“If you lose, you must join the Pirate Group of Spades and become a subsidiary Pirate Group under Lao Tzu!”

Lorne’s cold voice sounded, not mixed with any emotions.

He helps Whitebeard and Kaido make decisions that surprise everyone, and reveals his ambitions to annex the two Four Emperors.

If Kaido and Whitebeard submit, after the strength is summed, how far will Lorne’s strength evolve?

Can it break the boundaries of the present?

This is Lorne’s ambition.

“You want Lao Tzu to submit to you?” Whitebeard’s gaze suddenly sank, and his breath changed suddenly.

He has his own pride, how can he easily surrender?

Kaido’s expression also became unnatural, they have all become the strongest four emperors in the pirate world, and now they submit to others, but they are too inferior~.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m just giving you a suggestion, if you don’t agree, you can gamble with their lives, what if you win?” said Lorne with a nonchalant smile.

Whitebeard and Kaido looked at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other’s eyes.

Lorne had made it very clear that if he did not agree with his proposal, he would gamble with the lives of the entire ship.

A person’s life is no longer qualified to make a bet.

Especially Lorne’s sentence, “What if you win” made Whitebeard and Kaido even more bottomless.

The nature of this gamble is very obvious, there is no gambling, it all depends on strength.

Especially now, it seems more like a means of Lorne’s play, playing all the forces involved in this battle, even the commander of the Knights of God, the Grimmancient Saint is speechless.

At that time, even if they win, I am afraid that Lorne will not let go of the Glingu Saint, so there is no need for them to take risks, even if they surrender temporarily, there is still room for discussion later.

Whitebeard would rather sacrifice himself than involve the other members of the Whitebeard Pirates, but Lorne sees this and pinches Whitebeard’s mind.

As for Kaido, he also had to agree.

“Well, that’s the bet. ”

Lao Tzu also agreed. ”

With Whitebeard and Kaido nodding, Tezzolo knocked on the golden table, making a crisp sound, and the game was officially established.

Winning or losing is a matter of the lives of a group of people.

Grimm’s body was trembling, furious, and furious.

He originally thought that if Whitebeard and Kaido chose the steel bone, even if there was an accident, they would be able to fight to the death together.

But Lorne converted their bets, leaving Whitebeard and Kaido with leeway!

In this way, the real opposite is only himself.

Glingu Saint secretly scolded Lorne for being despicable and shameless, but he was even more shocked by Lorne’s ambition, and actually wanted to subdue the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group for his own use!

Two Pirates of the Four Emperors.

One Four Emperors Regiment can cause big trouble to the Navy, and if two Four Emperors Pirate Groups join forces, the disaster caused is already uncontrollable.

But now, Lorne, who is stronger than the Four Emperors, wants to subdue two Four Emperors Pirate Group.

When the Spades Pirates, the Giant Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Hundred Beasts Pirates join forces, I am afraid that they will be able to compete with the world government and threaten the rule of the Draco!

Thinking of this, Gringu Saint suddenly became worried, and couldn’t help but shout: “Steel bone, do your best to kill that kid!

“The old man knows!” the steel bone responded loudly.

Karp’s face was gloomy, and his fists were clenched in the state of his soul body.

Grimm and Steel Bones are going to kill Luffy!

But Lorne was actually indifferent, watching Luffy being beaten by steel bones, and even using Luffy as a gamble, what a cold-blooded guy.

Luffy, come back to the old man, Marshal Steelbone, he is the grandson of the old man, he is just being used, not the culprit!”

Karp wants to stop the fight between Steel Bone and Luffy, but Steel Bone completely ignores Karp, and he has complaints and anger towards Karp in his heart.

Previously, because of Karp’s remarks, they all misjudged and mistook Lorne for Rocks, which led to this tragedy.

And everyone is desperate, only Karp enjoys top treatment, and the soul is attacked out of the body, completely losing combat power.

Steelbone even wondered if Karp was acting with Lorne.

Is all this a conspiracy between Karp and Lorne?

I have to say that to be able to become a leader, you need to be jealous, otherwise it is definitely not a good leader, and the steel bone perfectly interprets this, and at such moments, even began to doubt Karp.

Facing Karp’s grandson, especially Luffy, who is still an enemy, Steel Bone is even more ruthless.

Luffy felt more and more courageous, he couldn’t be defeated, he couldn’t be defeated at all.

Seeing that the persuasion had no effect, Karp immediately returned and went straight to Ace, “Ace, go stop Luffy! He’s your brother! Do you want to watch Luffy get beaten to death by steel bones!

Ace’s eyes flashed, and he subconsciously looked at Lorne.

Lorne shook his head calmly, “Ace, Luffy does not have the oppression of the limit of life and death, and will never be able to complete the transformation, this is the best opportunity!”

Ace nodded emphatically.

He chose to trust Lorne.

If Luffy succeeds, he will be able to awaken.

Even if they fail, they are all there, and it is impossible for Luffy to really have an accident.

