Navigation: The New King Of The Whitebeard Group, Copying The Phoenix At The Beginning

Chapter 40 Reaching An Agreement, The White Group Leaves Early


By this time, Marco had returned.

At this moment, he was smiling, and it was obvious that he had gotten what he wanted.

"Marco, how are you?"

'Marco, how's it going? ’

"What a price Beasts Pirates pay."

Seeing this situation, Qiaozi and others suddenly asked out of curiosity.

Even Ron showed a curious expression.

If nothing else, given the current situation, there is no doubt that Beasts Pirates is determined to destroy G5.

Under such circumstances, although Kaido is still fighting, Jhin, as the emperor's deputy, will definitely choose to pay a certain price to solve the trouble.

"Three thousand pounds of seastone."

Without hiding it, Marco stretched out three fingers and said, "Jhin promised to give us three thousand kilograms of seastone as reward."

"Three months after this incident, they will prepare everything they promised for us to bring back."

"Including the artificial Devil Fruit."

Having said this, Marco hesitated for a moment before continuing: "But I doubt they will give us artificial Devil Fruit. They will probably choose to replace the rest when the time comes."

As soon as these words came out, Sa Qi and others frowned.

There are quite a few artificial Devil Fruits here, at least fifty or sixty.

Although there are side effects, there is no doubt that the value of artificial Devil Fruit is still very good.

If there is a direct loss like this, then to be honest...

"Dad, I think this is a good thing."

Suddenly, Ron stepped forward and spoke.


As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at Ron in astonishment.

Including Whitebeard is no exception.

After all, although this artificial Devil Fruit has its drawbacks, the value is still very good.

Simply discarding fifty or sixty artificial Devil Fruits is not good news, not even good news.


Subconsciously, Whitebeard asked.

Not only him, but Marco and others on the side also looked at Ron curiously.


With a calm smile, Ron said: "Because the artificial Devil Fruit itself is defective and has other side effects, it does not mean that eating it will give you 100% the power to transform into a beast."

"Otherwise, how could Beasts Pirates only have more than a hundred beasts? He could trade so many at one time. If it was really 100% successful, then Beasts Pirates would already have thousands of artificial Demon fruit powers. ”

"So, even if there are fifty or sixty artificial Devil Fruits, the probability of ultimate success is only about one-third."

"But what if we give Beasts Pirates the full Devil Fruit then?"

"You don't need that much, just a dozen or twenty Paramecia. That's stronger than this artificial Devil Fruit."

'After all, the Beasts Pirates are all Zoan's espers, and except for Logia, I don't think they would care about Paramecia's Devil Fruit. ’

Hearing this, Whitebeard and others suddenly realized.

If it's true as Ron said, then this is indeed a good thing.

Thinking of this, Marco said: "If that's the case, that's indeed a good thing."

"But the specifics will be known when the time comes."

"If we can get a dozen Paramecia fruits, it will indeed be of greater value to us."

As soon as these words came out, Sa Qi and others also nodded.

After all, it is a defective artificial Devil Fruit, and it really cannot be compared to the real Devil Fruit.


At this time, Whitebeard made up his mind and said, "Since we have reached an agreement, let's not waste any more time."

"Let's go, it's almost time for us to leave here."

"Handle the things here as soon as possible, we still have more important time to solve."


'yes! ’

Hearing this, Marco and others were in awe.

They know what Whitebeard is referring to. Compared to the time here, Ochoku's capture of Beehive Island is the most important thing.

Immediately, the group of people did not hesitate and quickly followed Whitebeard and started to turn around and leave.

"It's a pity that I can't finish it!"

Ron also followed, but his eyes were also looking at Kaido and Zephyr who were fighting on the field.

As the peak showdown between Four Emperors and their predecessor Admiral, it has always been at a fever pitch.

In their battle, both physical skills, Haki, and abilities were used to the fullest extent.

Although I cannot participate in this matter, such a battle is also a good opportunity to observe.

Unfortunately, Ochoku's attack on Beehive Island happened too quickly, which also resulted in him being unable to watch the battle at all.

"Hey, why are those guys from the Whitebeard Pirates gone?"

"What happened to those guys from the Whitebeard Pirates?"

gone? Whitebeard just left like this?


With the departure of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Marines and Beasts Pirates couldn't help but be in an uproar.

Everyone was a little stunned and didn't understand why Whitebeard would lead his men to leave at this time.

The only ones who know the information are the three plagues.

After all, they had an agreement with Marco.

But the current three disasters have no meaning to tell, and it is impossible to tell Marine that Whitebeard left to stop the troops supported by Marine.


Just when Ron and his party arrived at the ship and were about to leave, suddenly there was a shout.

Looking through the sound, it can be seen that in the area not far from the dock, students from Binz, Ain and other Marine elite training camps are actually here.

Where they stood now, each one glared at the area where Ron was.

After seeing Ron turn around, Binz and other elite training camp students all shouted: "We will definitely make you repay a hundredfold for today's shame!"

"You won this time, but next time, we will definitely defeat you."

"There is nothing wrong with Teacher Zephyr's teachings. It's just that we were too lax and lazy to live up to the teacher's teachings. Next time, we will definitely treat you with integrity!"


Hearing this, Ron smiled.

His eyes swept over Binz and the others. Not surprisingly, only a few of these guys could survive.

Trying to defeat yourself now is simply a fool's errand.

However, he did not tell it directly. Instead, he slowly raised his hand and said to the area where Ai Yin and others were: "Those who are defeated by me cannot be my opponents. Try to catch up. I will wait for you at the top." challenge.”

After saying that, Ron stopped talking nonsense, turned around, flicked his sleeves and followed Whitebeard and others in the direction of Moby-Dick.


"Arrogant guy!"

"I will definitely defeat you."


Looking at Ron's leaving figure, the students in Ai Yin and other elite training camps in the coastal area were all pale-faced, clenching their fists and gritting their teeth. The only thought in their hearts was to get stronger and regain their place!

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