Navigation: The New King Of The Whitebeard Group, Copying The Phoenix At The Beginning

Chapter 39 Kaidovs Zephyr, Ochoku Sneak Attack On Beehive Island


Seeing this situation, Zephyr's expression also changed at this moment.

He also didn't expect that Kaido would be so ungrateful in martial arts. He would open up the enemy as soon as he started, and he was completely determined to win a quick victory.

But until now, he couldn't stop or change anything.

Not caring about anything else, Zephyr quickly mobilized his Armament Haki to cover his arm.

"Black Arm·Impact!"

With a loud roar, Zephyr's jet-black arm moved towards Kaido without hesitation.

The next second, Zephyr's Black Arm and mace met.

Bang bang bang——

Bang bang bang——

In an instant, the roar resounded continuously.

The battle between Zephyr and Kaido broke out immediately, and even intensified, but it had already reached a fever pitch in just a dozen breaths.

"Come on, Boss Kaido!"

"Come on, Boss Kaido!"

"Come on Zephyr Instructor!"

"Come on Teacher Zephyr!"


For a moment, all the Beasts Pirates and Marine present shouted loudly to cheer for Zephyr and Kaido.

If the previous battle between Ron and Iris was just an appetizer, then the battle between Zephyr and Kaido at this moment is of great importance, and it is the key to whether the entire G5 base can survive.

Under such circumstances, everyone from Marine to Beasts Pirates hopes that the people they support can win the final victory.

On the contrary, the Whitebeard Pirates are the stars but the bystanders at this moment.

Looking at the fighting figure, all the captains and Ron watched with great interest.


Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Following the sound, a member of the Whitebeard Pirates was seen hurriedly approaching.

After arriving at the place where Whitebeard was, he immediately said: "Something happened."

"I just received information that Ochoku has invaded Beehive Island while we are away, and has completely occupied it at this moment."

"Our people just sent news that Ochoku said that the territory belongs to him and is not under the jurisdiction of my Whitebeard Pirates."



Beehive Island was taken away?

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, Marco and others' expressions turned ugly.

Including Whitebeard, who looked gloomy and said, "Ochoku, is it really because I am too old to touch him?"

"You dare to rob my Whitebeard pirate group's island. You are really looking for death."

Among the crowd, Ron frowned slightly.

Beehive Island!

This is no simple island.

The gathering place of the Rocks Pirate in the past can be said to be the headquarters of the Rocks Pirate in the past.

After Rocks' defeat, this island was occupied by Whitebeard. Although it was not used as a base camp, it was still one of the most important islands within the Whitebeard Pirates.

According to the original records, Windmill Island was really taken away by Ochoku, and was later killed by Blackbeard and captured Beehive Island, which became the headquarters of the Blackbeard Pirates.

He originally thought that Ochoku took Whitebeard away after his death, but now it seems that this is not the case. The latter had already taken action before the Summit War.

But according to the original description, Whitebeard might not have taken it back, otherwise the events in the future wouldn't have happened.

So what happened that forced Whitebeard to abandon Beehive Island?

"No, no!"

Suddenly, Ron shook his head.

Without his own participation, the Butterfly Effect would probably not have happened to the Whitebeard Pirates.

This means that the Whitebeard Pirates will probably not be involved in this incident.

In this case, Beasts Pirates may not be able to build the G5 base, and Marine will continue to expand according to the original plan and build the G6 base.

When the time comes, Marine will definitely send Marine Admiral and even more powerful men to sit in it.

When the Whitebeard Pirates faced this matter, they had no time and mind to pay attention to the matter of Beehive Island, and they had no way to regain the land captured by Ochoku.

But it's different now.

The Whitebeard Pirates were involved in this matter, which also led to the high possibility of the Beasts Pirates destroying the G5 base.

If there is no threat from Marine, then the Whitebeard Pirates will inevitably invade Beehive Island in large numbers. The battle with Ochoku will probably be irreversible, or even...

"Dad, let's go back."

"Dad, let's go back and kill that Ochoku guy."

‘Dad, Beehive Island is the territory of my Whitebeard Pirates, we can’t let that guy Ochoku take it away like this. ’


At this time, Marco and others spoke one after another.

Not surprisingly, they all want to send troops to take it back.

"Not urgent!"

However, Whitebeard also calmed down at this moment.

Seemingly thinking of something, he took a deep breath and said, "We will talk about Ochoku later, and it is inevitable to deal with him."

"But under the current circumstances, what we need to do is not that simple."

"This place must be destroyed as soon as possible to completely destroy Marine's plan and possibility of establishing a G6 base."

"Only in this way can we go to war with Ochoku, or even completely annihilate it."

Hearing this, Marco and others nodded immediately.

As Whitebeard said, this matter really cannot be too eager and impatient.

After pondering for a while, Marco said: "Dad, shall we start taking action now?"

"Since we are going to destroy this place, we must speed up, otherwise if Marine's rescue arrives by then..."

“You don’t have to do it yourself.”

Smiling indifferently, Whitebeard was sure of victory at this moment and said, "Just leave the matters here to Kaido."

"We're not going to destroy this place ourselves."

"But the Marine reinforcements can help the Beasts Pirates stop it."

"If no reinforcements arrive here, Zephyr and others will not be able to match Kaido."

Having said this, Whitebeard glanced at the figure who was still fighting, and then said: "Marco, go talk to Jhin."

"We, the Whitebeard Pirates, help the Beasts Pirates block Marine's reinforcements, but we are not obliged to do so."


Hearing this, Marco nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around without hesitation and walked towards the area where the three disasters of Beasts Pirates were located.

"Good guy!"

‘Whitebeard kills three birds with one stone. ’

Seeing this scene, Ron couldn't help but feel horrified.

If you help Beasts Pirates, you will definitely get a lot of benefits when the time comes.

Without Marine's harassment, it is certain that Kaido will destroy the Marine Base. G5 will be destroyed, so naturally it will be impossible to build G6!

Completely cutting off the possibility of G6 construction, the Whitebeard Pirates can also take action to deal with Ochoku. When the time comes...

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