After the first quarter, the Magic were beaten 32:18!

The 14-point difference made Magic coach Van Gundy look confused.

“This guy feels so good?” Van Gundy looked at Tang Ziwen who walked down the break a little helplessly.

What the Magic have to do is to consume Tang Ziwen, constantly let his state gradually decline, focus on the opposing guard Stephen Curry, and use the “Jordan’s Law” to let Tang Ziwen score.

Van Gundy’s idea was that even if Tang Ziwen alone could persist until the end to burst the magic, he would admit it!

Stephen Curry’s three-pointers, if there are a few more, his little heart can’t stand it.

But I never expected that the magic really made Tang Ziwen burst, although it achieved its goal, it did not let the rhythm of the Knicks fight.

But he looked at this score, and his heart was very unpleasant…..

It’s like it is.

“You’re going to burst our magic, come on!”

And then.

Tang Ziwen ruthlessly hammered the magic.

Curry played five minutes in the first quarter and scored not a single point.

“Tang, obviously your threat is the biggest threat to them, but Magic has been focusing on taking care of me.” The elementary school student’s tone was a little helpless.

Tang Ziwen smiled and 727 patted him on the shoulder and said: “Stephen, don’t be depressed, next we will adopt a one-star lineup, it will be completely okay!” ”

One big and four small.

One star.

The Magic are using this tactic, and it’s excellent, but it’s poor compared to the Knicks.

One star four refers to a team with four pitchers paired with superstars, the role of the four pitchers is to pull space, and the superstar is responsible for attacking with the ball.

If there is a pinch, there will be an open space, and the pitcher can easily score, and if it is not wrapped, the superstar can rely on the block to change the defense to play the misplaced single.

Tang Ziwen is naturally that superstar.

The second quarter begins.

Tang Ziwen continued to play.

He stepped inside.

He led four pitchers against the four pitchers of the Magic.

Regardless of the gap between pitchers, he can completely suppress Howard.

The Magic’s lineup was swept 4-2 by the Celtics this year.

By the end of the first half, the gap had widened to 20 points.

The Knicks completely opened up after Tang Ziwen forcefully suppressed Howard (CCDF).

The one-star lineup is set around Howard, the inside gate, but Tang Ziwen can effectively suppress the Warcraft, whether it is rebounding, or a low-post back single, Howard is not his opponent at all, a dream footstep, the Magic team is completely stunned.

The magic team is not weak, they can be eliminated, who dares to say that they are weak.

Only, they met their nemesis, the Knicks.


The whistle when the game is over.

Host DJ Wilson’s voice sounded.

“Let’s congratulate the Knicks for successfully defending the first game of the Eastern Finals, cheer as much as you like!”


Knicks crush magic.




A wave of MVP craze swept across Madison Square Garden.

In the whole game, Tang Ziwen played a total of 42 minutes, cut 65 points, and led the team to score 65 points.

Head coach Van Gundy’s face is blue!

Curry played a total of 32 minutes, shooting 7 of 16 from three-pointers and 2 of 5 from two-pointers, constantly pulling open positions, finding a chance to make a mobile phone, and also scored 25 points.

This is Curry’s basic scoring this season, and he sometimes breaks out occasionally, but the elementary school who entered the playoffs for the first time did not seem to play the regular season effect.

Curry’s performance after joining the Knicks, the guard talent he has shown, and his three-point shooting ability, the Knicks intend to develop Curry into a second-in-command, reducing the control of Kidd’s playing time.

After all, D’Antoni has always been fond of “great defenders”

Howard left the court depressed, but he really couldn’t stand the cheers and the fans’ mocking sighs, scoring only 16 points, 8 rebounds and 2 blocks in the game.

“Once Howard and Don are in position, their own abilities are limited, which is really a mirabulous phenomenon.”

Barkley grinned, he had always been bullish on the Knicks!

Kenny Smith explained: “The Magic’s one-star four-shot tactics, compared to the Knicks’ one-star four-shot, are really far behind, I have to sigh, Carter is really old~!” ”

“Congratulations to the big devil Tang Ziwen for breaking Michael’s record again, ranking first in history with 65 points in a single game in the playoffs!”

Jordan’s playoff games scored 63 points in a single game, the first in history.

Tang Ziwen scored crazy, like a terrifying scoring machine, scoring 65 points.

“Tang, it’s no surprise that you’re going to be on the news again tomorrow~!” Curry said with a look of envy, 65 points, what exactly is this concept…

Tang Ziwen smiled and said, “I think 65 points is not high.” ”

For him, how many points he can score depends entirely on whether he wants to play assists, and if he transforms into “Tang Buchuan”, I am afraid that the score can be higher.

Knicks fans all stood up, and nearly 20,000 people applauded and cheered Tang Ziwen into the players’ tunnel.


Press conference.

“Dwight, is there anything you’d like to say to your old rival Don? A lot of fans think you’ve been blasted by him again. The reporter asked.

Howard pouted angrily and said, “There is nothing I want to say to him, he is better than me, I have already admitted it!” ”

“So do you think the Magic have the confidence to beat the Knicks and advance to the Finals?”

Howard felt his head buzz.

What is this situation?

This question is very tangled.

In this game, the Magic defeated the Knicks.

He really doesn’t have the confidence to beat the Knicks, it’s good that he doesn’t use foul tactics, and if he keeps sending him to the free throw line, he really doesn’t have confidence…….

Tang Ziwen’s bouncing power is too good, as long as the basketball plays iron and smashes the frame and bounces elsewhere, it is better, but it bounces on the top of the two people’s heads, and he and Tang Ziwen grab the rebound, almost losing.

If he dares to answer that he is confident of defeating the Knicks, if he loses the game, he will become a laughing stock in the eyes of the media, and the media and fans can criticize him for not measuring his strength and not looking at his own skills, just want to beat the Knicks?

However, if he refuses to answer this question, will he not show that he is very unconfident and very intimidated? Sorry for the die-hard fans who have always supported him?!

“The Magic are confident of beating the Knicks.”

Reporter: “Dwight, you hesitated!” ”

Howard: “I’m xxxxxx you gorilla, Grandma O’Neill’s!” “_

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