instructions. ”

“Nasjurang Saint. ”

“Piter Saint. ”

“Maz Saint. ”

“Wochuli Saint. ”

“Satan Holy Right. ”

“Welcome to the Creator awakening!”

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