Mary Joya, Pangu City, Im is being awakened by the five old stars.


Meanwhile, Elbaf.

The war swept through the whole of Elbaf and became a place of war.

Four Emperors Shanks, Four Emperors Aunt launched an attack on Elbaf.

At the same time, including the Blazing Angel Seven Warriors Sea Hawkeye, the female emperor Han Cook, and the forces of the World Government, they applied chemical poison gas, reduced the combat effectiveness of giants, and killed wantonly.

When Shanks and Aunt encountered, the two actually chose not to fight, but joined forces to deal with the giants.

Sure enough, in the face of interests, interests are the most important.

The old king of the giant race was killed by Shanks himself!

Prince Loki is protected by the giant and flees Elbaf.

In this battle, the giants suffered heavy losses, and the treasure tree Adam was destroyed!

The backbone of Treasure Tree Adam is divided between Shanks and Aunt.

It’s just that Lorne and the giant pirate group don’t know about this happening.


At this time, Dressrosa, the battle is still continuing.

Different from the happy golden lion and Lorne’s joy, the guys around him have mixed tastes in their hearts.

There was a trace of shock in the whitebeard’s eyes, and the golden lion could have such strength, which was completely beyond his expectations.

When did Golden Lion Shiji become so strong?

Even in the heyday of the golden lion, Whitebeard didn’t feel so terrifying, but why did it become powerful after breaking his leg?

Glingu Sheng’s face was ugly, as if he had eaten Xiang, and his mouth was bitter.


After Karp and Hawkeye, Marshal Sengoku was taken out again!

Today’s action can be described as a complete failure!

It is simply the shame of the history of the world government, but when Glingushen wanted to attack, he saw Lorne’s smiling appearance, and suddenly lost his temper, but kept urging in his heart, praying that the action of the five old stars could be faster.

Otherwise, he really won’t last long.

He has already pressed his hand twice just now, and as long as Lorne opens his mouth to gamble again, then he will be in danger.

Grimm’s Ancient Saint was a little panicked now.

Kaido looked at the spirited golden lion in shock and frowned, “How do you feel that he has become stronger again?”

Karp lowered his head in pain, and he couldn’t bear to look directly at the miserable situation of the battlefield.

The defeat of the Warring States to the Golden Lion was undoubtedly a heavy blow.


Seeing this scene, the steel bone cracked his teeth and slammed his fists down, even if Luffy cast the Overlord Ape King Gun, he was still invincible and was beaten out.

Just as Steel Bone was about to leave, an outstretched arm behind him hit him again on the back.

“Stop! the battle is not over. ”

Luffy stood up from the ground 650 again with perseverance, very stubborn.

The steel bone was already enraged, and there was a strong and clear killing intent flowing in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said: “Good, good, good, I came to see that in Karp’s face, spare your life, but you have to take the initiative to seek death, and the old man will complete you!”

I’m Monchi D Luffy, the man who wants to be One Piece!” roared Luffy and rushed out again.

“One Piece, the old man will send you to see One Piece today!”

The steel bone aura exploded, and the figure shot out like a cannonball, and with one punch, Luffy was blasted away.

With the continuation of the battle between Steel Bone and Luffy, the battle between Ace and the Pheasant is coming to an end.

Flame and ice, this time it will be divided between victory and defeat.

Beside Ace, endless bursting red flames burned, turning wildly, wisps of light wrapped around Ace’s palm, golden flames burned ethereally, forming a huge golden fireball, releasing scorching heat, making the ground scorched.

Ace held the fireball with one hand, his eyes resolute,

“Pheasant, use the strongest ice, let me see whether the ice is stronger, or my flame is better. ”

The fireball was in Ace’s hands, like a small golden sun, releasing an unparalleled light, spilling on the battlefield, and the terrifying high temperature made people subconsciously not want to get close.

At this time, Ace was like a fire god holding up the sun, and a trace of strange momentum in his palm began to merge into the flames.

Overlord color domineering, winding.

Ace’s strongest blow was condensed.

Above the fireball, there are still dancing flames, and at a glance, it is as if a crown has been worn for the fireball, reigning in the world.

On the opposite side of Ace, the frost on the pheasant’s cheeks had covered half of his cheeks, and his expression could not be seen at all, and the cold breath whistled between his breaths.

His palm was raised high, and the cold aura around him was raging, as if forming an invisible ice storm, and the ground under his feet had even been changed to become a cold and icy area.

After the ice spread, it suddenly converged on the top of the pheasant’s head, wrapped around his arm to form a circular polar ice storm, the cold condensed the cold ice, and the cold ice continued to solidify, becoming like a transparent ice ball, but released an even more terrifying cold qi, freezing everything.

“Try it. ”

“Ice Age Extreme Ice Perpetual Freeze!”

The paw of the green pheasant gently lifted, broke away from the ice under his feet, and the whole person rushed out like a glide.

At the same time, the overlord-colored domineering aura of the green pheasant burst out and wrapped around his hockey.

