Early morning on December 1st.

Tang Ziwen got up early and lay down on the luxurious and soft sofa, and opened the American brand Dell notebook he just bought.

He kept an eye on ESPN.

Today, ESPN is supposed to rate November’s Rookie and Player of the Month.

Mei Mei, who had just taken a bath, had long coffee-blonde hair draped over her shoulders and wore a white nightdress, limping to the sofa.

Why limp and walk with your legs between your legs.


Tang Ziwen has been a few days in a row, not a good person!!

Until 8 a.m., ESPN’s Rookie of the Month and Player of the Month for November were finally released!

“Monopolize two lists!”

“Don, congratulations!” Taylor Swift gave him a hard kiss in surprise.

“The effort was not in vain~”

“The Knicks rookie was the NBA’s Rookie of the Year from 2009 to November 2010 with 42.1 points, 13.2 rebounds, 14.6 blocks, and 5.4 assists per game!”


The best rookie in the West was Tyrek Evans, averaging 18.6 points, 6.2 rebounds, 5.1 assists and 1.1 steals per game.

In fact, Stephen Curry’s results are better than Evans.

However, Curry and Tang Ziwen are on the same team, averaging 19.7 points, 7.2 assists and 2.1 steals per game, becoming the second rookie of the month.

In addition, the best player in the West is the Nuggets’ Cameron Anthony, the “melon” Mr. “Melon”, who led the Nuggets to a 3-0 start to the season, becoming the Nuggets’ all-time player since Alex English to score at least 30+ points in the first three games of the season.

In the 727 doubles, Don, is also the best player in the East, scoring better than LeBron James. ”

“I play every game as a final.”

“Ding, congratulations to the host for winning Rookie of the Month, Player of the Month.”

“Reward: Eagle’s Eye!”

Eagle Eye, the ability to change the perspective in the brain to see the entire court, by instantly changing the perspective in the brain to find the best pass route assist!

“Hawkeye? Can you figure out the best assist route? ”

The sudden reward of the system gave Tang Ziwen a surprise, he found that he had completely independent of the system, but it was still very beautiful to occasionally obtain any ball skills, after all, ball skills should not be in vain.

He can brush up on the assist stats, and that’s not bad.


The Knicks’ management was also shocked.

Donnie Walsh came to the team in person, praised Tang Ziwen, and told him to continue to win the best rookie and best player in December.

He became the only person in NBA history to win the double list record of Player of the Year and Best Rookie of the Year (CCDF) in the first month of the new season.

Despite this record, it is only the best of the month.


Tang Ziwen did indeed break this record.

In the future, it will be difficult for a rookie to break this record!

The best player in November who was slightly worse than Tang Ziwen was LeBron James.

But Tang Ziwen killed the Lakers, plus averaged 40+ per game, and most of them are 4-doubles, and the little emperor is an occasional triple-double, and it is impossible to award this award to LeBron.

On the afternoon of the 1st, Tang Ziwen Austin helped order a Mercedes-Benz GL-class luxury off-road vehicle that was just launched this year.

This car, 4.7 V8 motive, and super space, originally designed for the American market, is a full-size SUV launched by Mercedes-Benz.

The domineering shape, exaggerated size, huge displacement and interior should also be suitable for enjoyment.

After all, it’s so tiring on the field!

He drove a second-hand Dodge for a few months, and finally withdrew…

At 5:10 p.m., Tang Wen received a notice to attend another press conference.

After all, he alone won the Player of the Month, and the Best of the Month

The double award for one person is arguably unprecedented in the NBA.

Just as Tang Ziwen drove to the press conference, the management of the Knicks and shareholders held a meeting.

Donnie Walsh threatened to hold Tang Ziwen crazy and hold it to a whole new height.

In this way, their Knicks can also be more well-known in China and the Rockets.

After all, NBA All-Ming is also going to vote right away.

This is definitely a good opportunity.

After all, Donnie Walsh checked through the Internet, Tang Ziwen is too popular in China, and the reputation of their Knicks team has gradually recovered, completely getting rid of the title of mess.

Moreover, he also intends to go directly to NBA commissioner David Stern.

After all, Tang Ziwen is too popular and influential in China.

Before the arrival of the all-star, create a wave of momentum for Tang Ziwen, and then add Tang Ziwen’s strength to be selected into the all-star team.



Donnie Walsh thinks so……..

In Madison Square Garden, the Chinese and American press groups looked at Tang Ziwen with a natural face.

Tom, the press officer in charge of the press conference at the Knicks, was even more smiling.

He still remembers last year’s Knicks press conference, which was rated by a bunch of media as “the worst of the year”, “Still continuing to mess up?” “The Knicks are in such a good position at Madison Square Garden, how do you feel about such a bad result, and so on.” ”

The Knicks have been under fire from the media for several years.


This year!

They stood up.

“Don, before interviewing you, a reporter said that Taylor Swift, who won the best female country singer this year, is it true that he is your girlfriend?”

As soon as he came up, the reporter began to gossip.

“Taylor is indeed my girlfriend.” Tang Ziwen admitted without concealment.

He liked Taylor.

“Did you chase her?”

“No, she chased me, please ask other questions.” Tang Ziwen frowned a little displeased, why did he ask everything? Why don’t you ask him how many times a day he plays with Taylor?

“How do you feel about winning Rookie of the Month and Player of the Month?”


Another impression!

Tang Ziwen snapped his fingers and said with a slight smile: “Thank you Comrade Lao De for trusting me!” ”

“Comrade Lao De?”

“Comrade Lao De is my ridicule of Master~!”

The reporters burst into laughter again.

Comrade Lao De, it is indeed interesting!

“Thank you for the trust of Comrade Lao De and the trust of his teammates, as well as the three assistant coaches…”

Tang Ziwen thanked D’Antoni daily.

He had already remembered this feeling in his heart, and he almost opened his mouth.

“Shaq once said that your strength can surpass all the current NBA centers, and the Knicks’ game tomorrow night happens to be the Magic, they have the first center Dwight Howard, do you think you can prevent him?”


This time is really strong.

Tang Ziwen smiled.

“What I’m best at is not team offense, it’s individual defense, and if I could, I would like to be on the same level with him the whole time, and I would grab a rebound on his head!”

10 rebounds.

Tang Ziwen estimated less~!

Since the media reporter wanted a topic, he went along a little crazy and gave this crazy group of reporters some topics.


Just after he said he was going to grab 10 rebounds on Howard’s head, reporters were excited.


They have a topic to make now.

The reporter asked: “How can you quickly adapt to the Knicks, how can you quickly become a core player, I see that the relationship between you and the substitute starters, I heard that it is very hot, and the Knicks’ team atmosphere is also very good.” ”

“Because I can take them to victory, and only by winning can the whole team be happy, and on the other hand, I respect every player and I treat them as seniors, after all, they have played professional basketball longer than me.”

“At the critical moment, they trust me and I think that’s the point.”

For Tang Ziwen’s answer, D’Antoni was satisfied.

A team like the Knicks, which has always been in the commercial league, was brought into the style of a college basketball team by Tang Ziwen’s invisible leadership temperament.

Its happy training, hard competition together.

Everyone has a smile on their face every day.

This is something that D’Antoni has never seen before!


That’s the charm of a leader! _

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