Seeing that Ace was indifferent, Karp sighed in disappointment, and suddenly felt helpless.

Today’s experience can be described as the most humiliating for Karp.

At the same time, Sengoku slowly woke up, although injured, but not killed, after he got up, he saw the green pheasant not far away, struggled to get up to help the green pheasant up, and the two walked to the gambling.

The Warring States at this time have already looked down on life and death, love it, Lao Tzu is tired.

“Whitebeard, Kaido, I really didn’t expect you to be mixed in. ”

After approaching, Sengoku sighed.

“Lao Tzu didn’t expect you to lose to Shiji. Whitebeard said quietly.

When the golden lion heard this, he immediately shouted: “Whitebeard, what do you say?

“Now you are not Lao Tzu’s opponent. Whitebeard said matter-of-factly.

The golden lion just finished fighting with the Warring States, and the consumption was very huge.

Shiji was furious, glaring at Whitebeard angrily, “Damn, Lao Tzu can’t fight, but there are brothers! Lao Sha, Lao Mo, Sanji, Robin, Usopp, Nami, Joba, Franky, Brooke… You can’t do it now, come and beat me up!”

The golden lion shouted, and his arrogant posture was exposed.

“Whitebeard. ”

Klockdar turned into quicksand and appeared in front of Whitebeard, he really wanted to do it.

“Stop it, Golden Lion, don’t do anything, Lao Tzu has something big to do now.” Lorne filled his forehead with black lines, warning the golden lion.

The golden lion converged his arrogance, and Klockdar temporarily suppressed the fighting intent.

All eyes are on the battle between Steel Bone and Luffy, even Grimm Ancient Saint, Karp, Sengoku, Whitebeard, and Kaido are very puzzled, why does Lorne have to let Luffy and Steel Bone fight?

Is it just for the sake of winning or losing a gamble?

It doesn’t seem to be that important, right?

And at this moment, several figures jumped down from above, it was Franky and Choba, and when the golden lion called their names just now, they went to the king’s heights above, and they were not there.

“Lorne, I’ve found Treasure Tree Adam. But…… If you want to build a peerless warship, there are still a lot of materials, the hull keel of the main ship, these treasure tree Adam has not been able to meet the standard, unless you are ready to reduce the size of the hull, but in this way, all the patterns and parts must be changed. French said disappointedly.

Unexpectedly, even if he found Baoshu Adam, he still did not meet the requirements.

The peerless battleship, Lorne and French already had drawings, even down to the details of every part and the required function, but now the keel of the hull could not find the right material.

Lorne had a bit of a headache, “First guard it, wait until it’s over and take it away, and then I’m thinking of a way.” ”

“That’s all, alas. French sighed, also very helpless.

Doflamingo and Don Quixote family cadres were all cleaned up, and Luo also succeeded in killing people and revenge.

Everyone in spades gathered around, and their expressions were extremely serious.

Sengoku and the green pheasant directly sat on the ground regardless of the image, resting.

Whitebeard suddenly looked at Ace and asked with interest, “Flame Ghost, are you called Ace, right?

Ace looked up, just in time to see Whitebeard’s eyes that seemed to know everything, his heart trembled slightly, and nodded: “Yes.” ”

“What a coincidence, Lao Tzu has a friend who has a weapon named Ace, and when he first drank, he said that he would name his child Ace in the future. Whitebeard’s eyes flashed with remembrance, and he sighed.

Karp turned his head in amazement and looked at Whitebeard.

It was hard for him to believe that Whitebeard actually guessed Ace’s identity?

Roger said this to Whitebeard?

Kaido frowned, and suddenly said: “Shouldn’t the person you said be…”


It’s just that the two words Kaido didn’t say it, but he also remembered Roger’s weapon, which seemed to be called Ace, but no matter how you look at the little ghost in front of him, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Roger.

Ace took a deep breath and said squarely, “Roger.” You’re talking about One Piece, Roger, right?” (Read Storm Novels, go on Feilu Fiction!)

After experiencing so much, he has grown up completely, and he no longer feels that Roger has anything that he can’t talk about, and at this time to say it, he is still a little calm and relieved:

“I also have a name, Gol D. Ace. ”

“I’m Roger’s child. ”

Ace said very calmly, and the knot in his heart was also untied.

Lorne breathed a sigh of relief, Ace was able to face this calmly, he was happy for Ace, otherwise there would always be Roger influencing Ace, how could he be free?

Karp collapsed, pounced on Ace but pierced through, “Ace!

He couldn’t do anything to stop it.

“Goo la la la ~ funny little ghost, you will be more powerful than Roger in the future!”

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes, but he didn’t expect that the guess was actually true, and Ace admitted it just so.

When he originally got the news from Ace, he wanted to take care of this child, but he didn’t expect that the other party actually became teammates with Lorne and grew up unexpectedly strong.

Is he really Roger’s child??” Kaido’s eyes widened in disbelief.