In the cold air around him, a rushing and roaring crimson electric arc flashed in an instant, full of oppression.

The heat wave in front of Ace was slammed into the adac, and all of them rushed back.

But he didn’t realize it, he didn’t even blink his eyes, staring at the cold ice condensed by the green pheasant, his eyes burst with a strong fighting intent, and the color of the fire was reflected under his eyes, showing a golden luster,

“Come on!”

“Bursting Flame Ring Fire King!”

Ace’s low but warlike voice sounded, and then rushed out.

The ice and flames were getting closer and closer in the astonished eyes of everyone, and even the temperature of the two sides had caused changes in the air and mist rising.

“Ice and flames, who is stronger?” muttered Whitebeard, squinting his eyes.

“The pheasant should not lose, that guy is hiding deeply.” Kaido said from the side, he was optimistic about the pheasant.

Moreover, the flame will really be that strong?

Kaido thought it was impossible.

Glingu Sheng had a cold face and prayed in his heart: “Don’t lose again!

“Huh, what a terrifying flame and ice. Luffy was amazed by the power of nature.

The cold air and the heat wave alternately passed, one cold and the other hot, Luffy didn’t like it.

The steel bone opposite him had a gloomy face, watching the final duel between Ace and the pheasant.

“Ace… Kuzan…” Karp held his head, his body shining with a green luster, and his expression was indescribably tangled.

He was powerless to change anything, just a wisp of a wandering soul.

If he can still fight, Karp must be on the side of the world government.

But now, he can’t fight.

When Brooke ran out of strength, I am afraid that everyone present was killed by Lorne three thousand back and forth, and after the return of Karp’s soul, he could only collect their corpses.

For Karp, the duel between Ace and the pheasant, he has no way to hope who wins, he hopes that both sides can be safe, one is a love apprentice, the other is a love sun, how to choose?

But unlike Karp’s entanglement, the Pirates of Spades are cheering for Ace.

“Ace, you’re the co-captain, don’t lose!” shouted Solon with a wave of his hand.

“Come on, Ace!” shouted Usopp and Nami in unison.

“Come on!”

“Ace! Victory!”

“Invincible spades!”

“Long live the captain!”

In the end, the outrageous slogans were shouted, and Lorne couldn’t help but blush, what the hell is long live the captain?

Lorne’s eyes were full of confidence, a strong confidence in Ace.

Ace, will definitely win.

Burst Flame Ring Flame King!

Vulcan, reign in the world!


In the eyes of everyone, the fireball and the ice ball penetrated the obstacles and collided suddenly.

The moment of contact, the flames and ice seemed to find an outlet, like a torrent of embankments, pouring out.

Ultra-low ice and high-temperature flames collide violently, as if they are fusing, forming a terrifying and indescribable scene.

It’s just a clash of ice and fire, it’s jaw-dropping.

The earth under their feet was gradually dissipated by the dual influence of ice and flames.

In the blink of an eye, a huge abyss-like ravine was formed.

And Ace’s fireball and the pheasant’s ice ball both melted half of each other, showing a close posture.

Seeing this scene, Ace grinned,

“It’s over!”

When the words fell, the Flame Monarch exploded, and the endless flame impact, like a condensed shock wave, rushed forward.

The green pheasant’s face changed suddenly, which also caused a cold ice shock to come out.

This is not only the collision of ice and fire, but also the entanglement of overlord domineering.

Red lightning visible to the naked eye surrounds the two, as if adding a bit of beautiful color to the song of ice and fire.

When the flames and cold ice let go of the explosion, Ace’s flames gained the upper hand, gradually encroaching on the field of cold ice, and the attack of the green pheasant was gradually dissolved.

Just because Ace’s flame evolved into Bursting Chiyan!

The power of bursting comes from the power of the dragon spell. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The power of the explosion, carrying the temperature of the flame that was not weaker than the magma, and the fierce momentum of the flame, completely suppressed the attack of the pheasant.

“Your flame, why is it so strong!”

The green pheasant gritted his teeth unwillingly and said.

He really didn’t want to lose.

But now the power that can explode is already his limit.

“My flame is the king of all fires!”

Ace said softly, and then his fist slammed down, and the bursting flames swallowed the last of the ice.

The figure of the green pheasant was washed out and fell to the ground from a high altitude.

The pheasant lost.

The general Qinghen also lost.

The spectators were silent, only the Pirates of Spades cheered.

The giants of the giant race were dumbfounded.

Ace actually defeated Admiral Pheasant?

Don’t you feel so terrifying to get along with Ace on weekdays?

Especially the vice admirals of the Giants, they know better the horror of the pheasant, but now they still lost the battle of ice and fire!

How is this possible?

The golden lion defeats the Sengoku… The golden lion is a legendary pirate, and they are not so surprised.

But now Ace is so heroic, it really impresses the giants.


Karp muttered, his expression a little lonely, looking at the place where the Sengoku and the green pheasant fell, his heart was full of sorrow.

Today, it is destined to be the Waterloo of the Navy.

