Navigation: The New King Of The Whitebeard Group, Copying The Phoenix At The Beginning

Chapter 41 A Preliminary Discussion Of World Government And The Significance Of Talking About Roger


"Ron, it looks like you've done a lot of damage to those Marine recruits."

"That's right, Ron suppressed those guys severely this time."

"Speaking of which, this Marine recruiting class is really inferior to the last."

"Yeah, I think back when I first followed my dad, Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru were all just Marine Rear Admirals, and they were also Marine Supernovas."


On the Moby Dick, Marco and others looked at Ron jokingly and said.

They were extremely happy about the previous scene.

After all, Ron has now been truly promoted by Whitebeard. It can even be said that he is regarded as the face of the new generation of Whitebeard.

Even Ace who joined as a supernova is not as good as Ron in this aspect. After all, Ace has not yet become the captain of the second team. In the eyes of outsiders, he just joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

"In the final analysis, it's because the so-called justice of World Government and Marine is too false."

Smiling indifferently, Ron said in a less serious tone at this moment.

Hearing this, Marco and others looked at each other.

Is justice too false?

This is really the first time they have heard of it.

After looking at each other, Saatchi and others suddenly became interested and said, "Ron, please tell me carefully!"

"Ron, tell me!"

"Ron, this is the first time we have heard your point of view, analyze it!"

Ron smiled calmly.

He didn't refuse anything, but said seriously: "Why is Marine's justice known to everyone?"

"To be honest, if Marine is an independent institution, then its justice is indeed correct. Even if there are many bugs inside Marine, their main tone is still there, and it is extremely important to people all over the world. Not bad.”

"Unfortunately, Marine is just one of the agencies of the World Government."

"This also leads to the fact that Marine's so-called main tone actually serves the will of the world government."

"And everyone knows the deeds of the World Government. Except for the World Alliance countries, the people of other countries are completely indifferent in their eyes. They are even ants who can control life and death at will."

At this point, Ron paused.

After looking at the squad leaders around him, he continued: "The most important thing is that the main theme of World Government is to serve the Celestial Dragons, and the Celestial Dragons, to put it bluntly, are a group of vampires."

"The entire Celestial Dragons group occupies almost 99% of the world's resources, wealth and power."

"According to the information I have received, even if a Celestial Dragons travels, the world government needs to send the most elite CP agency members to follow it. If a Celestial Dragons with some power appears, there will even be a Marine Admiral to follow and protect it personally."

"And under such circumstances, Celestial Dragons are unscrupulous. Any slightest bit of unhappiness will kill people, or even annihilate an island or a country."

"Even if they know it is a wrong order, both the World Government and Marine strictly implement it. Therefore, their so-called justice is mainly justice based on the Celestial Dragons, not justice based on the people of the world. "

"Because of this, in my opinion, their justice is false, and can even be said to be a dog-legged existence."

As soon as these words came out, Marco and others fell silent.

There was no immediate catering, no immediate recognition and refutation, but rather she fell into thinking.

"indeed so."

After a long time, Marco slowly spoke: "World government, Marine, Army, CP agencies, the so-called justice of these guys are all based on the will of Celestial Dragons, and never take into account the thoughts and ideas of the people."

"Because of this, countless people around the world have gone to sea and become pirates."

"Especially the revolutionary army. It was only born more than ten years ago, but now it has developed to all parts of the world."

"Resistance only exists where there is oppression. If we are not at the end of our rope, who will risk death to join the revolutionary army, or even be brave enough to die?"

As soon as these words came out, Sachi and others on the side also agreed: "Yes, my hometown is an ordinary kingdom. It was because someone blocked the way of the Celestial Dragons that the entire country was destroyed."

"My situation is similar. My hometown was also massacred because it couldn't pay the heavenly gold."

"Who says it's not the case? My hometown is very remote, and my life used to be very peaceful. But one day I encountered a ship from the Celestial Dragons, and eventually the island became a paradise for the Celestial Dragons to kill. I was hiding in He survived after entering the sea in a wine barrel.”


Then a famous captain spoke.

Not surprisingly, everyone had similar situations and encounters. It was almost because of the Celestial Dragons, Marines, and World Government that they encountered mishaps and eventually went to sea to become pirates. Fortunately, they got Whitebeard's approval and joined the Whitebeard Sea. Thieves, otherwise...

"Ron, does this have anything to do with not being a good Marine recruiter?"

At this time, Ace suddenly spoke.

He had a similar experience.

But in his opinion, all this was also because of Roger.


After taking a deep look at Ace, Ron's heart moved, and then he continued: "It is precisely because of the false justice of World Government that countless people have no sense of recognition and belonging to World Government and Marine."

"But if it was before, naturally there was no choice. Either accept fate or die."

"But as the former Pirate King started the era of great pirates, all this has changed."

"Perhaps countless people believe that the beginning of the great pirate era has caused turmoil in the sea and even put the world in danger."

"But in my personal opinion, if Roger hadn't started the Age of Great Pirates, the people of the world would have continued to be ruled by the false justice of the World Government. They would either have to submit and join them, or they would have to wait for exploitation until death."

"But with the advent of the great era of pirates, people have a second choice, which is to go to sea and become pirates. No matter how many pirates burn, kill, loot and commit evil, there is no doubt that after the great era of pirates comes, World government and Marine can no longer control people's lives and deaths with impunity."

"The most important thing is that when the people at the bottom are truly forced and have no way out, they still have another way, a way to survive."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

Everyone looked at Ron in astonishment, including Whitebeard who was sitting next to him.

None of them expected that Ron would view the problem in this way, and even say such words and judgments that were contrary to the whole world!

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