He had just made a slight connection, but he was cut off by himself, because in his opinion, this was simply impossible.

0 for flowers 0

The result turned out to be true!

“Roger’s child!” the golden lion Shiki looked at Ace dumbfounded, his heart trembling with excitement.

“Captain, is what he said true?”

The golden lion asked Lohn incredulously.

Lorne nodded, “Really, Ace is Roger’s child. ”

Receiving the affirmative answer from the most trusted captain, the golden lion suddenly laughed, “Hahaha, I didn’t expect Roger’s child to be alive, eldest nephew, your uncle will cover you in the future!”

Golden Lion and Roger, that is really in love and kill, Golden Lion almost martyred Roger for Navy headquarters.

Big nephew…

This title made the corners of Ace’s mouth twitch fiercely.

“Captain Roger’s son… Ace. Bucky looked suddenly realized, tears flashing in his eyes, and emotions became agitated.

Roger is like his father, who used to take care of him and Shanks growing up, but he didn’t expect to see Roger’s son, especially his partner, and Bucky was really emotional.

“He’s Roger’s son!” Sengoku abruptly stood up from the ground in shock.

The green pheasant looked stunned, and his brain was already a little numb in thinking.

Not far away, Han Cook, Jinping, and Hawkeye seemed to have heard a fantasy, one by one, shocked, no one could believe that Roger’s children could still survive in the world.

Grimm’s ancient saint’s eyes were gloomy, staring at Ace deadly, and his fists were already clenched.

No one could have imagined that such a big operation of the Navy that year still failed to arrest Roger’s bloodline and let Ace survive.

Roger’s bloodline, why did he become your grandson! Don’t tell your husband, you saved him!” Sengoku pointed at Karp and scolded angrily.

Sengoku was really angry, but he didn’t expect Karp to actually save Roger’s bloodline!

“It was Roger who entrusted Ace mother and son to his husband! Karp lowered his head, very helpless but full of sadness.

“Kapu!” roared Sengoku with a scowl on his face and hatred that iron is not steel.

The people who know the truth just know the truth, and nothing can be changed.

“Damn it! Karp, you’re betraying the world government, betraying the navy, betraying justice in your heart! You’re a traitor!”

After hearing the news, Steel Bone instantly broke out, and his anger at Karp could no longer be suppressed, and he reprimanded fiercely.

Even directly judged Karp as a traitor.

And at this moment, the steel bone suddenly noticed the body of Karp not far away, which was protected by Robin’s arm.

Now Karp doesn’t have the slightest ability to fight back.

The steel bone rushed out in anger, swinging a powerful punch, and even wrapped the overlord-colored domineering, and there were flashing arcs of electricity around his arms and fists, and the fierce punch hit Karp’s body.

“Oops, Lorne, my arm can’t stop it. Robin clenched his teeth and asked Lorne for help.

“Marshal Steel!” Warring States was dumbfounded, there was no need to be so excited!

“Stop!” Ace’s eyes instantly turned red, and his arm exploded with golden flames, throwing out without hesitation.

“Ice shield!” the green pheasant gritted his teeth, condensed the cold qi again, and spread out to protect Karp’s body.

Whitebeard and Kaido looked stunned.

No one expected that the steel bone actually made a move on Karp, and it was still a killing move?

He’s crazy!

Karp looked at the scene of the steel bone shooting, and his heart seemed to be broken, and suddenly he seemed to have aged for several years.

“Yo roar~ not good!” Brooke was so anxious to float back and forth, but now even if the soul power is lifted, Kapu’s soul cannot return to the body in an instant.

What can be done about this?

Ace’s fire, the pheasant’s ice, the two who were originally still facing each other, but at this time united, one to protect Karp, and the other to attack the steel bone.

But their shot speed is still slow.

Robin urgently summoned his arm to strengthen the protection of Karp’s body, but this level may not be able to stop the punch of Steel Bone with anger.

It is already helpless.

The Warring States fell directly to the ground in despair, embarrassed.

He can blame Karp, but he never wants Karp to die!

Lorne’s fingers moved slightly, and Karp’s body was directly replaced, but no one noticed it, because the original position was wrapped in layers by Robin’s arm.

Just as the steel bone iron fist fell.

It’s time for a minute.

Between electric flint.

Luffy suddenly appeared in front of the steel bone, and abruptly intercepted the steel bone’s fist with his face.

“I, I won’t,”

Luffy gritted his teeth and word by word popped out from between his teeth.

“You, hurt, hurt, my grandfather!”


Luffy actually resisted this punch with his face and flew out.

Steel Bone was actually forced back a long distance, and he raised his head in amazement, looking at the fallen Luffy, ready to attack again.

But suddenly felt something, a pause.

Luffy, who was lying on the ground, had already passed out, but his heart was beating violently.

Knock, knock…

Like a heavy war drum.

Luffy’s body exuded wisps of white flocculent breath.

The melodious and ancient aura slowly awakened from Luffy’s body.

“I’m … What’s wrong with six?”.

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