Naval heroes, marshals, admirals failed one after another.

Even if the red dog and the yellow ape are here, I’m afraid it won’t change anything.

Ace’s strength is already deservedly stronger than that of the general.

“How could he possibly defeat the green pheasant, this is absolutely impossible!” Glingu Saint’s face changed suddenly, and the hope that had been born in his heart just now was instantly shattered.

Failed again!

He cursed with hatred in his heart.

But he couldn’t figure out why Ace was so strong!

Even the pheasants were defeated?

Without seeing it with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe it.

“Terrifying fellow, even he is qualified to be Lao Tzu’s opponent. Whitebeard’s eyes were solemn, staring at Ace and whispering to himself.

The strength that Ace showed even made Whitebeard feel threatened.

This kid’s abilities are so weird!” Kaido looked surprised, unacceptable to the result.

What exactly is going on with the Pirates of Spades?

One or two are monsters?

Are all monsters?

This made Kaido very depressed and puzzled, and at the same time shocked and powerful with Ace.

In the face of those doubts, Lorne smiled and said nothing, of course he knew Ace’s strength best.

In the Chambord Islands, Ace was already able to tie with the red dog.

Later, after flying over the Red Earth Continent and entering the New World, it took seven days to arrive in Elbaf, and after staying for two days, he set out with the giants for Dressrosa, counting the day of departure and the day of arrival, a total of 16 days.

So, after the Chambord Islands, a total of 25 days.

But for the Spades Pirate Group with a universal cultivation warehouse, it was completely equivalent to a year had passed.

And day and night, half the effort, Ace’s strength is not an overnight thing, but a hard time pile!

After reaching the strength of the general, it is very difficult to improve.

But with the help of the universal cultivation warehouse, Ace has gone further, and his physical skills have made breakthroughs, not to mention, the overlord color domineering is becoming more and more powerful.

In addition to the evolved Burst Chiyan and Flame is not a grade at all, on the whole, Lorne feels that Ace has little problem defeating the pheasant.

With Ace’s current strength, at least at the monster level, he can wrestle with talented powerhouses like Whitebeard and Kaido.

And this is also the reason why Lorne is extremely determined that Luffy can drive fifth gear.

Luffy’s practice in the fourth gear has been more than a year, and the evolution of the fifth gear only needs an opportunity!

“Don’t be too busy surprised, there is still one last battle, Lao Tzu opens the last set. ”

Lorne withdrew his gaze, looked at Grimmberg, Whitebeard, and Kaido, and said calmly:

“In the last game, bet on the win or loss of Steel Bone and Luffy!”

“You guys come first… But say in advance, whoever is pressing the hand, then don’t play. ”

In the last sentence, the three people present heard Lorne’s faint threat, and they couldn’t help but feel cold.

Tezzolo was numb on the side.

This is definitely the most exciting bet he has ever hosted!

Even the four emperors in this gamble, it is said that if there is no life, there is no life, how many lives can ordinary people afford to play?

Now that Tezzolo has seen the strength of the Pirates of Spades, he does not regret his previous decision, and he already has the desire to join in his heart.

Lorne, if the steel bone wins, you will let us go!” said the Grimmgu Saint through gritted teeth.

He didn’t believe that Steel Bone would lose!

I don’t believe that the world government will lose!

Especially now that the steel bone has been completely powerful, beating Luffy very miserable, but Luffy has never fallen, and he can fight after standing up shakily, as if he can’t beat Xiaoqiang.

But even so, Grimm’s Ancient Saint firmly believed that the steel bone would win.

“Well, if Steel wins, both the world government and the navy can leave. But if the steel bone loses, none of you want to leave. Lorne said coldly.

The indifferent tone made Glingu Saint stand upside down, and a heart “flickered” up.

“What about you guys?” Lorne glanced at Whitebeard and Kaido.

“The steel bone will win. Whitebeard took a deep breath and said seriously.

He really couldn’t figure out why the steel bone lost.

The current situation, how to see how the steel bone has an absolute advantage, and Luffy may not fall in the next moment.

He couldn’t have chosen Luffy.

“Lao Tzu also chooses steel bones. Kaido said immediately.

Although the steel bone was the idea in his heart, seeing that both Grimm Gusheng and Whitebeard chose the steel bone, Kaido felt a lot less pressure.

And if you have seen it all before, you can’t see it wrong this time, right?

The battle between Steel Bones and Luffy, the situation is already so obvious, is there still a need to gamble?

Kaido expressed his incomprehension in his heart.

Lorne smiled slightly and decided, “Well, you are all optimistic about the steel bone.” ”

“But what about the bets of the two of you, the world government has taken everyone’s lives. ”

Looking at Lorne’s lightly scanned eyes, Whitebeard and Kaido were startled, opening their mouths but both hesitant.

It’s not like gambling with the lives of an entire group of pirates.

Even if it looks promising to win.

“If you win, you can leave. ”

“If you lose, you must join the Pirates of Spades and become a subsidiary Pirate Group under Lao Tzu!”

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