“Wow. Why is this guy a center?” Magic coach Van Gundy helplessly spread his hands.

Originally, Howard must have been selected as the first center for the next All-Star ticket, but he killed a demon king Tang Ziwen, and he can get a triple-double per game, and he has an amazingly difficult to set 4 records.


Howard’s chances of being selected for the All-Star Game as No. 1 center are much smaller.


Tang Ziwen is backed by the big country of the Celestial Empire, and the fans of the big country support their favorite stars, which is simply frustrating and terrifying.

Van Gundy Jue’s Howard’s All-Star ticket must not surpass Tang Ziwen.

On the afternoon of the 2nd, the entire Odo Magic team arrived at the training room in Madison Square Garden for pre-game training and a series of tactics.

“It’s okay, this guy said to grab 10 rebounds on my head, I definitely won’t let him grab it, let his Fla in front of the media become a bubble, and his popularity will drop a little.” Howard blew out a mouthful of big white teeth and said optimistically.

That’s right.

Warcraft is so optimistic.

“Data is important, but performance is the most critical, as long as you can suppress Tang Ziwen in the game, your popularity will immediately skyrocket again-.”

Howard nodded.

He knows that, too.

For Tang Ziwen, he was not very sure.

However, he will definitely not let Tang Ziwen grab the rebound.

So, the Magic began to discuss and try to let Tang Ziwen not grab the rebound, whether it was to assist the defense or the bag, it could not let him grab more than 10 rebounds.

They want to tell Tang Ziwen how stupid it is to put up a flag in front of media reporters.

At the same time.

In the Knicks’ training gym.

“Don, today’s game is important, your position is Dwight Howard, the number one center, he is a strong candidate to play an All-Star ticket with you, and you have to have a bright performance today.” D’Antoni instructed.

As long as Tang Ziwen can suppress Howard.

Eat Howard strongly.

They can create momentum for Tang Ziwen and frantically hold up!

“I understand~!” Tang Wen grinned.

He also understands this, who puts him and Howard in the same position.


Howard in ’09 is really an unstoppable existence.

His degree of “madness” is definitely no less than that of the alphabet brother in the future or the popular fried chicken fat tiger and the like.

At that time, he was in the league, it was a “mudslide”

Where to go, “scare” to go!

Watching his game, I still can’t learn anything, except for a “wow” shout, there is no “nutrition”

He doesn’t have a technical stream, no flashy dream footsteps, no consistent mid-range and long-range shooting ability, and no skillset to pass on these skills.

However, in ’09, he was the league’s No. 1 center in the eyes of most people!

He is too strong, too jumping, too good at defense, and too brutal in attack!

Roll up your sleeves, it’s a smash dunk, and the basket is shaky.

Tang Ziwen remembers that in 09, Warcraft led the magic team to take it, and it was unstoppable in the east!

In the semifinals, they met the last team Celtic!

The Green Army has always been a difficult existence to mess with, everyone knows this!

However, Warcraft is not afraid to fight head-to-head.

He single-handedly blasted the Green Army’s interior line, and the Celtics didn’t stop him.

The two sides fought to grab 7, and the devil laughed to the end.

Before the start of the Eastern Conference finals, everyone was very optimistic about the James-led Cavaliers, and they felt that the 23VS24 drama was about to be staged.

No one takes this “one-star” magic team seriously.

Later, he did the same, averaging 26 points, 135 rebounds and shooting 60% from the field! In the game, many big hat opponents, as strong as James, could not escape the blocking “big gift” of Warcraft

Warcraft led the team 4:2 to defeat the Cavaliers, eliminating James, who averaged 38.5 points, 8.3 rebounds and 8 assists per game!

Now Howard’s popularity and strength, but without other players, you can replace Lebram James alone.

Of course.

Tang Ziwen didn’t have much idea.

The only thing he is excited about is finally meeting an opponent who is at his peak and has strength, and who is also in the center position!


Madison Square Garden Stadium.

At this time, it was already a sea of people, and whistling and shouting continued to come from all directions in the audience.




As soon as Tang Ziwen came on the court, Knicks fans began to shout about MVP, just because his rookie season was too bright.

The Knicks have won all the way to the present, ranking first in the East.

Knicks fans feel their team will win this year’s championship.

The battle for the first center, how can it be without Zhang Reasonable and Yu guidance.

Zhang Weiping asked: “Coach Yu, judging from the lineups of the two sides, which team do you think has a higher winning rate?” ”

··· Ask for flowers…

Yu Jia carefully looked at the lineups of the two sides, “If you don’t look closely, the Magic team’s lineup may be better, they have the top center Warcraft Howard, but on the one hand, the Knicks are definitely not weak.” ”

“That’s right, first there is our demon king Tang Ziwen, then there is organizational point guard Kidd, and Knicks elementary student Stephen Curry, his three-point shooting rate is very amazing, Tang Ziwen can drag to kill the Lakers, and he hit three key three-pointers in a row, which also has a lot to do with it.”

“It’s true, the Knicks are not bad compared to the top teams, they are worse than they don’t have a strong rotation.” Yu Jia said helplessly.

Zhang Cheng smiled and said: “The Knicks will definitely strengthen, they have already won the Warriors’ first-round pick, and they have played well in the playoffs, and the Knicks will definitely strengthen the championship team.” ”

At the same time.


TNT Channel, Kennemis said: “Charles, do you still think the Knicks can win today? ”

He wants to get back to the last time he kissed the donkey PG.

“That’s right!”

“I don’t think so, the overall roster of the Magic, the Knicks will definitely not win streak!” Kenny Smith retorted.

The Knicks are almost on their winning streak, and the Magic are Eastern Conference powerhouses.

Can their luck continue to be so good?

Kenny Smith didn’t believe it.

“WOW, Kenny, I’ll take another gamble, do you dare?”

He wants Kenny Smith to put on consecutive donkey kissing PG scenes.

At this time, on the court.

The warm-up phase has already begun on both sides.

Knicks boss Dolan also sat in the audience, staring at Tang Ziwen on the field with interest, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he felt.

Previously, no one bought their Knicks’ home tickets, and last year’s Knicks’ regular season games, the audience was always vacant.


In this year’s Knicks game, tickets are more expensive than each game.

The point is, fans are willing to buy it.

And it’s still hard to find.

This is a huge contrast to last year.

He knew very well who the person who changed the status quo of the Nix was, that yellow-skinned demon king Tang Ziwen.

Donnie Walsh has discussed with owner Dolan to use the Knicks’ media to create a wave of momentum for Tang Ziwen and make Tang Ziwen a starter in the All-Star, then, bring popularity and money to the Knicks.

Just think about it.

Dolan’s beauty is there!

He had to admire the vision of Donnie Walsh and D’Antonis.

This season!

Knicks, completely rise with! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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